Territorial cohesion' stands for a more balanced spatial development, and aims to improve integration throughout the EU. This book contains scientific articles that deal with the interpretations of this term, the challenges of European spatial development policy, and the problems and concepts involved in achieving territorial cohesion
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This paper discusses the role of medium towns as crucial anchors in achieving the policy goal of Territorial Cohesion. It highlights the need to counterbalance market trends to favour the continuous channelling of investment and people into larger metropolitan areas by way of proactive measures focused on attracting investment into medium towns, and as an alternative to dispersing public and private investment in lagging territories. Iberian and Nordic cases are examined in order to illustrate the possibilities and challenges of using 'Territorial Cohesion Cities' as development hubs in lagging regions, in order to achieve Territorial Cohesion at a national level.
This article addresses the concept of Territorial Cohesion, which has been gaining increasing interest within academia and the EU policy circles. In particular, this article examines its relevance and main dimensions, and also suggests a comprehensive definition based on those dimensions. Additionally, this paper proposes a methodology which can be used to measure Territorial Cohesion in a given territory. Furthermore, the article also highlights the importance of the territorial dimension as a key topic in the EU political agenda and, at the same time, gives a contribution to answer several questions for debate expressed in the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
This article addresses the concept of Territorial Cohesion, which has been gaining increasing interest within academia and the EU policy circles. In particular, this article examines its relevance and main dimensions, and also suggests a comprehensive definition based on those dimensions. Additionally, this paper proposes a methodology which can be used to measure Territorial Cohesion in a given territory. Furthermore, the article also highlights the importance of the territorial dimension as a key topic in the EU political agenda and, at the same time, gives a contribution to answer several questions for debate expressed in the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. ; The paper is published by the European Journal of Spatial Development (EJSD). The previous version of the journal was host by Nordregio. The same version of the paper can also be found in NordPub.
Territorial cohesion, broadly defined as the possibility for the population living in a territory to access services of general economic interest, is a relatively new concept, but which is increasingly gaining importance in the academic and policy-making spheres, especially in the European Union (EU). The objective of territorial cohesion, which builds on the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), is to help achieve a more balanced development by reducing existing disparities, avoiding territorial imbalances and by making sectoral policies, which have a spatial impact and regional policy more coherent. It also aims to improve territorial integration and encourage cooperation between regions. Territorial cohesion complements the notions of economic and social cohesion by translating the fundamental EU goal of a balanced competitiveness and sustainable development into a territorial setting. The concept of territorial cohesion attaches importance to the diversity of the European territory which is seen as a key competitive advantage, the preservation of the European social model, and the ability of the citizens of Europe's nations and regions to be able to continue to live within their historically produced territories and regions. This paper analyses the relationship between polycentric development and cohesion, describes the key EU policy steps on territorial cohesion and presents an index of territorial cohesion.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight on the concept of territorial cohesion in the direction of its enhancing the EU Cohesion Policy. In order to present that territorial cooperation as a new way of overcoming the problems of the EU regions, especially with regard to the current economic crisis, the paper will at first refer to the evolution of economic and social cohesion into a territorial cohesion which if it were to be appropriately implemented could lead to a maximum usage of the so called territorial capital and potential of the urban regions defined as urban systems. Furthermore, the paper will shed a critical reflection on the issue of "Whether [or not] there is a need to reconsider/revise EU Cohesion Policy by actively implementing the concept of territorial cohesion?", Therefore the paper shall try to answer whether territorial cohesion could actually become a 'bridging concept', by explaining the functionality of this concept in practice, due to the very fact that it represents a combination of territorial cooperation policy and EU Cohesion Policy. Finally, the paper will present the process of how to build EU territorial cohesion policy perceived through the EU institutions (also referring to the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the Territorial State and Perspectives 2020), and will further reflect on the capacity of this instrument to turn territorial diversities into strength. It is expected that the conclusions that shall be drawn in this paper will demonstrate that it is the territorial cohesion concept that will represent a driving force for both the successful realization of the agenda Europe 2020 as well the overcoming of the existing disparities among the EU regions.
International audience ; Territorial cohesion is a shared competence of the EU and its members. The discourse on territorial cohesion invokes a "Europe in balance", "Competitive Europe", "Green and Clean Europe" and a "Coherent EU Policy" story line, the latter being its unique selling point. However, as a shared competence, territorial cohesion is subject to the subsidiarity principle privileging nation states and "state territoriality". The underlying view of space is one of closed containers encased within larger ones. To this "territorial" view of space, the academic literature juxtaposes a "relational" one, seeking to reconcile the two. For territorial cohesion, this implies exploring a negotiated form of territoriality: "soft planning" for "soft spaces". What are the modes of operation of "soft planning" and what does this mean for EU territorial cohesion and maybe even for the EU as such? ; La cohésion territoriale est une compétence partagée de l'UE et de ses membres. Le discours sur la cohésion territoriale invoque « une Europe équilibrée », « une Europe compétitive », « une Europe verte et propre », le scénario d'une « politique cohérente de l'UE », ce dernier point représentant son argument de vente unique. Cependant, en tant que compétence partagée, la cohésion territoriale est soumise au principe de subsidiarité favorisant les États-nations et « la territorialité d'état ». La perception sous-jacente de l'espace est celle de conteneurs fermés emballés dans de plus grands. À cette vision « territoriale » de l'espace, la littérature juxtapose une vision « relationnelle », cherchant à réconcilier les deux. Du point vue de la cohésion territoriale cela implique de réfléchir à une forme négociée de territorialité : « planification douce » pour « espaces doux ». Quels sont les modes opérationnels d'une « planification douce » et qu'est-ce que ça signifie pour la cohésion territoriale de l'Union européenne et peut-être même pour l'UE comme tel ?
Introduction: A handbook on territorial impact assessment (TIA) -- Part 1: EU and national public policies for territorial cohesion -- EU policies and strategies and territorial cohesion -- National policies and territorial cohesion -- Part 2: Socioeconomic development policies for territorial cohesion -- Equal opportunities, fair work and social protection for increasing territorial cohesion: Impacts of COVID-19 for young people in Portuguese low-density territories -- Nonprofit organizations and territorial cohesion: The case of cross-border collaboration -- Part 3: Environmental sustainability policies territorial cohesion -- Environmental sustainability for territorial cohesion via the EU territorial agenda -- Sustainable urbanisation for territorial cohesion -- Part 4: Urban policies for territorial cohesion -- Urban and regional planning for territorial cohesion -- Spatial planning for territorial cohesion -- Part 5: Territorial cooperation and governance policies for territorial cohesion -- EU cohesion policy territorial cooperation for territorial cohesion -- Territorial governance via EGTCs for territorial cohesion -- Conclusions.
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There is a relative consensus about the multidimensional nature of territorial cohesion, encompassing economy, environment and society. However, its social dimension is rarely analysed (Faludi 2003, Schön, 2005). Following the Reports on Cohesion and EU ministerial meetings on spatial planning, this social dimension namely means "accessibility to basic services and facilities". The lack of attention is usually explained by a lack of data. This paper proposes a way to overcome the crucial challenges of data availability. The objective is to show the interest of tackling social questions at a local scale (i.e a combination of LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 in the European context) and its feasibility: an appropriate methodology may provide interesting results even with a limited set of data. The methodology relies on the fuzzy sets theory. This theory helps identifying influence areas of service providers following different policy perspectives: the minimum offer of services; the overlap between influence areas; or the territorial weaknesses in terms of unique membership to a service provider. The combination of these three perspectives gives an image of the various situations of the LAU in terms of access to basic services. The results of the methodology underline crucial challenges in the definition of the concept of territorial cohesion. Firstly, the question of redistribution is raised – if a European cohesive territory means an equal access of citizens to basic services, how to achieve this goal in spite of different national traditions in the organisation and use of services? Secondly, the concept helps putting back the citizens at the heart of the analysis, as well as their needs in everyday life. This is worth considering, in a time of general scepticism about the European Union in terms of remoteness from everyday concerns, although this raises also the question of the European model of society in which the European citizens recognize.
There is a relative consensus about the multidimensional nature of territorial cohesion, encompassing economy, environment and society. However, its social dimension is rarely analysed (Faludi 2003, Schön, 2005). Following the Reports on Cohesion and EU ministerial meetings on spatial planning, this social dimension namely means "accessibility to basic services and facilities". The lack of attention is usually explained by a lack of data. This paper proposes a way to overcome the crucial challenges of data availability. The objective is to show the interest of tackling social questions at a local scale (i.e a combination of LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 in the European context) and its feasibility: an appropriate methodology may provide interesting results even with a limited set of data. The methodology relies on the fuzzy sets theory. This theory helps identifying influence areas of service providers following different policy perspectives: the minimum offer of services; the overlap between influence areas; or the territorial weaknesses in terms of unique membership to a service provider. The combination of these three perspectives gives an image of the various situations of the LAU in terms of access to basic services. The results of the methodology underline crucial challenges in the definition of the concept of territorial cohesion. Firstly, the question of redistribution is raised – if a European cohesive territory means an equal access of citizens to basic services, how to achieve this goal in spite of different national traditions in the organisation and use of services? Secondly, the concept helps putting back the citizens at the heart of the analysis, as well as their needs in everyday life. This is worth considering, in a time of general scepticism about the European Union in terms of remoteness from everyday concerns, although this raises also the question of the European model of society in which the European citizens recognize.
There is a relative consensus about the multidimensional nature of territorial cohesion, encompassing economy, environment and society. However, its social dimension is rarely analysed (Faludi 2003, Schön, 2005). Following the Reports on Cohesion and EU ministerial meetings on spatial planning, this social dimension namely means "accessibility to basic services and facilities". The lack of attention is usually explained by a lack of data. This paper proposes a way to overcome the crucial challenges of data availability. The objective is to show the interest of tackling social questions at a local scale (i.e a combination of LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 in the European context) and its feasibility: an appropriate methodology may provide interesting results even with a limited set of data. The methodology relies on the fuzzy sets theory. This theory helps identifying influence areas of service providers following different policy perspectives: the minimum offer of services; the overlap between influence areas; or the territorial weaknesses in terms of unique membership to a service provider. The combination of these three perspectives gives an image of the various situations of the LAU in terms of access to basic services. The results of the methodology underline crucial challenges in the definition of the concept of territorial cohesion. Firstly, the question of redistribution is raised – if a European cohesive territory means an equal access of citizens to basic services, how to achieve this goal in spite of different national traditions in the organisation and use of services? Secondly, the concept helps putting back the citizens at the heart of the analysis, as well as their needs in everyday life. This is worth considering, in a time of general scepticism about the European Union in terms of remoteness from everyday concerns, although this raises also the question of the European model of society in which the European citizens recognize.
There is a relative consensus about the multidimensional nature of territorial cohesion, encompassing economy, environment and society. However, its social dimension is rarely analysed (Faludi 2003, Schön, 2005). Following the Reports on Cohesion and EU ministerial meetings on spatial planning, this social dimension namely means "accessibility to basic services and facilities". The lack of attention is usually explained by a lack of data. This paper proposes a way to overcome the crucial challenges of data availability. The objective is to show the interest of tackling social questions at a local scale (i.e a combination of LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 in the European context) and its feasibility: an appropriate methodology may provide interesting results even with a limited set of data. The methodology relies on the fuzzy sets theory. This theory helps identifying influence areas of service providers following different policy perspectives: the minimum offer of services; the overlap between influence areas; or the territorial weaknesses in terms of unique membership to a service provider. The combination of these three perspectives gives an image of the various situations of the LAU in terms of access to basic services. The results of the methodology underline crucial challenges in the definition of the concept of territorial cohesion. Firstly, the question of redistribution is raised – if a European cohesive territory means an equal access of citizens to basic services, how to achieve this goal in spite of different national traditions in the organisation and use of services? Secondly, the concept helps putting back the citizens at the heart of the analysis, as well as their needs in everyday life. This is worth considering, in a time of general scepticism about the European Union in terms of remoteness from everyday concerns, although this raises also the question of the European model of society in which the European citizens recognize.
There is a relative consensus about the multidimensional nature of territorial cohesion, encompassing economy, environment and society. However, its social dimension is rarely analysed (Faludi 2003, Schön, 2005). Following the Reports on Cohesion and EU ministerial meetings on spatial planning, this social dimension namely means "accessibility to basic services and facilities". The lack of attention is usually explained by a lack of data. This paper proposes a way to overcome the crucial challenges of data availability. The objective is to show the interest of tackling social questions at a local scale (i.e a combination of LAU (Local Administrative Unit) 1 and 2 in the European context) and its feasibility: an appropriate methodology may provide interesting results even with a limited set of data. The methodology relies on the fuzzy sets theory. This theory helps identifying influence areas of service providers following different policy perspectives: the minimum offer of services; the overlap between influence areas; or the territorial weaknesses in terms of unique membership to a service provider. The combination of these three perspectives gives an image of the various situations of the LAU in terms of access to basic services. The results of the methodology underline crucial challenges in the definition of the concept of territorial cohesion. Firstly, the question of redistribution is raised – if a European cohesive territory means an equal access of citizens to basic services, how to achieve this goal in spite of different national traditions in the organisation and use of services? Secondly, the concept helps putting back the citizens at the heart of the analysis, as well as their needs in everyday life. This is worth considering, in a time of general scepticism about the European Union in terms of remoteness from everyday concerns, although this raises also the question of the European model of society in which the European citizens recognize.