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Il potere politico – militare del magister militum Flavio Zenone in uno dei momenti più drammatici della storia di Costantinopoli (441-448), quando un disastroso terremoto incoraggiò un grave attacco da parte degli Unni, mise a nudo la debolezza della parte orientale dell'impero e rappresentò la premessa all'ascesa politica degli Isauri. The political – military power of the magister militum Flavius Zeno in one of the most dramatic moments of Constantinople's history (441-448), when a disastrous earthquake encouraged a serious attack by the Huns, exposed the weakness of the eastern part of the empire and represented the premise for the political rise of the Isaurians.
VIII. Curiales e cohortales in P.Gen. Lat. inv. 6.: Una nuova versione di una costituzione di Onorio e Teodosio II del 423
In: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung, Band 132, Heft 1, S. 299-323
ISSN: 2304-4934
Curiales and Cohortales in P.Gen. Lat. inv. 6. A new version of a Costitution of Honorius and Theodosius II of 423. A re-examination of P.Gen. inv. Lat. 6, a parchment fragment from Egypt now kept in the Geneva Library, allows to identify its content as a constitutio - in a textual form so far unknown - of Honorius and Theodosius II (partially transmitted in CTh. 8,4,28; 6,35,14; 12,1,184), perhaps included in a collection of imperial dispositions concerning curiales and cohortales, set up for private or professional use. A new edition of the text of the fragment, together with a commentary, has been provided within the framework of the ERC project "Redhis. Rediscovering the hidden structure. A new appreciation of Juristic texts and Patterns of thought in Late Antiquity" (University of Pavia), which aims to the edition of the writings of Roman jurists on papyri and parchments, dating from the 2nd to 6th cent. AD, in order to evaluate the persistence of classical legal thought in Late Antiquity.
La violencia religiosa cristiana en la Historia Eclesiástica de Sócrates durante el gobierno de Teodosio II y en la Historia Eclesiástica de Teodoreto de Cirro
. La violencia cristiana en la Historia Eclesiástica de Sócrates durante el gobierno de Teodosio II, y en la Historia Eclesiástica de Teodoreto de Cirro. Cirilo en Alejandría. Concilio de Éfeso. Siervos. Los novacianos. Los judíos. Monjes. Romanos y persas. Arrio. Melecio de Egipto. Cartas de Alejandro, de Arrio, de Eusebio de Nicomedia sobre la doctrina de Arrio. El paganismo. Eusebio de Nicomedia en Constantinopla. Acusaciones contra Atanasio. Política religiosa de Constancio. ; The christian vilolence in the Ecclesiastic History of Sócrates during the government of Theodosius II and in the Ecclesiastic History of Theodoret of Cyrrus. Theodosius II. Cyril of Alexandria. Council of Ephesus. Serves (Slaves). The Novatians. The Judaism. Monks. Romans and Persians. Arius. Meletius from Egypt. Letters from Alexander, from Arius, from Eusebius of Nicomedia about the doctrine of Arius. The paganism. Eusebius from Nicomedia in Constantinople. Accusations against Athanasius. Religion Politics of Constantius.
Eterodossia e coercitio imperiale nei Concili Ecumenici del V secolo
Questo nostro contributo si propone di analizzare, nel ventennio che intercorre dalla convocazione del I Concilio di Efeso (431) alla vigilia del Concilio di Calcedonia (451), sullo sfondo del grande conflicto cristologico che turbò profundamente la pars Orientis dell'Impero, l'oscillare dell'atteggiamento e delle decisioni del legislatore romano-cristiano —il pius princeps Teodosio II— in ordine alla repressione della devianza religiosa. L'estrema mutevolezza degli atteggiamenti sovrani determinò, nell'arco del V secolo, una grande discontinuità nella politica religiosa imperiale che ebbe nel II Concilio di Efeso, noto come Latrocinium Ephesinum (449), il momento di maggior tensione. Analizzeremo tre costituzioni antieterodosse emanate da Teodosio II negli anni centrali del V secolo: la constitutio del 435, ultimo provvedimento de fide del Codex Theodosianus (CTH 16,5, 66); la constitutio emanata dall'imperatore nel febbraio del 448 il cui testo oggi reperibile nel titolo primo del primo libro del codice Giustinianeo (C.I. 1,1,3); infine la constitutio emanata da Teodosio II all'indomani Della sinodo del 449 (ACO II,III, 2, 88-89) che ne approvò e difese i risultati dogmatici, ovvero sancendo la piena ortodossia della cristologia monofisita e dichiarando guerra aperta alla 'eterodossia' duofisita.
Reflexiones sobre los discursos de Libanio al emperador Teodosio
In this paper the following questions concerning Libanius' speeches addressed to Emperor Theodosius are dealt with: Firstly, the mentioned speeches are reviewed in order to point out in them the social and political background of the age in which they were written, a vvy interesting age fir understanding the process leading from Late Antiquity to Middle Age. Secondly, the aim of these speeches is compared with that of some let- ters of Libanius and shown to be the same: he is proud of his profession as a sophist and claims for himself as such the duty of leading public opinion and protecting the lifi of the community against evo), kind of injustice or abuse exerted by governors or members of the upper class upon thecommons and the poorest citizens. Thirdly, the question of the origin of Libanius' attitude is envisaged; why does he feel obliged to intervene on behalf of his fellow countrymen deploying his eloquence in fighting against power's misuse, illegality and brutalior exerted by the governors upon the lowest class of the population. According to the author, the origin of this attitude is to be found in the new conception of a Rhetoric pervaded by ethi cal principies that can be shown in the Isocratean program of rhetorical paideia.
El Libellus Precum y los conflictos religiosos en la Hispania de Teodosio
Este artículo, que modifica en parte la comunicación presentada al Congreso sobre "La Hispania de Teodosio" (Segovia, 1995), analiza las luchas eclesiásticas documentadas en el Libellus Precum y su trasfondo social y político, sobre todo las que tuvieron como escenario la Península Ibérica. El protagonismo decisivo de los emperadores en estas contiendas se ilustra con el rescripto de Teodosio, cuya versión castellana reproducimos, que sancionaba la ortodoxia de los rigoristas perseguidos y garantizaba su seguridad personal. ; This article, which slightly modifies the paper delivered in the Conference on "La Hispania de Teodosio" (Segovia, 1995), dea1s with the ecclesiastical conflicts, especially those held in Hispania, documented in the so-called Libellus Precum, and their social and political background. The decisive role of the Roman Emperors is enlightened by the rescript -reproduced here in a Spanish translation- wherein Theodosius states the orthodoxy of the Christian rigorists, at that moment persecuted, and provides them with personal security.
L'esercito romano tardoantico: persistenze e cesure dai Severri a Teodosio I
In: Studi e progetti
Diritto, religione, politica: temi di legislazione imperiale tra Decio e Teodosio I
In: Collana della rivista di diritto romano
In: Saggi
Preocupaciones señoriales del "principal senhor destes reynos". El legado de Teodósio I, V duque de Braganza ; Seigneurial Worries of the "principal senhor destes reynos". The Legacy of Teodósio I, 5th Duke of Braganza
Este texto analiza el legado de la gestión de la casa de Braganza por parte de su quinto duque, Teodósio I (1532-1563). En él se estudia el impacto directo de sus decisiones sobre el gobierno de la familia, de la casa y del señorío en el futuro de la casa ducal. Además de haber consolidado el ducado brigantino como el más importante señorío portugués, las opciones elegidas por Teodósio I fueron decisivas para el establecimiento de un sistema de corte en Vila Viçosa (Alentejo) y la fijación de una red nobiliaria de dependientes que mimetizaba los estilos de la Casa Real portuguesa, pero también para el endeudamiento de la casa. En último término, en el artículo se plantea la hipótesis de que las decisiones puestas en práctica por Teodósio I tuviesen también un impacto determinante en la evolución política del reino de Portugal, especialmente en las coyunturas de 1580 y 1640. ; This text focuses on the managerial legacy of Teodósio), 5th Duke of Braganza (1532-1563), with regard to his Duchy. It brings to the fore how much his governance regarding family, house and estate impacted on the future of the duchy; how, despite having strengthened the position of the Braganza Dukedom as the most important seigneurial House of Portugal which boasted its own court system in Vila Viçosa (Alentejo) and its own network of dependent noble houses, thus mirroring the style of the Portuguese Royal Household, D. Teodósio's choices also contributed a great deal to the indebtedness of the House of Braganza; and lastly, how these decisions contributed to the political developments in the Portuguese Kingdom, namely in the events pertaining to the 1580 and 1640.
La violencia religiosa en la Historia Eclesiástica de Teodoreto de Cirro. Violencia contra los paganos. Violencia de unos cristianos contra otros
Se estudia la violencia religiosa entre el concilio de Sardica y Teodosio II en la Historia Religiosa de Teodoreto de Cirro. Este trabajo es continuación de otros sobre el mismo tema, en la Historia Ecclesiastica de Sócrates y de Sozomeno. Se estudia la lucha entre arrianos y seguidores del Concilio de Nicea, entre cristianos, contra los judíos y los paganos. Se estudia la intervención, en estas luchas, de los emperadores, desde Constancio hasta Teodosio II. Se examina la convocatoria de diferentes concilios, Sardica, Rimini, Nice, Nicea, Milán, Constantinopla. La importancia de estos concilios en la lucha entre arrianos y ortodoxos. Se menciona la actuación de personajes importantes en la lucha entre arrianos y ortodoxos: Atanasio, Osio, etc. Se intercalan las actas de los concilios y cartas de Atanasio, de los emperadores, de Dámaso, etc., sobre la lucha. Se estudia la violencia en ciudades importantes del Imperio, como Alejandría y Constantinopla contra los ortodoxos, y la violencia de los arrianos contra varios personajes importantes del momento. Ocupa un lugar destacado en esta lucha, el diálogo entre Constancio y el obispo de Roma, Liberio, y su destierro. Se estudia la política anticristiana del emperador Juliano; la política favorable a los ortodoxos de los emperadores Joviano, Valentiniano I y Graciano; la política favorable a los arrianos de Valente, y la política de Teodosio I, que suprimió dentro del Imperio el paganismo y el arrianismo, y la destrucción de templos paganos. Se examina la política religiosa de Honorio; de Juan Crisóstomo y su lucha contra judíos y paganos. Se estudia la violencia anticristiana en Persia y la política religiosa de Teodosio II. ; This article studies the religious violence between the Council of Sardica and Theodosius II in the Historia Ecclesiastica of Theodoret of Cyrrhus, and it is the continuation from others about the same theme, in the Historia Ecclesiastica of Socrates and Sozomen. Also it´s studied the struggle between Arianism and followers of the Council of Nicaea, between Christians, against Jews and the Pagans. It's studied the intervention, in these struggles, of the emperors, from Constantius to Theodosius II. It's examined the notice of different councils, Sardica, Rimini, Nice, Nicaea, Milan, Constantinople. The importance of these councils in the struggle between arianism and orthodoxy. It's mentioned the conduct of important persons during the struggles between arianism and orthodoxy: Athanasius, Hosius, etc. It's inserted the certificates of the councils and the letters of Athanasius, of the emperors, of Damasus, etc., about the struggle. It's studied too the violence in important towns of the Empire, like Alexandria and Constantinople against the orthodoxy, and the violence of the Arianism against different important persons in this moment. It's occupied an important point in this struggle the dialogue between Constantius and the bishop of Rome, Liberius, and his exile. It's studied tha Antichristian politics of the emperor Julian; the favourable politics to the orthodoxy of the emperors Jovian, Valentinian I and Gratian; the favourable politics to the Arianism of Valens, and the politics of Theodosius I, he abolished in the Empire the Paganism and the Arianism, and the destruction of pagan temples. It's proof the religious politics of Honorius; of John Chrysoston and his struggle against the Jews and Pagans. It's studied tha antichristian violence in Persian and the religious politics of Theodosius II.
Gregorio de Nazianzo en Constantinopla. Ortodoxia, heterodoxia y régimen teodosiano en una capital cristiana
Libro de Investigación ; El libro estudia las relaciones entre la política imperial y la política religiosa en el marco de una capital cristiana, Constantinopla, durante el reinado del emperador Teodosio II, tomando como eje narrativo la carrera del obispo capadocio Gregorio de Nazianzo. ; The book studies the relations between imperial politics and religious policy within the framework of a Christian capital, Constantinople, during the reign of Emperor Theodosius II, taking as a narrative axis the career of Bishop Cappadocian Gregorio de Nazianzo. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Tra Costantino e Teodosio (IV-V secolo d.C.). Osservazioni sui militaria di Aquileia
International audience ; Contrôlant le Caput Adriae, Aquileia a de tous temps constitué le dernier point de contrôle sur la route menant de la péninsule italienne aux Alpes Orientales et au Nord du massif. Aussi la ville a-t-elle connu dans l'Antiquité tardive, et notamment au IVe s., une importante fréquentation militaire associée, pendant certaines périodes, au stationnement de troupes spécifiques. Cette publication rassemble les 92 objets inventoriés dans les collections du Museo Archeologico Nazionale d'Aquileia et datant de ces périodes clés. La collection, replacée dans le contexte régional et européen, illustre la nature des troupes qui ont séjourné ou sont passées par le site au cours de cette période.
Tra Costantino e Teodosio (IV-V secolo d.C.). Osservazioni sui militaria di Aquileia
International audience ; Contrôlant le Caput Adriae, Aquileia a de tous temps constitué le dernier point de contrôle sur la route menant de la péninsule italienne aux Alpes Orientales et au Nord du massif. Aussi la ville a-t-elle connu dans l'Antiquité tardive, et notamment au IVe s., une importante fréquentation militaire associée, pendant certaines périodes, au stationnement de troupes spécifiques. Cette publication rassemble les 92 objets inventoriés dans les collections du Museo Archeologico Nazionale d'Aquileia et datant de ces périodes clés. La collection, replacée dans le contexte régional et européen, illustre la nature des troupes qui ont séjourné ou sont passées par le site au cours de cette période.
Tra Costantino e Teodosio (IV-V secolo d.C.). Osservazioni sui militaria di Aquileia
International audience ; Contrôlant le Caput Adriae, Aquileia a de tous temps constitué le dernier point de contrôle sur la route menant de la péninsule italienne aux Alpes Orientales et au Nord du massif. Aussi la ville a-t-elle connu dans l'Antiquité tardive, et notamment au IVe s., une importante fréquentation militaire associée, pendant certaines périodes, au stationnement de troupes spécifiques. Cette publication rassemble les 92 objets inventoriés dans les collections du Museo Archeologico Nazionale d'Aquileia et datant de ces périodes clés. La collection, replacée dans le contexte régional et européen, illustre la nature des troupes qui ont séjourné ou sont passées par le site au cours de cette période.