Les rulings sont morts, vivent les rulings ! (Tax Rulings Are Dead, Long Live Tax Rulings!)
In: Journal des Tribunaux Luxembourg, n°68, avril 2020
615 Ergebnisse
In: Journal des Tribunaux Luxembourg, n°68, avril 2020
In: Bulletin for International Taxation. - Amsterdam. - Vol. 69 (2015), no. 4/5 (special issue) ; p. 228-232; DOI: https://doi.org/10.59403/2h0scjs
In: IBFD Doctoral Series; Vol. 4. IBFD, 2002.
In: Doctoral series 4
In: 50 Florida State University Law Review 219, Forthcoming 2023
Preface --Introduction --State aid decisions and open formal investigations concerning the tax ruling practices of member states --Arm's length principle --Recovery, legitimate expectations and legal certainty --EU competences --International practices and the OECD --The way forward.
In: https://hdl.handle.net/10605/360857
Bidal Aguero was born on July 23, 1949, and attended Texas Technological College (later Texas Tech University) in the fall of 1967. While there, he became active a Mexican American student organization called Los Tertullianos, becoming vice-president in 1970 and president in 1971. Los Tertullianos organized gatherings and seminars to encourage Mexican American students to be more politically active. Aguero graduated from Texas Tech in December 1972 with a B.A. in music education and after working for Learn-Education Talent Search for seven months, he helped found COMA (Commerciantes Organizacion Mexicano Americano), the Mexican-American Chamber of Commerce, in 1972. ; He joined La Raza Unida Party, ran for local offices such as county commissioner, and participated in organizing protests for injustices done against Mexican Americans. Aguero was one of those who filed a lawsuit against the Lubbock Independent School District to change its method of electing school trustees. Aguero has worked in several local social service organizations such as Defensa, Inc., Chicanos Unidos-Campensions, and Llano Estacado Farmworkers of Tejas and government groups such as the South Plains Association of Governments, the State of Texas, and the City of Lubbock. Aguero is currently publisher of one of the two weekly Spanish newspapers in Lubbock, El Editor. ; Aguero has worked in several local social service organizations such as Defensa, Inc., Chicanos Unidos-Campensions, and Llano Estacado Farmworkers of Tejas and government groups such as the South Plains Association of Governments, the State of Texas, and the City of Lubbock. Aguero is currently publisher of one of the two weekly Spanish newspapers in Lubbock, El Editor. ; Full biography can be found at http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/ttusw/00042/tsw-00042.html ; The collection consists of personal, financial and business records, civil rights and social service organizational materials, and government papers. ; Bidal Aguero Papers, 1949-1988 and undated, Southwest ...
In: European Taxation: Vol. 63 (2023), Issue 6, Pages 247-255
In: Stanford Journal of Law, Business, and Finance, Forthcoming
In: University of New South Wales Law Journal, Band 39, Heft 3
Working paper
Working paper
In: (2014) 20(4) New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy 362-389
In: University of Connecticut School of Business Research Paper
Working paper