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Select tax credits
In: Monetary, fiscal and trade policies
The earned income tax credit (EITC) : an overview / Christine Scott -- Dependent care : current tax benefits and legislative issues / Janemarie Mulvey, Christine Scott -- The child tax credit / Maxim Shvedov -- Health coverage tax credit / Bernadette Fernandez -- The work opportunity tax credit (WOTC) / Christine Scott -- New markets tax credits : an introduction / Donal J. Marples -- Summary of small business health insurance tax credit under the patient protection and affordable care act (PPACA) / Hinda Chaikind
New tax credits
In: Benefits: A Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 49-52
ISSN: 1759-8281
The announcement of the government's intention to introduce a new Child Tax Credit for families with children, along with a Working Tax Credit for low-income workers could herald one of the most radical changes to welfare support for low-income families in the UK. This article looks at what is known so far about the new tax credits and how they will operate.
The Life and Death of Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit
In: Godwin , M & Lawson , C 2012 ' The Life and Death of Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit ' Bath Economics Research Working Papers , no. 1/12 , Department of Economics, University of Bath , Bath, U. K.
The Tax Credits system introduced in the UK by the previous Labour government is from 2013 to be replaced by a Universal Benefit system. The new system should have some major potential advantages, provided it avoids the problems experienced with the Tax Credit system. The paper reviews and updates previous research on Tax Credits and sets out recommendations for the design and administration of future welfare benefit systems, drawing on critical analyses of the Tax Credit system.
Investment tax credits
In: Working paper series Center for Economic Studies ; Ifo Institute ; 243
Pennsylvania's Educational Improvement Tax Credit and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Programs
Pennsylvania has found a sensible workaround to the ideological divide over funding private schools with public money, said Zachary Navit (2L), as he presented the semester's second Student Scholars Series lecture on March 26. Two state programs bypass the issue by providing tax credits to businesses for funds donated to approved scholarship or educational improvement organizations which benefit eligible students in both public and private schools in the Commonwealth. Since these tax credit programs are not government funding of institutions but private money going to private foundations, the system avoids constitutional attacks. Other states could learn from Pennsylvania's approach, Navit argued. A summary of the event is available here.
The new tax credits
In: (IFS Briefing Notes BN35 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.
The child tax credit and working tax credit were introduced in April 2003. When fully operational, the child tax credit will represent the majority of government financial support for children. It is designed to simplify the system of financial support for parents, and provides support that is meanstested against family income. The working tax credit is designed to make work more financially attractive. It means that people with or without children in work and on a low income may receive extra help from the State. This Briefing Note looks at: * the changes to tax credits that happened in April 2003; * why the new tax credits have been introduced; * how they work; * the cost and distributional impact; * the impact on work incentives; * what levels of take-up we might expect.
The investment tax credit
In: New directions for evaluation: a publication of the American Evaluation Association, Band 1998, Heft 79, S. 95-115
ISSN: 1534-875X
AbstractThe investment tax credit is a familiar example of a tax expenditure. The evaluation of its effectiveness described in this chapter provides a model for evaluating other tax expenditures.
The voters' tax credit
In: Policy options: Options politiques, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 63-68
ISSN: 0226-5893
Investable tax credits: the case of the low income housing tax credit
In: NBER working paper series 14149
"The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) represents a novel tax expenditure program that employs "investable" tax credits to spur production of low-income rental housing. While it has grown into the largest source of new affordable housing in the U.S. and its structure is now being replicated in other programs, the LIHTC has also drawn skepticism and calls for its repeal. This paper outlines a conceptual framework for exploring the conditions under which investable tax credits may be the most effective mechanism to deliver a production subsidy and discusses the desirability of employing investable tax credits in other policy domains. Estimates of tax expenditures under this program are provided and efficiency costs, distributional issues, and the likely effects of reforms to tax provisions such as the AMT are considered"--National Bureau of Economic Research web site
The Foreign Tax Credit War
In: Brigham Young University Law Review, 2016, Forthcoming