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Buch(gedruckt)#220112 Versionen verfügbar

Select tax credits

In: Monetary, fiscal and trade policies

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#3Februar 2002

New tax credits

In: Benefits: A Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 49-52

ISSN: 1759-8281

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Open Access#42012

The Life and Death of Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit

In: Godwin , M & Lawson , C 2012 ' The Life and Death of Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit ' Bath Economics Research Working Papers , no. 1/12 , Department of Economics, University of Bath , Bath, U. K.


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Open Access#82014

Pennsylvania's Educational Improvement Tax Credit and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Programs


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Open Access#102003

The new tax credits

In: (IFS Briefing Notes BN35 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.


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Investable tax credits: the case of the low income housing tax credit

In: NBER working paper series 14149

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