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This month Cato is hosting a Congressional Fellowship on tax and trade ahead of a year that promises to be busy for both policy areas. The fellowship is a nine-week program attended by a bi-partisan cohort of congressional staff that engage in weekly discussion sessions with featured speakers
It is asserted that low-income households could more easily accumulate assets if refundable tax credits were added through the personal income tax. An overview of the earned income tax credit's origins is presented to demonstrate its political implications for establishing an individual development account tax credit. It is subsequently argued that the creation of a tax credit for individual development accounts would complement the earned income tax credit; whereas the earned income tax credit encourages low-income individuals to work, it is claimed that the individual development account tax credit would persuade such individuals to save. Similarities in the functions of individual development account tax credits for poor American families & of individual retirement accounts for middle-class families are noted. A design for creating an individual development account tax credit that is based upon the individual development account section of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is also presented. 6 Tables, 15 References. J. W. Parker
It is asserted that low-income households could more easily accumulate assets if refundable tax credits were added through the personal income tax. An overview of the earned income tax credit's origins is presented to demonstrate its political implications for establishing an individual development account tax credit. It is subsequently argued that the creation of a tax credit for individual development accounts would complement the earned income tax credit; whereas the earned income tax credit encourages low-income individuals to work, it is claimed that the individual development account tax credit would persuade such individuals to save. Similarities in the functions of individual development account tax credits for poor American families & of individual retirement accounts for middle-class families are noted. A design for creating an individual development account tax credit that is based upon the individual development account section of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is also presented. 6 Tables, 15 References. J. W. Parker
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If Kustoff's bill becomes law, it will not only likely intensify government repression against Palestinian Americans, it will also set a dangerous legislative and policy precedent that could be used against other nonprofits deemed a "terrorist supporting organization" even in the absence of concrete, verified evidence to that effect.
Recent concern with the 'marriage tax' embodied in the Federal Income Tax Code has generally focused on inequities under the current laws. Specifically, marriage tax critics note that federal income taxes penalize dual-worker couples who are married compared with dual-worker couples who are living together but not married. A more important ramification of the Tax Code is the changes in behavior it induces when taxpayers seek to minimize taxes or maximize benefits. The Tax Code biases the choices of married females away from market work & toward work in the home. Public policy, as reflected in the Tax Code, has provided incentives for wives to pursue behavior that perpetuates sex differentials in earnings as well as their secondary role in the world of market work. The Federal Income Tax Code should be made more marriage- & work-sector-neutral through a reform that, without increasing complexity, would increase both the equity & efficiency of tax policy. The proposal is straightforward, namely, to combine an individual basis of taxation with a flat earned-income allowance. Included is a history & analysis of postwar federal tax policy. AA.
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The Harris proposal to expand the start-up deduction is a small example of reducing existing tax disincentives to doing business in America. All investments should get similar treatment.