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2953 Ergebnisse
In: Pearson custom library
In: Pop: Kultur und Kritik, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 16-20
ISSN: 2198-0322
In: Sustainable Marketing Management, S. 135-158
In: Marketing theory, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 143-163
ISSN: 1741-301X
This article examines how sustainable marketing could be achieved through the contribution of three existing marketing sub-disciplines; green marketing, social marketing and critical marketing. Green marketing facilitates the development and marketing of more sustainable products and services while introducing sustainability efforts into the core of the marketing process and business practice. Social marketing involves using the power of marketing to encourage sustainable behaviour among individuals, businesses and decision makers while also assessing the impact of current commercial marketing on sustainability. This links into the critical marketing paradigm which entails analyses of marketing theory, principles and techniques using a critical theory based approach. This analysis can help to guide regulation and control, development of marketing theory and practice, and to challenge the dominant institutions associated with marketing and the capitalist system, encouraging a marketing system in which sustainability is a key goal. The article concludes by offering a framework for sustainable marketing and a way forward for how this might be achieved.
Renommierte Wissenschaftler und Führungskräfte untersuchen entlang der Phasen des Marketingmanagementprozesses die Grundlagen, Konzepte, Instrumente und Wirkungen eines nachhaltigen Marketing und präsentieren Lösungsoptionen zur Generierung eines Kunden- und Wettbewerbsvorteils unter Beachtung von Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen. Die Herausgeber, die drei Forschergenerationen repräsentieren, verfolgen eine systematische Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Ihr Ziel ist es, einen Impuls für den Wissenstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis zu geben, damit die innovative und wirkungsvolle Umsetzung eines Sustainable Marketing im Unternehmensalltag weiter voranschreitet. Der Inhalt: Grundverständnis und situativer Kontext des Sustainable Marketing Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Marketingkonzeption Managementherausforderungen eines Sustainable Marketing (ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Zielinhalte; der politische und rechtliche Kontext) Umsetzung von nachhaltigen Marketingstrategien mit Praxisbeispielen aus dem Bankensektor, der Kommunikationsindustrie, der Automobilindustrie, der Konsumgüterindustrie u.a.m. Die Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Heribert Meffert ist Professor der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing, und emeritierter Direktor des Instituts für Marketing am Marketing Center Münster (MCM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Prof. Dr. Peter Kenning ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Marketing an der Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen. Prof. Dr. Manfred Kirchgeorg ist Inhaber des SVI-Stiftungslehrstuhls für Marketing, insbesondere E-Commerce und Crossmediales Management, an der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
In: Inquietud Empresarial Volumen 2021 No (2). Julio-Diciembre. Pág. 51-70
In: Sustainable Marketing Management, S. 37-54
In: Sustainable Marketing Management, S. 3-20
In: Sustainable Marketing Management, S. 85-115
In: European Journal of Sustainable Development: EJSD, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 260
ISSN: 2239-6101
Society is evolving and even trying to "conquer" new universes, no matter if they are physical, virtual online. The CoVid-19 Pandemic, wars, natural catastrophes, are pushing humans to adopt and to spend more time in Metaverse platforms, as a means of escaping the ordinary and their daily problems. Where there are potential customers, companies, or organizations will follow in order to change the behavior and make them purchase products, or services, increase the brand awareness, or in the case of politicians, or politics, determine them to vote, or agree with the wanted strategies. Not only will the customers have avatars, as well as organizations are becoming more humane and attractive towards users. Organizations are investing in technologies related to AI (artificial intelligence) and technologies related to multiverse as the attractiveness of these virtual universes are more and more appealing. In this study, we are conducting research in order to discover what the benefits are, but also how brands, companies and organizations that are joining, use marketing strategies, policies and tactics to increase their sales. In the Metaverse platforms, there will not be only the place to spend leisure time, socialize, do the shopping, even working, or why not, even voting, there being practically no limits. We have discovered in this study that customers would also like some sort of regulations, which relate to how marketing and experiential marketing are conducted in Metaverse platforms. Like the Internet, the Metaverse has the power to drastically change economic and social life for all the parties involved.
Keywords: Metaverse, marketing, experiential marketing, customer behavior, AI
Despite the growing attention that is being paid to sustainability in the literature, little empirical research has been conducted on developing the link between sustainability and marketing strategy and moreover, only a few empirical studies have investigated this issue in Central and Eastern Europe. The conducted empirical survey examines the relationship between marketing strategy and sustainability from the perspective of enterprises in Slovakia. The authors have used binary logistic regression as an evaluation method. The empirical findings are based on 896 responses from different forms of companies in Slovak Republic. The results show that the legal form of a business organization is a relevant determinant of philosophy of sustainability when organization defines a marketing strategy and implements it into corporate strategy. Based on the results it can also be concluded that the environmental aspect of sustainability is determined by the size of organization and the sector of national economy where a company operates, while the social aspect is mainly determined by the share of foreign capital in the ownership structure of an organisation. This study contributes to the European research that studies the relation between sustainability and the marketing strategy by means of an empirical investigation in business organisations in a transition economy such as Slovakia.