Sub-Saharan Africa
In: African Political, Economic, and Security Issues
Intro -- SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: U.S. AND CHINESE ECONOMIC ENGAGEMENT -- SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: U.S. AND CHINESE ECONOMIC ENGAGEMENT -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: TRENDS IN U.S. AND CHINESE ECONOMIC ENGAGEMENT -- WHY GAO DID THIS STUDY -- WHAT GAO FOUND -- ABBREVIATIONS -- BACKGROUND -- U.S. and Chinese Economies -- Anticorruption Laws for U.S. and Chinese Firms -- U.S. and Chinese Government Agencies Engaged in Sub-Saharan Africa -- U.S. Government Entities -- Chinese Government Entities -- U.S. GOALS HAVE EMPHASIZED DEMOCRACY AND DEVELOPMENT IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, WHILE CHINA'S POLICY UNDERSCORES MUTUAL BENEFIT AND NONINTERFERENCE -- U.S. Goals and Programs for Sub-Saharan Africa Include Focus on Development and Emphasis on Democracy and Economic Growth -- China's Stated Policy for Africa Emphasizes Mutual Benefit and Noninterference -- DATA SHOW GROWTH IN U.S. AND CHINESE TRADE WITH SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA SINCE 2001, BUT DATA ON CHINA'S GRANTS, LOANS, AND INVESTMENTS ARE LIMITED -- U.S. and Chinese Trade in Goods with Sub-Saharan Africa Increased from 2001 to 2011 -- Crude Oil and Other Natural Resources Have Dominated U.S. and Chinese Imports of Goods from Sub-Saharan Africa -- Chinese Exports of Machinery, Transport Equipment, and Manufactured Goods Exceeded U.S. Exports of Goods to Sub-Saharan Africa -- United States and China Have Several Common Trading Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa, but China's Reach Is Greater -- U.S. Trade in Services with Sub-Saharan Africa Is Estimated to Exceed 11 Billion per Year, but Data on China's Trade in Services with the Region Are Unavailable -- U.S. Government Grants and Loans to Sub-Saharan Africa Have Increased since 2001, but China Does Not Publish Data on Its Financing -- Reported U.S. Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa Exceeded China's Reported Investment for 2007 through 2011