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1712 Ergebnisse
Working paper
In: IEEE transactions on engineering management: EM ; a publication of the IEEE Engineering Management Society, Band 70, Heft 5, S. 1708-1723
Working paper
In: Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series
In: Research insights
"This book discusses what is the neuromarketing, which are the currently state-of-the art both in terms of models and technology, and also to presenting the main technology issues in neuromarketing, discussing the role of the currently technology, the smart wearable devices, and the importance of big data processing in this science"--
In: Operations Research, Vol 68, No 4, July-August 2020, pp. 1116-1131
In: Journal of multi-criteria decision analysis, Band 29, Heft 1-2, S. 37-48
ISSN: 1099-1360
AbstractIn this article, there is established a reverse logistics (RL) system to collect unwanted medications (UMs) in households. A reverse supply chain (RSC) is proposed in a decentralized state including manufacturer, and retailer involving a strategic consumer. The novelty of this article is that the model is investigated from the consumer's perspective, whereas in the previous studies, the proposed models were from other upstream members' perspectives such as manufacturer and retailer. Furthermore, inducement and advertising strategies are proposed for stimulating consumers to engage more in an RSC. To analyse the effect of these two strategies, the three‐person RSC game‐theoretical approach is used. A three‐person supply chain consists of a pharmaceutical manufacturer and a retailer who will interact with a strategic consumer in several non‐cooperative Stackelberg games. Three Stackelberg games are established and, each member takes a turn as a leadership role and the other two players assume the role of the follower.
In: Journal of economics, Band 113, Heft 3, S. 275-296
ISSN: 1617-7134
In: Economica, Band 67, Heft 266, S. 283-295
ISSN: 1468-0335
This paper explores the potential role for strategic trade policy when demand is impacted by consumer learning. In a linear Cournot model, the optimal subsidy is shown to be increasing in both the firm‐specific learning and learning spillovers among home firms when firms can precommit; however, when precommitment by firms and/or the government is not possible, strategic behaviour by firms may more than offset the infant industries' incentive for an export subsidy. A calibration exercise illustrates the impact of consumer learning on the optimal subsidies and also demonstrates the sensitivity of the policy prescription.
In: OMEGA-D-22-00921
In: Sage open, Band 14, Heft 1
ISSN: 2158-2440
The desire to live in a healthy "green" environment is becoming increasingly important to global populations. The term "green" is overused, confusing, and inconsistently used among and between consumers, corporate enterprises, environmental groups, government entities, and other segments globally. Research studies suggest that defining and applying the term "green" to behaviors and decision-making is constantly changing, further complicating the study of corporate and consumer environmental responsibility. In this study, we focus on the consumer. Not all consumers behave the same or have the same beliefs and perceptions regarding what is environmentally "green." As such, we segmented consumers in Slovakia into unique "green" groups based on behaviors and perceptions. Further, we propose "green" marketing strategies for each unique consumer group. Cluster analysis for 1,061 respondents resulted in four unique clusters or groups of green consumers: "Indifferent Greens,""Economical Greens,""Engaged Greens," and "Image Conscious Greens." In addition, exploratory factor analysis was used to identify optimal components of the marketing mix that can be used to educate and target each identified green cluster. Results may provide Slovakian companies, or enterprises elsewhere, with a specific set marketing mix tools to enhance reach and profit maximization for their relevant "green" customers. JEL Classification: M210, M310, M370, Q210, Q560.
In: Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management Series
This is the first book to focus on crowdfunding in sport. Crowdfunding is an important new financial instrument that is becoming more popular with sports organisations, and this book examines the research evidence for crowdfunding and considers how it might be successfully implemented.