Art and Criticism ; Umetnost in kritika
In the article the author offers a brief sketch of the history and different meanings of criticism as they were formed over the last three centuries. He points out the original meaning of the usage of the term and then points to the narrower meaning, especially that found in art criticism. He then claims that a large portion of art criticism has retained its essence and meaning unchanged since its beginning and that this is also true insofar as it has not changed when art is compared with new media and Chinese art. The author also notes that art criticism represents an important constituent part of art proper. ; V svojem članku prikaže avtor kratek potek zgodovine in različnih pomenov kritike kot so se ti oblikovali skozi zadnja tri stoletja. Pokaže na izvorni pomen tega izraza ter nato na razvoj kritike v angleškem družbenem, kulturnem in političnem prostoru, kjer je kritika vedno bolj postajala kulturna kritika. Opozori na njun današnji pomen. Čeprav je kritika danes izgubila jasno vsebino, to ni zmanjšalo njene tehtnosti in pomena pa naj je šlo za kritiko novih medijev ali kitajske umetnosti. Avtor tudi opozori, da tvori umetnostna kritika pomembno konstituanto umetnosti kot take.