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1378 Ergebnisse
Cover -- CONTENTS -- CONTEXT -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- OUTLOOK, RISKS, AND VULNERABILITIES -- POLICY DISCUSSION: PRIORITIES FOR STABILITY -- A. Managing the Fiscal Position -- B. Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Management -- C. Financial Stability and Governance -- PRIORITIES TO PROMOTE GROWTH -- A. Encouraging New Growth Areas and Structural Reforms -- B. Governance of the Logging and Mining Sectors -- C. Financial Inclusion in Support of Climate Change Adaptation -- D. Other Issues -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOX -- 1. Logging Developments -- FIGURES -- 1. The Cross-Country Context -- 2. Macroeconomic Developments and Outlook -- 3. Fiscal Indicators -- 4. Money and Credit Developments -- 5. Financial Access and Inclusion -- 6. Constituency Development Fund (CDF) -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic Indicators 2014-23 -- 2a. Summary of Fiscal Accounts (in millions of Solomon Islands Dollars) -- 2b. Summary of Fiscal Accounts (in percent of GDP) -- 3. Balance of Payments, 2014-23 -- 4. Summary Accounts of the Banking System, 2014-23 -- 5. Indicators of Capacity to Repay the Fund, 2018-27 -- 6. Alternative Policy Action Scenario 2018-21 -- APPENDICES -- I. Authorities' Response to Fund to Policy Advice -- II. SDGs Identified in the 2016-35 National Development Strategy (NDS) -- III. Risk Assessment Matrix -- IV. PPG External Debt Under Alternative Scenarios 2018-28 -- V. Economic Impact of the Loss of CBR -- VI. Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA) -- VII. External Sector Assessment -- VIII. Financial Inclusion and Climate Change -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- RELATIONS WITH OTHER IFIS -- STATISTICAL ISSUES.
In: IMF Staff Country Reports v.Country Report No. 14/170
This paper discusses Solomon Islandsâ?? Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) Arrangement and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria (PC). Program performance under the ECF arrangement has been broadly satisfactory. Reserve buffers have been rebuilt and are at a comfortable level, well above the average of other small states. All PCs for end-December, the indicative targets (ITs) for March, and the continuous PCs were met with considerable margins, except for the IT on government-funded recurrent spending on health and education, which was narrowly missed. Based on So
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs
ISSN: 1527-9464
Solomon Islands remained under a state of public emergency throughout 2022. The country continued to tighten its border control with strict quarantine and entry requirements that controlled the movement of ships and people arriving on international flights. These requirements were breached when "6 cases of community transmission in the Ontong Java [Luangiua] group of islands" were detected by health authorities on 18 January (OCHA 2022a). On 19 January it was reported in the local media that a passenger from the vessel Akwa, which was in Luangiua in early January and arrived in Honiara on 10 January, tested positive for COVID-19. The prime minister in his special media address expressed that "after two years of keeping the virus from entering our community … the virus has finally entered our community." (Contemp Pac/GIGA).
World Affairs Online
Cover -- CONTENTS -- CONTEXT -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- OUTLOOK, RISKS, AND VULNERABILITIES -- POLICY DISCUSSION -- A. Restoring Fiscal Buffers -- B. Exchange Rate and Monetary Policy -- C. Financial Sector and Structural Reforms to Support Inclusion and Growth -- D. Other Issues -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. Achievements of RAMSI 2003-17 -- 2. Tina River Hydropower Development Project (TRHDP) -- 3. Tax Review -- 4. Fiscal Anchors: Options and Tradeoffs -- 5. External Sector Assessment1 -- 6. Public Investment in the Face of Natural Disasters: A Model Application to Solomon Islands -- FIGURES -- 1. The Cross-Country Context -- 2. Macroeconomic Developments and Outlook -- 3. Fiscal Indicators -- 4. Macroeconomic Developments and Outlook -- 5. Financial Access and Inclusion -- TABLE -- 1. Selected Economic Indicators 2013-22 -- 2a. Summary of Fiscal Accounts, In millions of Solomon Islands dollars -- 2b. Summary of Fiscal Accounts, In percent of GDP -- 3. Government Operations and Balanches Sheet, 2014-22 -- 4. Summary Accounts of the Banking System, 2014-22 -- 5. Balance of Payments, 2013-22 -- 6. Indicators of Capacity to Repay the Fund, 2017-26 -- 7. Alternative Policy Action Scenario -- 8. Comparison of Baseline and Alternative Policy Action Scenario -- APPENDICES -- I. SDGs Identified in the 2016-35 National Development Strategy -- II. Authorities' Response to Fund Policy Advice -- III. Medium and Long Term Growth Assumptions -- IV. Risk Assessment Matrix -- V. Financial Inclusion: A Tailored Approach for Solomon Islands and the Role of Fintech -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- SUPPORT FROM THE PACIFIC FINANCIAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CENTRE -- RELATIONS WITH THE WORLD BANK GROUP -- RELATIONS WITH THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK -- STATISTICAL ISSUES -- MAIN WEBSITES OF DATA.
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs, Band 35, Heft 1-2, S. 200-209
ISSN: 1527-9464
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 373-380
ISSN: 1527-9464
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 469-475
ISSN: 1527-9464
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 528-537
ISSN: 1527-9464
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 407-414
ISSN: 1527-9464
In: The contemporary Pacific: a journal of island affairs, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 504-511
ISSN: 1527-9464