Since its inception in 1845, the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, has often faced the challenge of balancing technical and professional training demands of the naval service against the social and cultural conditions of an increasingly complex world. Despite the institution's attempts to address the multiple demands of the social and military contexts, the study of behavioral science in general, and sociology in particular, has been until recently largely absent. In response to challenges and deficiencies associated with its educational program, the Naval Academy has undertaken a path of reform to balance professional training with the need to educate graduates as competent and effective leaders. This article addresses some of the institutional, organizational, and curricular changes at the Naval Academy, with a focus on the inclusion and development of courses in human behavior and sociology as a means to study this process of leadership education.
In: International review for the sociology of sport: irss ; a quarterly edited on behalf of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA), Band 22, Heft 1, S. 63-79
This paper updates and extends previous analyses of the sociology of sport in the United States. It provides a chronology of major events in the history of the field as well as a description of the social context in which the field emerged and grew. Then a review of data from both sociology and physical education leads to the conclusion that the sociology of sport in the United States continues to lack full legitimacy and a critical mass of members in both disciplines. In fact, there are reasons to conclude that the continued numerical growth of those calling themeselves sport sociologists has peaked and will not change significantly in the immediate future. Finally, a content summary of papers published in the first 14 issues of the Sociology of Sport Journal reveals the priorities given to research topics and research methodologies among those Americans doing some of the more significant work in the field.
Citation: Smith, A.C. United States tariff history. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1897. ; Morse Department of Special Collections ; Introduction: In all countries it has been found a necessity to raise money for government expenses by means of a tax on imports. It is found that this indirect tax is by far the most practical method. The duties are collected by the revenue officers hired by the government. All countries are chiefly dependent on such a tax for means to run their national affairs. This tariff question has proved itself as great a problem as ever any able body of men have cared to solve. In our country it has been amply proved so. We employ the best legislators of our country that we can procure and give their all the support we can. These men have studied diligently the needs of the country. Indeed they have been doing this for over a century but there is still this problem unsolved. We have had numerous tariff bills framed but not one which has ever proved itself satisfactory to the people for any length of time.
In: International review of sport sociology: irss ; a quarterly edited on behalf of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA), Band 4, Heft 1, S. 189-190
"Measured in terms of morbidity and mortality, plague has never been a major public health problem in the United States, but, in terms of latent danger and the total cost of suppressive measures during the past 50 years, it cannot be placed in a minor classification. This disease, which has been one of the world's greatest killers, has forced the spending of large amounts of money on efforts to keep it out of this country, to suppress the epidemics which did gain a foothold, and to control or eradicate epizootics in domestic and wild rodents. Modern methods of rodent and ectoparasite control, together with almost specific therapeutic drugs, have decreased the potential danger from plague. Arrival at this turning point makes it particularly fitting to review the accomplishments of the past five decades, to summarize the cooperative efforts of the Public Health Service and the State health departments, and to emphasize specific contributions by individuals of the Public Health Service." - p. iii ; I. Introduction -- II. The first San Francisco epidemic -- III. The second San Francisco epidemic, including other bay area cities -- IV. Plague in Seattle -- V. Plague in wild animals -- VI. The New Orleans epidemics -- VII. Plague in gulf coast cities -- VIII. Los Angeles pneumonic plague outbreak -- IX. Maritime quarantine measures -- X. Plague in the Territory of Hawaii -- XI. Plague in Puerto Rico -- X II. Modern plague control methods -- X III. Treatment and prophylaxis of plague -- References -- Appendix Summary of cases of human plague in the United States, 1900-1951 -- Human plague in the United States, by year and State, 1900-1951 -- Age-sex distribution of human cases of plague in the United States, 1900-1951 -- Observed seasonal distribution of human plague in the United States, 1950-51 -- Human plague in 36 counties in 12 States, 1900-1951 -- Counties in the United States where human plague lias occurred, 1900-1951 -- Human plague on ships arriving at United States ports, 1899-1926 -- Cases of animal plague reported in the United States, 1902-51 -- Animals examined and positive results in the United States, fiscal years 1903-50 -- Counties in the United States surveyed for animal plague, 1900- 1950 -- Rodent plague on ships arriving at United States ports, 1910-26 -- Animal sources of plague-positive ectoparasites, by State -- Publications on plague by Public Health Service officers ; Vernon B. Link, M.D., M.P.H. ; Dr. Link is deputy officer in charge of the Communicable Disease Center, Bureau of State Services, Public Health Service, Atlanta, Ga. Before coming to the center, he was stationed at the Public. Health Service's Plague Laboratory at San Francisco, where he was deputy medical officer in charge from June 1943 to November 1950 and medical officer in charge from December 1950 to February 1952. Dr. Link is a member of the World Health Organization's Expert Advisory Panel on Plague for the 5-year term 1952-57. ; Includes bibliographical references. ; Publications on plague by Public Health Service officers: p. 114-120.
It is noted that sociol has often been criticized for not dealing adequately with soc change. A description is presented of change in US society from the 19th cent to its present advanced, industr, technological & integrated state. The hope is expressed that sociol may be on the verge of important advances in systematic substantive theory & may build at least partial deductive systems accounting for a large variety of soc phenomena in terms of quite simple structures. A Bibliog. A. Peskin.