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8332 Ergebnisse
In: Rural sociology, Band 61, Heft 1, S. 77-102
ISSN: 1549-0831
Abstract Rural sociology is intrinsically concerned with the spatial dimensions of social life. However, this underlying research tradition, particularly the use of space as a research strategy, has been insufficiently addressed and its contributions to general sociology are little recognized. I outline how concern with space, uneven development, and the social relationships of peripheral settings have provided substantive boundary and conceptual meaning to rural sociology, propelled its evolution, and left it with a legacy of strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. A willingness to tackle the dimension of space and the thorny problems it raises often sets rural sociologists apart from other sociologists. This research tradition contrasted with general sociology's concern with developing generalization, aspatial covering laws, and proto‐typical relationships of modern or Fordist development settings. Conceptual openings have left sociologists questioning their past agenda. Coupled with the "creative marginality" inherent in the questions and contexts addressed by rural sociologists, this makes the subfield central to contemporary sociology.
Introduction -- 'A problem in search of discipline' (Hamilton 1990: 232) the history of rural sociology -- New issues in rural sociology and rural studies -- The 2001 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic in the UK -- The hunting debate: rural political protest and the mobilisation of defence of country sports -- Game shooting in the United Kingdom -- Representing the rural: new methods and approaches -- Conclusion: the future of rural societies and rural sociology -- Appendix: rural sociology institutional framework: critical masses of rural researches in university departments/centres and institutes; sociologists with a periphery interest in the rural; professional associations and rural journals -- Notes -- Glossary of key terms -- References.
In: Journal of Inter-American studies: a publication of the Center for Advanced International Studies, the University of Miami, Band 9, S. 323-338
ISSN: 0885-3118
In: Harper's Social Science Series
From the rural to the urban and the production of space / Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton -- Notes on translation -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction to From the rural to the urban (1969) -- Problems of rural sociology: the peasant community and its historical-sociological problems (1949) -- Social classes in rural areas: tuscany and the mezzadria classica (1950) -- Perspectives on rural sociology (1953) -- Social relations, population phenomena, and labor problems in the agricultural sector of underdeveloped countries (1954) -- The village community (1956) -- The theory of ground rent and rural sociology (1956) -- The marxist-leninist theory of ground rent (1964) -- Introduction to the psychosociology of everyday life (1960) -- The new urban complex: lacq-mourenx and the urban problems of the new working class (1960) -- Experimental utopia: for a new urbanism (1961) -- The valley of campan: a study in historical sociology (1963) -- Publication history -- Index.
"A collection of previously untranslated writings by Henri Lefebvre on rural sociology, situating his research in relation to wider Marxist works. On the Rural is the first English collection to translate Lefebvre's crucial but lesser-known writings on rural sociology and political economy, presenting a wide-ranging approach to understanding the historical and rural sociology of precapitalist social forms, their endurance today, and conditions of dispossession and uneven development. In On the Rural, Stuart Elden and Adam David Morton present Lefebvre's key works on rural questions, including the first half of his book Du rural à l'urbain and supplementary texts, two of which are largely unknown conference presentations published outside France. On the Rural offers methodological orientations for addressing questions of economy, sociology, and geography by deploying insights from spatial political economy to decipher the rural as a terrain and stake of capitalist transformation. By doing so, it reveals the production of the rural as a key site of capitalist development and as a space of struggle. This volume delivers a careful translation-supplemented with extensive notes and a substantive introduction-to cement Lefebvre's central contribution to the political economy of rural sociology and geography. "--
In: American Sociology Series
In: Sociology: the journal of the British Sociological Association, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 280-281
ISSN: 1469-8684
"This book explores how global trends, state policies, and grassroots movements affect contemporary rural areas in both developed and developing countries. It also contains information on the contribution of the rural environment and its people to global agriculture, food security and the perpetuation of the human race"--