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2257342 Ergebnisse
Book review: Participación política juvenil Ángela Garcés Montoya y Gladys Lucía Acosta Valencia Medellín: Sello editorial Universidad de Medellín, 2012, 240 pp. ISBN978-958-8692-72-2 ; Reseña de libro: Participación política juvenil Ángela Garcés Montoya y Gladys Lucía Acosta Valencia Medellín: Sello editorial Universidad de Medellín, 2012, 240 pp. ISBN978-958-8692-72-2 ; Resenha do livro: Participación política juvenil Ángela Garcés Montoya y Gladys Lucía Acosta Valencia Medellín: Sello editorial Universidad de Medellín, 2012, 240 pp. ISBN978-958-8692-72-2
In: Civics for the Real World Ser.
In: Civics for the Real World Ser
In Jesse Duckworth's sophomore book he challenges all adults to take their place as responsible citizens in our society and reach out to youth in need of mentors. When the next generation continues to see politicians, athletes, and entertainers going to jail, who are they to look up to? How about you! After reading this book I'm confident you will.
In: Social Studies: Informational Text Ser.
Public participation is the right and obligation of citizens to contribute to development by contributing to initiative and creativity. Public participation has also attracted a lot of attention from academia as a concept of public policy. The authors conducted a systematic literature review of published articles in the social sciences to enhance our understanding of public participation. Some of the main issues are explained in this area through the NVIVO 12 plus software that qualitative analysis tool. The main issues are community, development, government, information, and interests. This article raises several propositions on the matter. This article suggests some new topics for further research.
In: I Can Make a Difference Ser
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Help Your Community -- Keep a Park Beautiful -- Donate Food -- Volunteer in a Soup Kitchen -- Donate to a Toy Drive -- Donate to a Coat Drive -- Send a Care Package -- Visit a Nursing Home -- Volunteer at an Animal Shelter -- Walk for Charity -- Team Up! -- Spread the News -- Glossary -- Index -- Web Sites -- Titles in This Series
Working paper
In: Social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 61, Heft 3, S. 217-226
ISSN: 1545-6846
In the National Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics, social workers are called on to promote meaningful involvement in decision making among vulnerable populations. The ethical imperatives and social justice implications associated with unequal participation suggest that the field of social work is uniquely situated to lead research and practice in the area of youth civic engagement. This article examines the current state of the social work literature regarding how young people participate civically. Authors identified 113 articles on this topic published over the past decade in journals with a large presence in social work or by social work authors. They present the findings of their exploratory research, with a focus on describing where this research is being published, the range of research foci, and the terms used to describe this work. Increased attention to promoting youth civic engagement is needed in the profession's core journals. Based on the analysis of this literature, they recommend moving toward a cohesive body of social work scholarship that includes increased collaboration among scholars, more unified terms and language, increased range of research foci and methodologies, and more rigorous and comparative testing of strategies by which youths participate civically.
Part 1: Theoretical Foundations ; International audience ; As a consequence of the interdisciplinary nature of Electronic Participation (e-Participation), current research on the field is fragmented and scattered. The exciting blurry boundaries and the immature identity of the field are making difficult the understanding of the main domain themes being investigated, in particular for "neophytes" researchers. In practice, several e-Participation initiatives often attract a wide audience but face serious limitations regarding involvement of those who attract. Recently, the potential of using social media to address citizens' involvement deficit has been subject of academic debate. By consulting 44 e-Participation papers, considered highly relevant to the aforementioned challenges, this paper produces a general overview of e-Participation research, particularly through social media. The findings show that the e-Participation field still faces the challenge of identity and strive for gaining wider recognition as an independent research area. Concerning e-Participation through social media which seems to be partly overlooked in the field research, the politicians-citizen's interaction has dominated scholars' attention and the adoption of such initiatives sponsored and driven by governments are rarely examine. Based on the findings, several research suggestions, which could play a significant contribution to advance future e-Participation research, are proposed.
As a consequence of the interdisciplinary nature of Electronic Partici-pation (e-Participation), current research on the field is fragmented and scattered. The exciting blurry boundaries and the immature identity of the field are making difficult the understanding of the main domain themes being investigated, in par-ticular for "neophytes" researchers. In practice, several e-Participation initiatives often attract a wide audience but face serious limitations regarding involvement of those who attract. Recently, the potential of using social media to address cit-izens' involvement deficit has been subject of academic debate. By consulting 44 e-Participation papers, considered highly relevant to the aforementioned chal-lenges, this paper produces a general overview of e-Participation research, par-ticularly through social media. The findings show that the e-Participation field still faces the challenge of identity and strive for gaining wider recognition as an independent research area. Concerning e-Participation through social media which seems to be partly overlooked in the field research, the politicians-citizen's interaction has dominated scholars' attention and the adoption of such initiatives sponsored and driven by governments are rarely examine. Based on the findings, several research suggestions, which could play a significant contribution to advance future e-Participation research, are ...
In: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Forthcoming
In: Facta Universitatis / University of Niš: the scientific journal. Series law and politics, S. 361
ISSN: 2406-1786
Social reaction to juvenile crime has evolved over time toghether with crime. In the initial period, juveniles were punished like adults and the primary purpose of punishment was repression, which is quite different today. In terms of punishment of juvenile offenders, our country has accepted the widely used system which is primarily characterised by the protection and education of juveniles. Therefore, the Act on Juvenile Criminal Offenders and Criminal-law Protection of Juveniles introduced educational orders whose primary purpose is to reduce the institutional treatment of juveniles and to contribute to their rehabilitation through their active involvement and improving relations with the victim. To this effect, the most preferable measures are educational measures whose main purpose is to provide assistance, supervision and rehabilitation of minors, and to prevent commission of crimes in the future. The most common educational measures are measures of intensive supervision which imply greater control over a minor by a parents, another family member or the guardianship authority. Institutional measures are the least common because they are the most serious kind of educational/correctional measures. In this system, the punishment of imprisonment is used exceptionally; thus, juvenile imprisonment is the last resort punsihment, which may be applied only against an older juvenile.