From September 11th, 2001 to 9-11: From Void to Crisis
In: International political sociology, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 275-292
ISSN: 1749-5687
133589 Ergebnisse
In: International political sociology, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 275-292
ISSN: 1749-5687
In: A Media Messenger book
In: Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Band 1, Heft 3, S. 1-24
In: BASIC papers, 41
World Affairs Online
A new kind of "international terrorism" -- "International terrorism" as a media event -- Terrorism as war/War against terrorism -- "War against international terrorism" in abstractions -- "War against international terrorism" as military action -- Happenings and unthinkingness
organised by Act Together . ; Includes bibliographical references ; Parallel als Buch-Ausg. erschienen
In: WLUML occasional paper 14
Anthrax is a serious bacterial infection with a particularly high mortality in its gastrointestinal, pulmonary, and meningitic forms with a worldwide distribution, although it is most common in the developing world. Gastrointestinal and pulmonary anthrax results in death within hours or a few days of the onset of serious symptoms and the diagnosis is usually made post-mortem. Treatment of wild type anthrax is usually with penicillin in high dose. The production of anthrax for large scale bioterrorism is difficult and requires sophisticated facilities. There is a greater risk that anthrax used as a bioterrorist weapon will be antibiotic resistant and ciprofloxacin is a more appropriate antibiotic choice until the antibiotic sensitivity of the anthrax strain being deployed becomes known. Post exposure prophylaxis should be continued for two months due to the long delay that sometimes occurs before spores germinate once within the human host. A live vaccine is available but requires a large number of injections and its use is largely limited to military personnel.
This paper examines the effect that the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 had on the stock prices of companies within the military defense industry. In addition, this paper studies the effect of the defense firms' political engagement (through lobbying activities) and how this affected the stock price response to the terrorist attacks. Our study finds that the cumulative abnormal returns of these companies are positively significant and that companies who lobbied experienced higher returns relative to those who did not lobby.
The attacks of September 11th, 2001 on the American soil had an undeniable impact in the political, religious and social fields of this new century, but also in the cultural one. They put to the test the very foundations of what is known as "americanism", an ideology born with the United States and still mostly prevalent to this day. While the images of the two collapsing World Trade Center towers symbolized a historical breaking point, the national catastrophe has since then nourished a large amount of fictions. Through the study of eighteen works of fiction published in the following decade - various by forms but noteworthy by their impact on the US culture -, our work claims to unveil an operative typology through time which follows the various stages of the mourning process, from denial to possible rebuilding. Thus, the diachronic analysis of this corpus, in close relationship with the American culture and history of political ideas, intends to question the role of fiction towards the shock resulting from September 11th, in order to seize the evolutions and limits of it, when the real puts it to the test. ; Les attaques du 11 septembre 2001 sur le sol américain ont eu un impact incontestable dans les sphères politique, religieuse, sociale mais aussi culturelle de ce début de siècle. Elles ont mis à l'épreuve les positions idéologiques d'une certaine idée américaniste née avec les États-Unis et encore largement partagée. Si les images de l'effondrement des deux tours du World Trade Center ont symbolisé une rupture jugée historique, la catastrophe nationale a nourri depuis lors un grand nombre de représentations fictionnelles. À travers l'étude de dix-huit œuvres publiées dans la décennie qui a suivi - diverses dans leur nature mais emblématiques par leur impact sur la culture étasunienne -, notre travail prétend mettre au jour une logique temporelle opératoire, une typologie égrenant les différentes étapes du travail de deuil, de la sidération à l'éventuelle reconstruction. L'analyse diachronique de ce ...
The attacks of September 11th, 2001 on the American soil had an undeniable impact in the political, religious and social fields of this new century, but also in the cultural one. They put to the test the very foundations of what is known as "americanism", an ideology born with the United States and still mostly prevalent to this day. While the images of the two collapsing World Trade Center towers symbolized a historical breaking point, the national catastrophe has since then nourished a large amount of fictions. Through the study of eighteen works of fiction published in the following decade - various by forms but noteworthy by their impact on the US culture -, our work claims to unveil an operative typology through time which follows the various stages of the mourning process, from denial to possible rebuilding. Thus, the diachronic analysis of this corpus, in close relationship with the American culture and history of political ideas, intends to question the role of fiction towards the shock resulting from September 11th, in order to seize the evolutions and limits of it, when the real puts it to the test. ; Les attaques du 11 septembre 2001 sur le sol américain ont eu un impact incontestable dans les sphères politique, religieuse, sociale mais aussi culturelle de ce début de siècle. Elles ont mis à l'épreuve les positions idéologiques d'une certaine idée américaniste née avec les États-Unis et encore largement partagée. Si les images de l'effondrement des deux tours du World Trade Center ont symbolisé une rupture jugée historique, la catastrophe nationale a nourri depuis lors un grand nombre de représentations fictionnelles. À travers l'étude de dix-huit œuvres publiées dans la décennie qui a suivi - diverses dans leur nature mais emblématiques par leur impact sur la culture étasunienne -, notre travail prétend mettre au jour une logique temporelle opératoire, une typologie égrenant les différentes étapes du travail de deuil, de la sidération à l'éventuelle reconstruction. L'analyse diachronique de ce ...
In: Political theology, Band 12, Heft 5, S. 727-736
ISSN: 1743-1719
In: Social work with groups: a journal of community and clinical practice, Band 24, Heft 3-4, S. 3-10
ISSN: 1540-9481
The present study examined the psychometric properties and diagnostic efficiency of the Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS), a self-report measure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. Participants included 158 U.S. military veterans who have served since September 11, 2001 (post-9/11). Results support the DTS as a valid self-report measure of PTSD symptoms. The DTS demonstrated good internal consistency, concurrent validity, and convergent and divergent validity. Diagnostic efficiency was excellent when discriminating between veterans with PTSD and veterans with no Axis I diagnosis. However, although satisfactory by conventional standards, efficiency was substantially attenuated when discriminating between PTSD and other Axis I diagnoses. Thus, results illustrate that potency of the DTS as a diagnostic aid was highly dependent on the comparison group used for analyses. Results are discussed in terms of applications to clinical practice and research.
In: Working paper series in economics No. 37
Discrimination, September 11th, Exit from unemployment. This paper examines whether the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001 have influenced the job prospects of Arabs in the German labor market. Using a large, representative database of the German working population, the attacks are treated as a natural experiment that may have caused an exogenous shift in attitudes toward persons who are perceived to be Arabs. Evidence from regression-adjusted difference-in-differences-estimates indicates that 9/11 did not cause a severe decline in job prospects. This result is robust over a wide range of control groups and several definitions of the sample and the observation period. Several explanations for this result, which is in line with prior evidence from Sweden, are offered.