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World Affairs Online
Thomas Benedikter (ed.) Solving Ethnic Conflict through Self-Government A Short
Autonomy, in the framework of a modern democratic state, was first es-tablished in 1921 in Finland's Aland Islands. Later such concepts of power sharing have been implemented in all continents, and, in 2009, operate in at least 60 regions in 20 states. Particularly after World War II, the idea of autonomy for the protection of ethnic or national minorities and the reso-lution of self-determination conflicts became a political reality in various European states as well as in India. In most cases, regional autonomy pro-vided the legal-political framework for the "internal self-determination " of a smaller or indigenous people or of an ethnic minority, preserving a specific ethnic-cultural identity while maintaining the sovereignty of the state in which they live. Not only could autonomy bring about peace and stability in conflict-ridden societies, but it could also enhance new partnerships be-tween the central state and the regional community. In the framework of the EURASIA-Network, an EU-funded exchange pro-gram of seven South Asian and European university departments, research institutes, and human rights institutions, the European Academy of Bol-zano/Bozen (EURAC) has chosen the issue of regional autonomy for sharing experiences and insights highlighting its significance for the protection of human and minority rights and the resolution of ethnic conflicts. The pub-lication, collecting twenty short essays by fifteen authors from both areas, should provide an overview of some of the most relevant cases of autono-my in Europe and South Asia. It aims to shed light on current developments in autonomous regions, as well as to explore the likelihood of implementing autonomy in societies still affected by ethnic conflict. The Editor's wish is to enhance a common critical discourse about autonomy and its potential to combine minority rights protection and self-government in South Asia and Europe. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European
PART II: INTRASTATE AUTONOMY: Indigenous Self-Government
In: Nomos: yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, Band 45, S. 119-135
ISSN: 0078-0979
Ecotourism, Conservation Mangement, and Regional Government Autonomy
At the end decade of 20 th century, the rate of world tourism development was related to "nature-oriented" travelling so high. In tourism terminology, this travelling is conceived as ecotourism. Almost all countries in the world respond to this new concept of tourism enthusiastically, in particular, developing countries which rich with natural areas with regard to foreign exchange from international tourists. Unfortunatelly, those natural areas are protected areas which designated as such because of intrinsically unique, beautiful, high biodiversity, and ecologically fragile. The use of these protected areas are limited to conserve is natural conditions. This paper emphasize the need of us to guard against this new concept of tourism, review of ecotourism concept from ecological perspective; the relationship between conservation management authority and regional otonomy.
State Aid and Self-Government: Regional Taxation and the Shifting Spaces of Constitutional Autonomy
In: From Single Market to Economic Union, S. 221-239
Nationalism and Self-Government. The Politics of Autonomy in Scotland and Catalonia
In: Regional and federal studies, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 471-473
ISSN: 1359-7566
Negotiating self-government arrangements
In: Journal of Palestine studies: a quarterly on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict, Band 21, Heft 4/84, S. 22-31
ISSN: 0377-919X, 0047-2654
Für die Palästinenser wird es bei den im Rahmen der Nahostkonferenz vereinbarten Verhandlungen über "interim self-government arrangements" wesentlich darum gehen, das Rechts- und Verwaltungsgefüge, das Israel zur Stützung seiner Annexionsbestrebungen in den besetzten Gebieten errichtet hat, zu demontieren bzw. zurücknehmen zu lassen. Besonders kritische Punkte sind das Bodenrecht, unter dem ein großer Teil des Landes als "öffentliches Land" eingetragen und für jüdische Siedler reserviert wurde, sowie die Einschränkung des Geltungsbereichs der lokalen Justiz und Verwaltung auf palästinensische Einwohner. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
Minority self-government in Slovenia
In: Südost-Europa: journal of politics and society, Band 49, Heft 7-8, S. 358-374
ISSN: 0722-480X
World Affairs Online
Empowerment Bureaucratic equipment resources Regional autonomy in local government
The publication of the acts is among those most valued as an indicator of the seriousness of the central government to respond to community aspirations and also to change the system of deluding government for some 32 years in a row A new order Pemetah that caused negative implications for the organization of the local governance system is decentralized. Also, there is the advent of a phenomenon threatening the disintegration of the nation that led to the secession of the State Union of the Republic of Indonesia, as we saw in various media. So want-not want the central government must meet regional autonomy requirements by putting them off
Transition to Palestinian self-government
In: Journal of Palestine studies: a quarterly on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict, Band 22, Heft 3/87, S. 46-56
ISSN: 0377-919X, 0047-2654
Zusammenfassung einer Studie der "American Academy of Arts and Science", in der gezeigt werden sollte, daß eine Übergangsphase der palästinensischen Selbstverwaltung, die entweder in einen unabhängigen palästinensischen Staat oder eine Konföderation mit Jordanien mündet, im Interesse sowohl der Palästinenser wie auch der Israelis liegt. Es werden drei Bereiche spezifiziert, die in einem Selbstverwaltungsübereinkommen geregelt werden müßten: zivile und politische Institutionen (graduelle Übernahme von Regierungs- und Verwaltungsinstitutionen und -funktionen); äußere und innere Sicherheit (bilaterale Abkommen im Rahmen eines regionalen Sicherheitssystems); Wirtschaft und Ressourcen. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
In: Socialʹno-političeskie nauki: mežvuzovskij naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 191-197
Theoretical concepts that make it possible to describe certain models of local self-government focus on the community as the main subject of local processes. Russian legislation provides for the legal fixation of the community in the form of territorial public self-government. The article is a review and comparative analysis of the practice of local self-government carried out by the population in the form of territorial public self-government. An assessment of social performance allows us to make the assumption that territorial restrictions on the implementation of self-government entail a decrease in the initiative activity of residents. Restrictions are a consequence of the refusal by municipal authorities to perceive territorial public self-government as an equal participant in local self-government.
Is Lobbying Effictively Regulated in the Regional Self-governments in Poland? The Cases of Opolskie and Podkarpackie Regional Self-governments
In: Lex localis: journal of local self-government, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 519-544
The goal of the paper is to examine whether lobbying is effectively regulated in the regional self-governments in Poland. The article analyses two cases: Opolskie and Podkarpackie regional self-governments (2014-2020). For the purpose of the article, three types of material were gathered 1) A legislation regulating lobbying in Poland (the Law on Lobbying); 2) The results of the semi-structured interviews with sixty councilors from both regional chambers; 3) The websites and public social media accounts of the legislators and major lobbyists and the correspondence with heads of the regions' organizational departments. Two scientific methods were adopted (institutionally-legal analysis and comparative method) to examine the material.
An outcome of the research revealed that lobbying is ineffectively regulated. A law does not provide the state with instruments allowing to control the prevailing type of lobbying ("lobbying activity"). Furthermore, neither councilors, nor lobbyists adopted ethical codes of conduct that would establish clear behavioral standards. Moreover, lobbyists have equal access only to the rank-and-file councilors, whereas solely the strongest ones can contact the legislators constituting the regional government.
Indigenous territorial autonomy and self-government in the diverse Americas
In: Global Indigenous issues series no. 2
"An essential work on autonomy and self-governance for scholars of Indigenous politics, Indigenous rights in the Americas, constitutional law, and multicultural citizenship regimes. Across the Americas, Indigenous and Afro-descendent peoples have demanded autonomy, self-determination, and self-governance. By exerting their collective rights, they have engaged with domestic and international standards on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, implemented full-fledged mechanisms for autonomous governance, and promoted political and constitutional reform aimed at expanding understandings of multicultural citizenship and the plurinational state. Yet these achievements come in conflict with national governments' adoption of neoliberal economic and neo-extractive policies which advance their interests over those of Indigenous communities. Available for the first time in English, Indigenous Territorial Autonomy and Self-Government in the Diverse Americas explores current and historical struggles for autonomy within ancestral territories, experiences of self-governance in operation, and presents an overview of achievements, challenges, and threats across three decades. Case studies across Bolivia, Chile, Nicaragua, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, and Canada provide a detailed discussion of autonomy and self-governance in development and in practice. Paying special attention to the role of Indigenous peoples' organizations and activism in pursuing sociopolitical transformation, securing rights, and confronting multiple dynamics of dispossession, this book engages with current debates on Indigenous politics, relationships with national governments and economies, and the multicultural and plurinational state. This book will spark critical reflection on political experience and further exploration of the possibilities of the self-determination of peoples through territorial autonomies. With Contributions By: Orlando Aragón Andrade, Ana Cecilia Arteaga Böhrt, Verónica Azpiroz Cleñan, Frederica Barclay, Araceli Burguete Cal y Mayor, John Cameron, Bernal D. Castillo, Magali Vienca Copa-Pabón, Elsy Curihuinca N., Dalee Sambo Dorough, Dolores Figueroa Romero, Ritsuko Funaki, Miguel González, Laura Hernández Pérez, María Fernanda Herrera Acuña, Amy M. Kennemore, Rodrigo Lillo V., Elizabeth López-Canelas, José A. Marimán, Pere Morell i Torra, Shapiom Noningo, Pablo Ortiz-T., Wilfredo Plata, Roberta Rice, and Consuelo Sánchez."
Federalism and Regional Autonomy
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies
"Federalism and Regional Autonomy" published on by Oxford University Press.
Autonomy as a way out of crisis?
In: American foreign policy interests: journal of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc, Band 36, Heft 6, S. 387-394
ISSN: 1080-3920
World Affairs Online