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Zumutungen des Friedens: Kurt Scharf zum 80. Geburtstag
In: Rororo 5032
In: rororo aktuell
World Affairs Online
Zumutungen des Friedens: Kurt Scharf zum 80. Geburtstag : herausgegeben von Volkmar Deile
In: Rororo aktuell
Drifting toward Revolution: Kurt Scharf and the dah shab in Tehran
In: Iranian studies, Band 56, Heft 1, S. 181-190
ISSN: 1475-4819
Poetry readings are an intimate affair; they are not suitable for mobilizing the masses. But poems can capture moods and trigger emotions. They can create closeness and community, send messages and demand change. Indeed, in the case of Iran, a series of poetry reading sessions can be considered a milestone event on the country's path toward revolution.2 During ten nights of poetry reading, known as the dah shab, in October 1977 in Tehran, the country's most prominent poets and writers took advantage of a short window of opportunity that opened up for them when the Shah loosened somewhat the reins of dictatorship. Beginning on October 10, 1977, they presented their poems to thousands of listeners on ten consecutive evenings on the premises of the German-Iranian Cultural Association on Pahlavī Avenue. Poets of all political persuasions were present, united above all in their common interest of demanding an end to censorship and standing up for freedom of speech. The impressive list of participants includes such well-known names as Behazin, Simin Behbehani, Mehdi Akhavan-Sales, Houshang Golshiri, Saeed Soltanpour, and Siavosh Kasrai, along with many more.3
"Seelsorger und Visionär": Gedenkfeier anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags von Bischof D. Kurt Scharf ; Reden ; Französische Freistadtkirche in Berlin, 20. Oktober 2002
In: Epd-Dokumentation 2002,52
World Affairs Online
Eine scharfe Sache
In: Schweizerische Ärztezeitung: SÄZ ; offizielles Organ der FMH und der FMH Services = Bulletin des médecins suisses : BMS = Bollettino dei medici svizzeri, Band 98, Heft 2627, S. 883-883
ISSN: 1424-4004
Scharf, Brüder
Robert: * 1855 Schönberg/Mähren (Šumperk/CZ), † ?.6.1901 Fünfkirchen (Pécs/H). Hornist und Militärkapellmeister.
Schön – Scharf?
In: Der deutsche Dermatologe: Organ des Berufsverbandes der Deutschen Dermatologen e.V, Band 63, Heft 1, S. 60-60
ISSN: 2196-6354
Scharfes Instrument
In: Sozialwirtschaft: Zeitschrift für Führungskräfte in sozialen Unternehmungen, Band 21, Heft 2, S. 7-10
ISSN: 2942-3481
Ein "schärferes" Versammlungsrecht?
In: Bürgerrechte & Polizei: CILIP ; Cilip Informationsdienst, Band 68, S. 50-59
ISSN: 0932-5409