STEM careers in the military
In: Careers in the military series
264 Ergebnisse
In: Careers in the military series
In: Voprosy ėkonomiki: ežemesjačnyj žurnal, Heft 11, S. 28-50
In this study, we explore wage dynamics of STEM and nonSTEM professionals during their working life. We analyze wage differences along the wage distribution and with labor market experience. The main novelty in the paper is decomposing the wage growth in separate effects of experience, cohort and time, and accounting for potential depreciation. The identification used in this procedure is based on the ideas of the human capital theory. The empirical realization employs data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey. It shows that Russian STEM graduates accumulate human capital at a slower rate than nonSTEM graduates do. However, STEM skills acquired by the beginning of the career are less exposed to obsoleteness than nonSTEM. This reflects a stronger cohort effect for the latter group, and is an implication of the systemic change and the transformational recession during the 1990s
Stepping Up Women's STEM Careers in Infrastructure: An Overview of Promising Approaches describes a variety of ways to level the pathway for women entering into and progressing in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) employment within the infrastructure sectors—energy and extractives; water; transport; and digital development. It is composed of three volumes : Volume 1 distills the findings from an extensive literature review, a global stocktaking exercise, key informant interviews, and five case studies in order to provide World Bank Group project teams with insights that they can use to support women's STEM careers in infrastructure at each stage of their careers—from initial attraction to the sectors and job recruitment, to retention within organizations, and advancement to managerial and leadership roles. The report is intended to underpin and expand the existing knowledge on gender equality issues, under the World Bank's Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).The case studies featured form part of the insight captured in the associated report Stepping Up Women's STEM Careers in Infrastructure: Case Studies (Volume 1). Volume 2 is composed of five case studies that describe a variety of contexts in which measures are being implemented to attract, recruit, retain, and advance women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) roles in the infrastructure sectors across Ethiopia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), North Macedonia, Panama, and Solomon Islands. The first three case studies profiled in this document focus specifically on recruitment, retention, or advancement. The remaining two case studies focus on organizations that are tackling the issue of women's underrepresentation holistically, in each of the crucial stages of a woman's career. The case studies featured form part of the insight captured in the main report Stepping Up Women's STEM Careers in Infrastructure: An Overview of Promising Approaches (Volume 1). Volume 3 summary note provides a brief overview of some of the findings from an extensive literature review, a global stocktaking exercise, key informant interviews, and five case studies (featured in Volume 1 and 2) in order to provide World Bank Group project teams with insights that they can use to support women's STEM careers in infrastructure at each stage of their careers.
In: Open access government, Band 36, Heft 1, S. 262-263
ISSN: 2516-3817
Girls Who Code: Encouraging Girls towards STEM Careers
Though women may enter the STEM workforce with great anticipation, they often encounter what has been termed the "chilly climate" and eventually drop out (the "leaky pipeline"). Girls Who Code – While enrolment in computing science and engineering degrees has largely evened out among men and women, the professional participation of women in the technology sphere continues to lag behind. Perhaps the best-known "intervention" is Girls Who Code (GWC), a non-profit initiative who declare themselves "the world's largest pipeline of future female engineers" (Girls Who Code, 2021).
In: HKS Working Paper No. RWP19-025, August 2019
Working paper
In: NBER Working Paper No. w25065
Working paper
In: New directions for youth development: theory, research, and practice, Band 2013, Heft 140, S. 9-29
ISSN: 1537-5781
With a rising demand for a college degree and an increasingly complicated college search, application, and selection process, there are a number of interventions designed to ease the college‐going process for adolescents and their families. One such intervention, the College Ambition Program (CAP), is specifically designed to be a whole‐school intervention that comprehensively connects several important aspects of the college‐going process and specifically is focused on increasing interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). With many adolescents having interest in STEM careers but lacking knowledge of how to transform these interests into plans, CAP supports students in developing and pursuing their educational and occupational goals. CAP offers students tutoring and mentoring, course‐counseling and advising, assistance through the financial aid process, and college experiences through visits to college campuses. In addition to these four core components, CAP is also pursuing how to integrate mobile technology and texting to further provide students with tailored resources and information about the college‐going process. This chapter describes the complexities of the college‐going process, the components of the CAP intervention, and presents findings that demonstrate that these strategies can increase college‐going rates and interest in STEM. The authors highlight the importance of developing a college‐going culture within high schools that support the alignment of postsecondary and career goals.
Paper presented at the 5th Strathmore International Mathematics Conference (SIMC 2019), 12 - 16 August 2019, Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya ; In the last decade, education policy in a many African countries has shifted to SBS Competence based education. Seen to resonate with and originate from global discourses on human capital theory and the current push to build a global workforce for the 21st century, the increased adoption of competence based education curriculum by African government continues to be fronted as key requirement for national economic growth. Using the proposed Kenyan Competence based curriculum as a case study this article provides a social-cultural theoretical reflection on some of the limitations of competency based curriculuxn as is currently promoted in some of the African countries in equitably supporting African students access to quality STEM education and transition STEM careers in the 21st century. Conclusions point to the need for bi/multilateral institutions such as the World Bank to desist from promoting one-sizefits all education models for Africa. A suggestion is made for key Pan-African STEM based institution such African Institute of Mathematical sciences (AIMS) to take a leadership role in advising the African governments on the merits and demerits of implementing a competency based curriculum. ; AIMMSEC, Rwanda.
In: Bulletin of science, technology & society, Band 23, Heft 4, S. 265-273
ISSN: 1552-4183
Many high schools offer students the opportunity to take advanced placement (AP) courses in many subjects including science and mathematics. Studies have shown that students who take these classes are more likely to succeed in college and that failure in engineering education is strongly correlated to deficiencies in mathematics and science. This article presents the background of AP classes and their impact on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) career choices of college students. The results of this study confirm that students who take AP classes in calculus and the sciences are more likely to select majors in careers such as engineering, science, mathematics, and the medical field. In this study, both minority and nonminority students who were taking AP calculus and/or science courses in high school selected STEM careers at a higher rate than other careers and males selected engineering at a higher rate than females. Females selected science and mathematics and the medical field at a higher rate than males. Furthermore, the size and location of the high school, profession of parents, and socioeconomic level of parents all affect the number of AP classes offered in high schools as well as which ethnic groups primarily take them.
In: Journal of women and minorities in science and engineering, Band 31, Heft 1, S. 33-54
As both the student demographics of higher education in the United States and the U.S. military continue to
diversify, the enrollment numbers of student veterans of color are on the rise. And, while higher education
has served as a space of knowledge, community, and self-discovery for many students, it maintains itself as
primarily a space of White hegemony, which has been the cause of persistent difficulties and traumas for
students of color while maintaining comfort and homogeneity for White students. This study focuses on the
identity and relational experiences of three graduate student veterans, one White male, one White female,
and one Black male, in their higher education journey as student veterans. This work examines the ways that the military and higher education provide privileged and normalized spaces of safety and belonging for Whiteness-even if these spaces are more haphazard for White women-while marginalizing Blackness
by posing enormous challenges to Black veterans trying to find a support system on campus.
In: Journal of women and minorities in science and engineering, Band 26, Heft 6, S. 541-577
In: STEM careers
"In Ecologist, carefully leveled text and vibrant, full-color photographs take early fluent readers on an informational interview with a real life scientist. Readers learn about the day-to-day responsibilities and challenges of this career and the things they can do now to prepare for work as an ecologist."--
In: Gender in management: an international journal, Band 38, Heft 8, S. 1092-1116
ISSN: 1754-2421
The under-representation of women working in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers is a persistent problem worldwide. This dilemma is exacerbated by the fact that an insufficient number of women enroll in STEM studies, and a significant proportion of those who do join then opt out of their STEM careers at different points in their lives. The protean attitude emphasizes agentic individual control over one's career, and thus offers women substantial potential for developing and enhancing career outcomes. Therefore, this study aims to investigate coping self-efficacy as an antecedent and career identity as a consequent of a protean attitude for women working in STEM.
Using a questionnaire survey, data were collected from 482 women working in STEM in the Middle East region. Multiple regression and bootstrapping methods were used in the analysis of the data.
The findings indicate that coping self-efficacy positively affects both protean attitude and career identity. The results also show that a protean attitude mediates the relationship between coping self-efficacy and career identity.
Practical implications
This research presents organizational management and government policy recommendations aimed at increasing the recruitment and retention of women in STEM careers.
The study addresses some of the main challenges related to identifying antecedents and outcomes of protean attitude.
In: IEEE women in engineering magazine, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 45-46
ISSN: 1942-0668