Magnetic response of YbMnO3 single crystal
3 pages, 3 figures. ; The low ac- and dc-field magnetic susceptibilities of hexagonal YbMnO3 single crystal have been measured along the ab plane and along the c axis (Xab,Xc). The antiferromagnetic Néel temperature TN is well signaled by a cusp in the temperature dependence of Xc but no features are visible in Xab. A remarkable anisotropy of paramagnetic susceptibility and the extrapolated Curie–Weiss temperature are observed and related to the quasibidimensional magnetic structure of YbMnO3. Below TN magnetic irreversibility sets, reflecting the presence of a weak ferromagnetic response. Possible scenarios for the origin of the weak ferromagnetism are discussed. ; This work has been supported by CSIC/BAS Project No. 2005BG0016. Financial support by the MEC of the Spanish Government (Project No. NAN2004-9094-C03, MAT2005- 5656-C04, and Nanoselec CSD 2007-00041), by Bulgarian Science Fund (Project No. BYX-308), and by the European Union (Projects MaCoMuFi: FP6-03321 and FEDER)is also acknowledged. ; Peer reviewed