Opinion - SFO 'was right to halt BAE Systems inquiry'
In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 21
ISSN: 0265-3818
439 Ergebnisse
In: Jane's defence weekly: JDW, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 21
ISSN: 0265-3818
Introduction : three views of SFO -- Out of the mud -- Making San Francisco Airport -- Of fighting planes and flowers -- A black future in the air industry? -- The politics of jet noise -- Diverging welcomes -- Sanctuary's gateway -- Shoreline futures.
In: Environmental sciences Europe: ESEU, Band 32, Heft 1
ISSN: 2190-4715
Foliage residue decline data are used to refine the risk assessment for herbivorous birds and mammals foraging in fields treated with plant protection products. For evaluation, current EFSA guidance has a clear focus on single-first order (SFO) kinetic models. However, other kinetic models are well established in other areas of environmental risk evaluations (e.g., soil residue assessment), and easy-to-use calculation tools have become available now. We provide case studies with 6 fungicides how such evaluations can be conducted with two of these tools (KinGUII and TREC) that have been developed by Bayer.
SFO kinetics provided the best fits only for 13 of 36 residue decline studies conducted in a standardized design under field conditions. Biphasic models (double first order in parallel, hockey stick) were often superior and sometimes more conservative for risk assessment. The additional effort is manageable when using software such as KinGUII and TREC, and appears justified by the more reliable outcome of the evaluations.
Further research would be useful to better assess the extent to which non-SFO better fits foliage residue decline, but our study suggests that it may be a significant proportion. Therefore, we encourage the use of biphasic models in the regulatory risk assessment for herbivorous birds and mammals, in the ongoing revision of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) guidance document from 2009.
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 27, Heft 36, S. 45336-45348
ISSN: 1614-7499
Based on patent data and industry specific energy prices for 18 OECD countries over 30 years we investigate on an industry level the impact of energy prices on green Innovation activities. Our econometric models show that energy prices and green innovation activities are positively related and that energy prices have a significantly positive impact on the ratio of green innovations to non-green innovations. More concretely, our main model shows that a 10% increase of the average energy prices of the previous five years results in a 2.7% and 4.5% increase of the number of green patents and the ratio of green patents to non-green patents, respectively. We also find that the impact of energy prices increases with an increasing lag between energy prices and innovation activities. Robustness tests confirm the main results. In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchen wir, gestützt auf Patentdaten und industriespezifischen Energiepreisen für 18 OECD-Länder, den Einfluss von Energiepreisen auf die Innovationstätigkeit in grünen Technologien. Unsere ökonometrischen Schätzungen zeigen eine positive Korrelation zwischen Energiepreisen und grüner Innovationstätigkeit; Energiepreise haben einen signifikant positive Einfluss auf die Quote von grünen im Vergleich zu nicht-grünen Innovationen. So zeigt unser Hauptmodell, dass eine Erhöhung um 10% der durchschnittlichen Energiepreise über fünf Jahre zu einer um 2.7% höheren Anzahl grüner Patente, beziehungsweise einer um 4.5% höheren Quote von grünen Patenten im Vergleich zu anderen Patenten führt. Mit zunehmendem zeitlichen Abstand zwischen Energiepreisen und Innovationstätigkeit lässt sich ein grösserer Effekt der Energiepreise feststellen. Unsere zentralen Resultate werden durch diverse Robustheitstests bestätigt.
At the current stage of Russia's development it is extremely important to create an effective mechanism of sociopolitical stability in the Southern Federal Okrug (SFO). The creation (drawing up) and continuous functioning of this mechanism is a necessary prerequisite for the sustainable economic development of the Russian South (and of all the territories that belong to it), as well as the country as a whole. The federal government is becoming increasingly aware that new transportation projects can be only implemented in the Caspian region if military and political security both here and throughout the Northern Caucasus is ensured. In turn, the new transit systems in the Caspian are not only economically advantageous projects for Russia, but also an effective way to protect its geopolitical interests in the Caspian-Black Sea region. Today Russia can only retain its position in the greater Caspian-Black Sea region by pooling its military and political resources and conducting an extensive regional socioeconomic policy in the problematic territories of the SFO. Without this it will be impossible to achieve sociopolitical stability in the key regions of the Northern Caucasus, including attract sufficient investments, particularly foreign, and carry out large-scale transit projects there. In addition, regional researchers are concerned that most of the population and public organizations in the SFO are absolutely loyal to the government and only a small minority is engaged in constructive opposition to the regional bureaucrats
In: Critical Perspectives, No. 12
Korruption und alle anderen Formen der Wirtschaftskriminalität sind seit Jahrzehnten ein großes Entwicklungshemmnis für Ghana. Der Autor beleuchtet Aufgabe und Arbeit des 1993 geschaffenen Serious Fraud Office (SFO): seine Ressourcen, seine Befugnisse, institutionellen Strukturen und die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Regierungsstellen. Das SFO habe ein Wahrnehmungs- und Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem, gleichwohl sei die Arbeit bisher durchaus erfolgreich. Der Autor versucht die Schwachstellen des SFO zu identifizieren und macht Vorschläge, wie die Arbeit des Amtes und der Kampf gegen die Korruption gestärkt werden könnte. (DÜI-Sbd)
World Affairs Online
In: Environmental sciences Europe: ESEU, Band 36, Heft 1
ISSN: 2190-4715
AbstractThe degradation half-life (DegT50) of a substance in soil plays an important role in the approval process of a plant protection product and is a sensitive input parameter for regulatory models. It is usually derived through least squares optimizations of mathematical models to measured degradation data according to EU FOCUS degradation kinetics guidance. A strong consensus on degradation parameters provides a solid foundation for parts of the environmental risk assessment. The DegT50 of a substance for regulatory modeling is preferably derived from a single first-order (SFO) model as this is currently the only kinetic model implemented in EU regulatory models of the environmental fate of pesticides. However, kinetic optimisation tools do not always provide a regulatory acceptable SFO fit even though a visual inspection of the data suggests it may be possible. It was therefore hypothesized that more acceptable SFO fits might be achieved by adapting the objective function that is minimized during the optimization.Eight objective functions with varying weightings were tested on 29 laboratory soil degradation datasets. A web-based app was developed to allow experts in environmental safety of plant protection products to visually assess the goodness of fits resulting from different objective functions. The visual assessments and a quantitative metric, newly introduced in the proposed update of the FOCUS guidance, show that the acceptability of SFO fits can be increased, but no single objective function exclusively improves all fits. The assessment reveals that expert judgment is very subjective. Participants tended to change their mind when judging the acceptance of a fit, assumingly caused by a learning curve or a period of calibration.It is concluded that different objective functions could be considered in the kinetic assessment as it can improve the acceptability of SFO fits and hence endpoints for regulatory modeling. This study reveals that various qualitative factors influence the visual judgment of experts when performing a kinetic modeling assessment. The proposed quantitative metric seems to be in alignment with the visual assessment of fits to derive modeling endpoints and a promising step toward less subjective kinetic modeling assessments.
In: Tidsskrift for børne- & ungdomskultur BUKS, Band 39, Heft 67, S. 14
Artiklen undersøger LegeKunst-forløbet Fortællinger i bevægelse fra Næstved Kommune, hvor de ca. 900 børnehavebørn, der efter sommerferien 2022 skulle starte i 0. klasse, deltog i et brobygningsforløb. Med inddragelse af fortælling, æstetiske aktiviteter og kunstmøder arbejdede projektet med at bygge bro og skabe genkendelighed for børnene i deres overgang fra børnehave til SFO (førskole).
Projektet lykkedes med at give børnene fælles oplevelser og en referenceramme, der på tværs af tidligere børnehavefællesskaber gav de ny SFO-børnefællesskaber en fælles historie og et fælles tredje. I brobygningsforløbets æstetiske aktiviteter blev der desuden åbnet op for ligeværdige møder mellem børn, pædagoger og lokale kunstnere, der sammen gik på opdagelse i legende og skabende processer.
In: PNAS nexus
ISSN: 2752-6542
Heat exposure in outdoor work environments poses risks to worker health and productivity. Engineering solutions like cool surfaces that increase surface albedo and reduce temperatures may help mitigate these impacts.
We conducted detailed micrometeorological modeling to analyze surface characteristics and heat exposure for outdoor workers at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) under current conditions and three hypothetical albedo-increase scenarios. Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) was used to estimate potential productivity loss based on established relationships between heat stress and loss in physical work capacity. For the month of August 2020, we quantified possible gained hours of productivity per worker per month under each hypothetical albedo-increase scenario.
Across the entire area of SFO, the average campus albedo was 0.20 (range: 0.08, 0.85). Adopting low, moderate, and high albedo modifications for SFO would reduce peak midday WBGT by 0.89°C, 1.25°C, and 1.59°C, respectively. The largest temperature reductions occurred during the morning shift (7:00am-3:00pm). In one shift, we found a potential of 5.20, 7.16, and 8.95 hours gained per worker over the entire month in the low, moderate, and high albedo modification scenarios, respectively.
Cover -- Informationen zum Buch -- Titel -- Impressum -- Inhalt -- Vorwort -- Einleitung -- Erster Teil: Fiktionaler Realismus -- 1. Interpretation und Deutung -- 2. Es gibt keine fiktionalen Gegenstände - Gegen einen philosophischen Mythos -- 3. Sinnfeldontologische Meontologie -- 4. Die Welt ist keine Fiktion - Zur Inkohärenz von Borges' Das Aleph -- 5. Die SFO ist keine meinongianische Gegenstandstheorie -- Zweiter Teil: Mentaler Realismus -- 6. Vom naiven Realismus zum Illusionismus -- 1. Benutzerillusion -- 2. Projektivismus -- 3. Ipsundrum -- 4. Sekundäre Qualitäten -- 5. Fiktionalismus -- 6. Optische Täuschungen -- 7. UFOs und Gott -- 7. Die Unhintergehbarkeit des Geistes -- 8. Die Lebenswelt der Sinnfeldontologie -- 9. Objektive Phänomenologie -- 10. Ontologie der Einbildungskraft - (Vermeintliche) Ausdrucksschranken der SFO -- 11. Fiktive, imaginäre und intentionale Gegenstände -- 1. Metaphysischer Fiktionalismus -- 2. Metaphysischer Imaginatismus -- 3. Metaphysischer Intentionalismus -- 4. Metaphysischer Realismus -- Dritter Teil: Sozialer Realismus -- 12. Die Natur sozialer Tatsachen -- 13. Unsere Überlebensform - Die intransparente Gesellschaft -- 14. Regelfolgen, realistisch gedacht -- 15. Mythologie, Ideologie, Fiktion -- 16. Zur Ontologie sozialer Netzwerke -- 17. Die Öffentlichkeit des Geistes -- Zu guter Letzt: Es gilt, das Gespenst des postfaktischen Zeitalters zu verjagen -- Namenregister.
Ytterligare forskningsfinansiärer: Knut and Alice WallenbergFoundation for a Fellowship Grant and Project funding (KAW 2015.0043), Swedish Government Strategic Research Area in Materials Science on Functional Materials at Linköping University (Faculty Grant SFO MatLiUNo. 2009 00971), Swedish Research Council VR-RFI (#2017-00646_9), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research(contract RIF14-0053)
In: Water and environment journal, Band 34, Heft S1, S. 503-515
ISSN: 1747-6593
AbstractThe salting‐out assisted liquid–liquid extraction (SALLE) combined with dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on the solidification of floating organic droplet (DLLME‐SFO) has been first developed as a high preconcentration technique for the extraction of pyrethroid insecticides (PYRs) in multimedia environmental samples, including air, soil, water, human urine, hedgehog serum and plasma. GC‐MS was the separation and determination technique. Under the optimum extraction conditions (sample pH 2; salting‐out solution volume and pH, 2 mL and 3; extraction solution, 300 µL of 1‐undecanol; centrifugation speed and time, 2000 rpm and 15 min) and determination conditions, a linearity range (R2 = 0.9993–0.9999) was obtained in a range of 5–5000 ng/mL. The limits of detection based on a signal‐to‐noise ratio of 3 were between 1.5 and 6.1 ng/mL. The recoveries of the four PYRs ranged from 66 to 122%. The results demonstrated that this SALLE–DLLME‐SFO–GC‐MS method allowed the satisfactory enrichment, purification and determination results of PYRs in multimedia environmental samples.
In: Electoral Studies, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 346-353
The 2002 election appeared to restore the old order in Austrian politics. As ever since the introduction of universal suffrage (the 1930s & 1990s being exceptions) the Catholic conservative & social democratic camps, now represented by the OVP & SFO, are the centers of electoral gravity. Most of the time until 1970, the OVP was the stronger; thereafter, until this election, it was the SPO. Also the traditional loyalties of the major social groups, especially among blue-collar workers, were reestablished in the 2002 elections. 2 Tables, 7 References. Adapted from the source document.