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485787 Ergebnisse
In: Systems research and behavioral science: the official journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, Band 19, Heft 5, S. 407-416
ISSN: 1099-1743
In: Discussion Papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Forschungsschwerpunkt Arbeitsmarkt und Beschäftigung, Abteilung Arbeitsmarktpolitik und Beschäftigung, Band 00-203
"This essay intends to explore three innovative ways to foster job creation in services: First, the switch from product markets to utility markets would induce more and new types of user services. Such a switch would not only be more employment friendly but also foster a sustainable economic development compatible with ecological principles. The reorientation from products to utilities provides strong arguments for an emphasis on the framework conditions of services, for instance for lowering VAT in favour of labour intensive services, for forward regulation through (usually service enhancing) high quality standards, for deregulating market entry barriers, and for subsidising networks instead of individual products or services. Second, the thesis of cost disease has to be reconsidered in view of productivity enhancing possibilities by new technologies, and in view of innovative possibilities in managing specific income risks related to modern services. Service-product chains are the main ingredient for increasing productivity in services which is demonstrated in the field of art. Various approaches of social insurance in this field offer also inspiring ideas for risk management beyond the traditional welfare state. The most important policy conclusion related to this experience is the inclusion of consumers into the financing of social insurance. Third, the switch from transfers to persons with low earnings capacities to the support of peoples self-reliance through their own work could also induce increasing demand for already existing or new types of job services, and contribute especially to gender equality in the labour market. The central policy conclusion is the recommendation to turn social benefit entitlements (transfers) into vouchers for buying or co-financing job services." (author's abstract)
In: Futuribles: l'anticipation au service de l'action ; revue bimestrielle, Heft 291, S. 79-81
ISSN: 0183-701X, 0337-307X
Grundlagen des Managements von Dienstleistungsprozessen -- Teil I: Die Pre-Service-Phase -- Wertgenerierung in der Lebenswelt des Kunden -- Vorbereitende Kundenaktivitäten in der Pre-Service-Phase -- Die Gestaltung des Dienstleistungsprozesses – das Service Process Design -- Die Vorbereitungsaktivitäten des Anbieters in der Pre-Service-Phase -- Teil II: Gemeinsame Aktivitäten von Kunde und Anbieter in der Service-Phase -- Service Experience Management -- Akteure der Service Co‑Creation und ihre Rollen -- Aktivitäten – die Handlungen der Akteure im Service Co‑Creation-Prozess -- Interaktion – das Kernelement der Service Co‑Creation -- Die Dienstleistungsumgebung als Raum der Service Co‑Creation -- Entwicklung des Service Experience Designs -- Teil III: Autonome Anbieteraktivitäten in der Service-Phase -- Gegenstand der autonomen Aktivitäten des Anbieters -- Die Koordinationsaufgabe – die Organisationsstruktur des Service Co‑Creation-Prozesses -- Die Motivationsaufgabe – die Steuerung der Leistung des Personals -- Teil IV: Die Post-Service-Phase -- Nachbereitende Aktivitäten des Kunden und Anbietermaßnahmen -- Ecosystem-Aktivitäten des Kunden und Anbietermaßnahmen. .