The Civil Service: continuity and change
In: Public policy and administration: PPA, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 3-15
ISSN: 1749-4192
2200 Ergebnisse
In: Public policy and administration: PPA, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 3-15
ISSN: 1749-4192
In: Teaching public administration: TPA, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 1-14
ISSN: 2047-8720
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 80, Heft 5, S. 874-879
ISSN: 1540-6210
AbstractThis Viewpoint essay examines the service delivery responses of nonprofit organizations that offer homeless support services amid the COVID‐19 pandemic. Government mandates and severe human needs have forced nonprofits to adapt quickly. Literature reviews provide little information about how nonprofits should manage service continuity under pandemics. Data collected from websites and interviews with nonprofits executives provide an understanding of adaptations and innovations. The study uses a crisis response model—"Disruptions‐Ambiguities‐Innovations‐Challenges" (DAIC)—to demonstrate how social service nonprofits are responding to challenges under COVID‐19. Lessons learned are useful for scholars and practitioners to understand ways nonprofits have remained agile and innovative.
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 5
ISSN: 0734-371X
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 12, S. 5-25
ISSN: 0734-371X
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 12, Heft 2, S. 5-25
ISSN: 1552-759X
The survey reported here is an extension of the first systematic attempt in 1980 directed toward profiling the character of Hispanic federal senior executives. No previous studies have tracked the views of Hispanic SES members over time. The findings suggest that: (1) Hispanics continue to be represented in the SES in minimal numbers despite contentions to the contrary in the literature; (2) Hispanic SES'ers are not experiencing sources of dissatisfaction to the extent that former SES'ers indicated as reasons for their departure; and, (3) race relations in the federal public service continue to be a serious problem as we enter the 1990s.
In: Journal of homeland security and emergency management, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 61-79
ISSN: 1547-7355
Earthquakes, known for their widespread devastation, annually inflict catastrophic consequences globally. Swift and well-structured healthcare responses following earthquakes are pivotal in reducing their impact and mitigating loss of life. However, achieving this demands proactive strategic planning and effective preparedness before disaster strikes. While countries craft disaster response plans, their implementation often proves inadequate in managing the ensuing crisis comprehensively. This study proposes a paradigm shift by advocating for the utilization of widely accessible Family Health Centers (FHCs) as crucial hubs for post-earthquake healthcare continuity. Focused on these community-centric health units, our research delineates a strategic blueprint ensuring uninterrupted health services post an Istanbul earthquake. Integrating SWOT analysis, balanced scorecard, and operations research, this study holistically assesses the current landscape of FHCs and identifies imperative post-earthquake requisites. Insights gleaned from extensive literature review and expert consultations underpin this multifaceted approach.
In: Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 339-344
ISSN: 2185-0593
In: Minorités linguistiques et société, Heft 15-16, S. 218
ISSN: 1927-8632
This paper documents some thoughts on the reform agenda in public transit that is occurring throughout the world. The specific focus is on a growing commitment to competitive regulation through competitive tendering, and the efforts by a few governments (notably in Australia) to take control of the tangible assets used by private operators as a mechanism to exercise the opportunity, if so taken, to put services out to competitive tender. The paper reviews the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence on contracting regimes and asset ownership, and the role that government and the operator might play in a setting in which building trusting and collaborative partnerships has merit in delivering services that are in the main funded from the public purse
In: Salute e società, Heft 1, S. 204-219
ISSN: 1972-4845
At the end of 2010, due to a contingent critical situation in terms of shortage of pharmacists, affecting the oncology pharmacy of Ravenna, an effective system of network integration among the Ausl pharmacy in Ravenna and that of IRST came into place allowing for the continuance of therapies' preparation and supply. This result was possible thanks to the utilization by both pharmacies of one software, developed in Forlě by IRST through a previous professional integration study based on an uniform organizational model of oncology drugs preparation and control. In this experience the role of IRST and that of the regional network was essential.
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 71, Heft 1, S. 24-31
ISSN: 1945-1350
Throughout the history of the family service movement, family service agencies have had to adapt to significant changes in society and the family. The program, funding, training, and administrative challenges facing family service agencies today should be considered part of the tradition of the movement. The historical responses of the movement to these challenges are juxtaposed with current challenges, demonstrating that family service is a flexible and informed movement capable of dealing with important social issues today.
In: Journal of children's services, Band 13, Heft 3/4, S. 134-135
ISSN: 2042-8677
This collection of twelve new and revised essays on child care and children's services gives a unique and lasting review of child care services, explaining significant political, economic, legal and ideological aspects of this history from the mid-1850s.
This collection of twelve new and revised essays on child care and children's services gives a unique and lasting review of child care services, explaining significant political, economic, legal and ideological aspects of this history from the mid-1850s