La securite routiere
In: Administration: revue de l'administration territoriale de l'état, Heft 163, S. 17-170
ISSN: 0223-5439
47 Ergebnisse
In: Administration: revue de l'administration territoriale de l'état, Heft 163, S. 17-170
ISSN: 0223-5439
World Affairs Online
In: Revue française d'administration publique: publication trimestrielle, Heft 103, S. 451-453
ISSN: 0152-7401
In: Revue française de science politique, Band 56, Heft 5, S. 813-836
ISSN: 0035-2950
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In this paper, a short range radar system based on UWB -Ultra-Wide-Band- technology for road safety application is presented. During a long time, the radar and its applications were reserved to national defence, air security domains or weather services. Since a few years, with the emergence of new technologies, the radar applications are being extended to many sectors of daily life. UWB -Ultra Wide Band- is a new radio technique based on the emission of very short non-sinusoidal pulses duration, that have, typically, widths less than 1.5 ns, so that the spectrum of the emitted signals may spread over several Gigahertz [1]. All exiting studies on UWB radar concerns essentially medical and military applications [2] and only some studies were interested in UWB radar, for the obstacles detection, such as mines detection, detection of the heart wall movements by medical imagery or the monitoring through the walls for military operations [3]. In this paper, we propose to exploit the UWB technology for road radar application, in order to profit from its inherent advantages such as good range resolution, low power consumption, low price etc. The radar system proposed, offers a resolution in distance of about 15 cm for a pulse width of 1 ns, making this system very interesting in several short range applications. The originality of this radar is its capacity to detect easily, various obstacles. So, this paper describes the proposed radar and presents an interesting study of the adapted UWB waveforms that allow detection of different kind of obstacles in short ranges with a good resolution.
In this paper, a short range radar system based on UWB -Ultra-Wide-Band- technology for road safety application is presented. During a long time, the radar and its applications were reserved to national defence, air security domains or weather services. Since a few years, with the emergence of new technologies, the radar applications are being extended to many sectors of daily life. UWB -Ultra Wide Band- is a new radio technique based on the emission of very short non-sinusoidal pulses duration, that have, typically, widths less than 1.5 ns, so that the spectrum of the emitted signals may spread over several Gigahertz [1]. All exiting studies on UWB radar concerns essentially medical and military applications [2] and only some studies were interested in UWB radar, for the obstacles detection, such as mines detection, detection of the heart wall movements by medical imagery or the monitoring through the walls for military operations [3]. In this paper, we propose to exploit the UWB technology for road radar application, in order to profit from its inherent advantages such as good range resolution, low power consumption, low price etc. The radar system proposed, offers a resolution in distance of about 15 cm for a pulse width of 1 ns, making this system very interesting in several short range applications. The originality of this radar is its capacity to detect easily, various obstacles. So, this paper describes the proposed radar and presents an interesting study of the adapted UWB waveforms that allow detection of different kind of obstacles in short ranges with a good resolution.
In this paper, a short range radar system based on UWB -Ultra-Wide-Band- technology for road safety application is presented. During a long time, the radar and its applications were reserved to national defence, air security domains or weather services. Since a few years, with the emergence of new technologies, the radar applications are being extended to many sectors of daily life. UWB -Ultra Wide Band- is a new radio technique based on the emission of very short non-sinusoidal pulses duration, that have, typically, widths less than 1.5 ns, so that the spectrum of the emitted signals may spread over several Gigahertz [1]. All exiting studies on UWB radar concerns essentially medical and military applications [2] and only some studies were interested in UWB radar, for the obstacles detection, such as mines detection, detection of the heart wall movements by medical imagery or the monitoring through the walls for military operations [3]. In this paper, we propose to exploit the UWB technology for road radar application, in order to profit from its inherent advantages such as good range resolution, low power consumption, low price etc. The radar system proposed, offers a resolution in distance of about 15 cm for a pulse width of 1 ns, making this system very interesting in several short range applications. The originality of this radar is its capacity to detect easily, various obstacles. So, this paper describes the proposed radar and presents an interesting study of the adapted UWB waveforms that allow detection of different kind of obstacles in short ranges with a good resolution.
Trams are effective alternatives to private car as means of travel in Moroccan towns and cities, and on this basis they are being promoted by the government. However, issues relating to their impact on road safety are one of the main societal concerns today. Indeed, trams share the same road network with all road users. Ensuring that the network works efficiently for all modes and users - cyclists and pedestrians as well as car drivers – presents a significant, but essential, challenge for those who plan, design and fund the transport system. In the light of this, many research studies have shown that poor road design may enhance the driver's tendency to error and misjudgement and lead to unwanted situations (accident, pre-accident, congestion, etc.). Moving the focus of research away from the driver in isolation and focusing more on the interaction of the drivers and the changing environment, through which they move in time and space, can be regarded as a hard core among road safety problems to investigate. This supposes assessing human abilities and limitations and ensuring that the resulting systems that involve human interaction are designed to be consistent with these human limitations and will be a full proof system. The general aim of this article is to further knowledge about the influence of tramway and surrounding environment on car's driver behaviour. Understanding these influences, involve conducting a systematic review of the cognitive tasks related to driving and identifying the hazards that can arise at each task, and what factors can make these more or less likely to arise, considering the environmental design and behavioural factors. To achieve that, the Hazop approach is conducted for this study. Concerning data collection, our methodology includes site visits to record user behaviour and questionnaires to determine the opinion, concerns and knowledge of car drivers in interaction with the tram environment.
Cette contribution se propose d'aller plus en avant sur le caractère durable de la politique de sécurité routière en proposant à la fois une définition originale et une approche conceptuelle opérationnelle. Une politique durable de sécurité routière repose ainsi sur trois piliers : de l'efficacité pour réduire l'accidentalité, de la rationalité économique et de l'acceptabilité sociale. Et c'est la combinaison ordonnée et cohérente de ces trois piliers qui permet de déterminer si une politique publique présente un caractère durable. Les trois piliers font l'objet d'une présentation détaillée. La contribution propose ensuite une application au cas de la politique d'automatisation du contrôle de la vitesse en France.
Cette contribution se propose d'aller plus en avant sur le caractère durable de la politique de sécurité routière en proposant à la fois une définition originale et une approche conceptuelle opérationnelle. Une politique durable de sécurité routière repose ainsi sur trois piliers : de l'efficacité pour réduire l'accidentalité, de la rationalité économique et de l'acceptabilité sociale. Et c'est la combinaison ordonnée et cohérente de ces trois piliers qui permet de déterminer si une politique publique présente un caractère durable. Les trois piliers font l'objet d'une présentation détaillée. La contribution propose ensuite une application au cas de la politique d'automatisation du contrôle de la vitesse en France.
The aim of the DaCoTA Work Package 1 is to investigate road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. In the Deliverables released previously, the Work Package 1 assessed the experts' needs in terms of road safety knowledge, data and decision support tools (Deliverable 1.1/4.1), as well as the road safety stakeholders' views (Deliverable 1.3). These two Deliverables contain information on the present and future needs and the actual availability of various types of road safety data and knowledge, which the experts and the stakeholders might find useful for their work. As for the Deliverable 1.2 at hand; it presents the theoretical background for the Work Package 1 'investigation model', as well as the model itself and the questionnaire derived from it. The 'investigation model' was designed for the study of the different aspects of actual road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. Its objective is to allow describing concrete road safety policy-making and management practices. Therefore, it is not a 'good practice' model in the normative sense. Rather, it aims at discovering good practices that exist, whether they conform to a normative 'good practice' model designed by experts or not. In designing the investigation model, the group relied on an extensive review of recent literature. Some of the references the group reviewed contain only a small number of case studies. A number of these are limited to well performing developed countries and nevertheless prescribe the implementation of similar structures for road safety decision-making and management in quite different situations and contexts. A few other references, however, advocate a more analytical approach, backing their claim with case studies from a more varied set of countries. In any case, the group decided to draw on elements from all available models, thus ensuring that while the investigation model is now used to study road safety policymaking and management processes in European countries, its use is by no means ...
The aim of the DaCoTA Work Package 1 is to investigate road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. In the Deliverables released previously, the Work Package 1 assessed the experts' needs in terms of road safety knowledge, data and decision support tools (Deliverable 1.1/4.1), as well as the road safety stakeholders' views (Deliverable 1.3). These two Deliverables contain information on the present and future needs and the actual availability of various types of road safety data and knowledge, which the experts and the stakeholders might find useful for their work. As for the Deliverable 1.2 at hand; it presents the theoretical background for the Work Package 1 'investigation model', as well as the model itself and the questionnaire derived from it. The 'investigation model' was designed for the study of the different aspects of actual road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. Its objective is to allow describing concrete road safety policy-making and management practices. Therefore, it is not a 'good practice' model in the normative sense. Rather, it aims at discovering good practices that exist, whether they conform to a normative 'good practice' model designed by experts or not. In designing the investigation model, the group relied on an extensive review of recent literature. Some of the references the group reviewed contain only a small number of case studies. A number of these are limited to well performing developed countries and nevertheless prescribe the implementation of similar structures for road safety decision-making and management in quite different situations and contexts. A few other references, however, advocate a more analytical approach, backing their claim with case studies from a more varied set of countries. In any case, the group decided to draw on elements from all available models, thus ensuring that while the investigation model is now used to study road safety policymaking and management processes in European countries, its use is by no means ...
The aim of the DaCoTA Work Package 1 is to investigate road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. In the Deliverables released previously, the Work Package 1 assessed the experts' needs in terms of road safety knowledge, data and decision support tools (Deliverable 1.1/4.1), as well as the road safety stakeholders' views (Deliverable 1.3). These two Deliverables contain information on the present and future needs and the actual availability of various types of road safety data and knowledge, which the experts and the stakeholders might find useful for their work. As for the Deliverable 1.2 at hand; it presents the theoretical background for the Work Package 1 'investigation model', as well as the model itself and the questionnaire derived from it. The 'investigation model' was designed for the study of the different aspects of actual road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. Its objective is to allow describing concrete road safety policy-making and management practices. Therefore, it is not a 'good practice' model in the normative sense. Rather, it aims at discovering good practices that exist, whether they conform to a normative 'good practice' model designed by experts or not. In designing the investigation model, the group relied on an extensive review of recent literature. Some of the references the group reviewed contain only a small number of case studies. A number of these are limited to well performing developed countries and nevertheless prescribe the implementation of similar structures for road safety decision-making and management in quite different situations and contexts. A few other references, however, advocate a more analytical approach, backing their claim with case studies from a more varied set of countries. In any case, the group decided to draw on elements from all available models, thus ensuring that while the investigation model is now used to study road safety policymaking and management processes in European countries, its use is by no means ...
The aim of the DaCoTA Work Package 1 is to investigate road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. In the Deliverables released previously, the Work Package 1 assessed the experts' needs in terms of road safety knowledge, data and decision support tools (Deliverable 1.1/4.1), as well as the road safety stakeholders' views (Deliverable 1.3). These two Deliverables contain information on the present and future needs and the actual availability of various types of road safety data and knowledge, which the experts and the stakeholders might find useful for their work. As for the Deliverable 1.2 at hand; it presents the theoretical background for the Work Package 1 'investigation model', as well as the model itself and the questionnaire derived from it. The 'investigation model' was designed for the study of the different aspects of actual road safety policy-making and management processes in Europe. Its objective is to allow describing concrete road safety policy-making and management practices. Therefore, it is not a 'good practice' model in the normative sense. Rather, it aims at discovering good practices that exist, whether they conform to a normative 'good practice' model designed by experts or not. In designing the investigation model, the group relied on an extensive review of recent literature. Some of the references the group reviewed contain only a small number of case studies. A number of these are limited to well performing developed countries and nevertheless prescribe the implementation of similar structures for road safety decision-making and management in quite different situations and contexts. A few other references, however, advocate a more analytical approach, backing their claim with case studies from a more varied set of countries. In any case, the group decided to draw on elements from all available models, thus ensuring that while the investigation model is now used to study road safety policymaking and management processes in European countries, its use is by no means ...
26th World Road Congress, Abou Dhabi, EMIRATS ARABES UNIS, 06-/10/2019 - 10/10/2019 ; The PIARC Road Safety Manual underlines the importance that must be given to the evaluation process in order to conduct an effective public road safety policy. The evaluation should assist the authorities in calibrating their interventions, to target the objectives as effectively as possible and to prioritise the various actions of their administrations. In the first part, our paper focuses on showing both the importance of carrying out evaluation, ensuring that the interventions chosen do indeed save lives, but also maximize returns. It highlights the prerequisites necessary to conduct the evaluation of public road safety policy. It also shows the different forms of evaluation possible. In a second section, some existing instruments for conducting a socio-economic evaluation are critically presented and highlight their limitations in terms of decision support. In a final section, the paper focuses on identifying new proposals to support public decision-making. The equimarginal approach, the territorial equity approach and the budgetary approach are presented. ; Le manuel de la sécurité routière de l'association mondiale de la route souligne l'importance qui doit être accordée à la démarche évaluative pour mener une politique publique de sécurité routière efficace. L'évaluation doit aider les autorités à calibrer leurs interventions, à cibler au mieux les objectifs et prioriser les différentes actions de leurs administrations. Dans une première partie, notre communication s'attache à montrer à la fois l'importance de mener une évaluation, s'assurer qu'effectivement les interventions choisies permettent de sauver des vies, mais également de maximiser les retours. Elle met en évidence les prérequis nécessaires pour mener l'évaluation de la politique publique de sécurité routière. Elle montre aussi les différentes formes d'évaluation possibles. Dans une seconde section, certains instruments existants pour mener une évaluation ...