'Constituting the Child' in Beginning School Reading Books
In: British journal of sociology of education, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 55-76
ISSN: 1465-3346
5605 Ergebnisse
In: British journal of sociology of education, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 55-76
ISSN: 1465-3346
In: Critical perspectives on literacy and education
In: Culture & society
In: International journal of academic research in business and social sciences: IJ-ARBSS, Band 13, Heft 11
ISSN: 2222-6990
In: Journal of Language and Cultural Education: JoLaCE, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 128-144
ISSN: 1339-4584
The following article is about cultural and literary education at school. Its point of reference are considerations regarding conditions of Polish education system in relation to Polish language classes. The article emerges from the need to seek solutions helpful in overcoming the reading crisis, which being conditioned by various cultural and social factors, is present at school and is expressed by the negation of mandatory reading material, as well as rejection of teaching model established in education. The author of this text attempts to reflect on the awareness of reading material which is used, or might be used in modern school. The criteria proposed in this article are related to the issue of choosing material suitable for reading. They can be used as a selection mechanism implemented at the stage of designing the process of teaching. Further parts of the text describe the ways of obtaining open interpretations from students in the process of education while designing introductory reading material classes. They can be treated as solutions which could have different functions, useful in terms of the quality of literary-cultural education. The article is complemented with the concept of planning the lesson based on the use of students' open interpretations, which if organised in a planned and conscious way, could stimulate students' participation and facilitate reading while dealing with literature discussed at school.
In: Digest of Middle East studies: DOMES, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 18-34
ISSN: 1949-3606
AbstractResearch was conducted with middle‐school Kuwaiti children to assess the effectiveness of student multiple intelligence styles in predicting students' improved reading skills through academic performance. A group of middle school students who had received first quarter grades and enrolled in an after‐school tutoring program were studied, with half of the students in a traditional tutoring program and the other half in a Gardner multiple intelligence style‐tutoring program. Results show that the students in the experimental group (mean = 48.99), whose multiple intelligence was applied to learning, performed better overall for the academic year than the students in the control group (mean = 45.30) who studied using traditional teaching methodology. Gender, school type, and residential living area were all analyzed within the experimental group. The experimental group results show that, with regards to grades during each quarter period, female students attending private institutions living in suburban areas had greater reading improvement.
It is desirable to use didactic games based on interactivity, which in the process of teaching and learning mainly on the motivation for learning in students, increasing their ability and interest in the type of communication, showing their predisposition to a profession. Interactive games are divided into theoretical, practical, physical, role-playing, workmanship and other directional types. They develop activities in which students acquire new knowledge of analysis, calculation, measurement, structuring, testing, observation, comparison, conclusion making, independent decision making, group or work within an Independent Community, speech cultivation, Language Teaching. According to the general theory of games, the classification of all existing game types is divided into functional, thematic, constructive, didactic, sports and military games. In this article, an idea is made about the importance of using pedagogical technologies to develop the thinking of students through primary school reading classes.
In: Societies: open access journal, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 5
ISSN: 2075-4698
This study tested the effects of the principal's professional orientation towards leadership/enabling school structure (ESS) on two mediating variables, school academic optimism (SAO) and professional teacher behavior (PTB), on the outcome variable school reading achievement (RA). Data were drawn from a sample of 54 schools (including 45 elementary schools and nine middle schools); the school was the unit of analysis. Data analysis supported a path to RA in which a structural variable, ESS was the immediate antecedent of SAO and PTB. Two control variables, school level and SES, were included in the model. SES had a significant effect on SAO but not on PTB. School level had a negative effect on both PTB and SAO suggesting that both variables were higher in elementary school and declined in middle school. SES paired with SAO in predicting RA. As expected, SAO had a greater effect on RA than SES. The significance of the findings lies in the confirmation of SAO as an important influence on RA and in demonstrating the importance of ESS in establishing a context in which AO and PTB can flourish.
In: Developmental science, Band 27, Heft 2
ISSN: 1467-7687
AbstractLearning to read depends on the ability to extract precise details of letter combinations, which convey critical information that distinguishes tens of thousands of visual word forms. To support fluent reading skill, one crucial neural developmental process is one's brain sensitivity to statistical constraints inherent in combining letters into visual word forms. To test this idea in early readers, we tracked the impact of two years of schooling on within‐subject longitudinal changes in cortical responses to three different properties of words: coarse tuning for print, and fine tuning to either familiar letter combinations within visual word forms or whole word representations. We then examined how each related to growth in reading skill. Three stimulus contrasts—words versus pseudofonts, words versus pseudowords, pseudowords versus nonwords—were presented while high‐density EEG Steady‐State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs,n = 31) were recorded. Internalization of abstract visual word form structures over two years of reading experience resulted in a near doubling of SSVEP amplitude, with increasing left lateralization. Longitudinal changes (decreases) in brain responses to such word form structural information were linked to the growth in reading skills, especially in rapid automatic naming of letters. No such changes were observed for whole word representation processing and coarse tuning for print. Collectively, these findings indicate that sensitivity to visual word form structure develops rapidly through exposure to print and is linked to growth in reading skill.Research HighlightsLongitudinal changes in cognitive responses to coarse print tuning, visual word from structure, and whole word representation were examined in early readers.Visual word form structure processing demonstrated striking patterns of growth with nearly doubled in EEG amplitude and increased left lateralization.Longitudinal changes (decreases) in brain responses to visual word form structural information were linked to the growth in rapid automatic naming for letters.No longitudinal changes were observed for whole word representation processing and coarse tuning for print.
Reading amount is decisive for individual students' academic success as well as for the general strength of democratic societies. Still, the amount of both leisure-time and school-related reading is decreasing. To reverse this trend, more knowledge of what drives students' school reading is needed. Drawing on Self-Determination Theory (SDT), the study is based on structured interviews with 259 students in Grades 6 and 9 from 14 different schools. Descriptive statistical analyses were made to map students' perceptions of themselves as readers and their school-related reading practices and to find out what regulates students' motivation for in-class reading. Although students express a strong will to become good readers, our data indicate that students are mainly driven by controlled motivation for their school-related reading; autonomous motivation was only expressed by a minority of students in Grade 6. What would make students read more are mainly text and instruction related factors such as more interesting texts and more time allocated to reading. Our results point to a great potential for more in-class reading across the curriculum, reading sessions that need to be regularly scheduled using carefully selected texts. In line with SDT, our findings highlight the importance of fulfilling students' need for competence, relatedness, and autonomy in order for them to develop more self-determined behaviour, such as leisure-time reading – which in turn will boost their reading self-concept. Highlights What is already known about this topic Students who practice reading more tend to become more competent readers and therefore develop a more positive relationship with reading and themselves as readers (reading self-concept). Autonomous motivation strongly predicts reading achievement, whereas controlled motivation negatively predicts reading outcomes. The amount of both leisure-time and school-related reading is decreasing in many parts of the western world, highlighting the need for schools to find new ways of ...
Background: Reading amount is decisive for individual students' academic success as well as for the general strength of democratic societies. Still, the amount of both leisure-time and school-related reading is decreasing. To reverse this trend, more knowledge of what drives students' school reading is needed. Methods: Drawing on Self-Determination Theory (SDT), the study is based on structured interviews with 259 students in Grades 6 and 9 from 14 different schools. Descriptive statistical analyses were made to map students' perceptions of themselves as readers and their school-related reading practices, and to find out what regulates students' motivation for in-class reading. Results: Although students express a strong will to become good readers, our data indicate that students are mainly driven by controlled motivation for their school-related reading; autonomous motivation was only expressed by a minority of students in Grade 6. What would make students read more are mainly text and instruction related factors such as more interesting texts and more time allocated to reading. Conclusions: Our results point to a great potential for more in-class reading across the curriculum, reading sessions that need to be regularly scheduled using carefully selected texts. In line with SDT, our findings highlight the importance of fulfilling students' need for competence, relatedness, and autonomy in order for them to develop more self-determined behavior, such as leisure-time reading – which in turn will boost their reading self-concept.
The bourgeois Lithuanian government began to actively fight the progressive movement in Lithuania from the early days of the Soviet withdrawal of government (1919). In the first year, when the bourgeois government did not feel strong and when the events 1918-1919 were still well remembered the government disguised its true aspirations. After the 1926 coup the fascist government in Lithuania began to operate openly. This was reflected in education. If The Lithuanian bourgeoisie declared political disengagement of schools before the fascist period, then after the fascist coup, it began to openly pursue their objectives of reactionary education. The clergy was a loyal assistant to the fascists. Children's civic and religious education was emphasized. The school policy was clearly reflected in reading books. This article shows how educational policy was reflected in reading books in elementary school. Nationalism was required from books until the Fascist period. They included excerpts from Valančius, Šatrijos Ragana, Kudirka, Žemaitė, Biliūnas, and Vincas Krėvė. Any number of recommended authors (such as Biliūnas and Žemaitė) were valuable works from both a literary and ideological perspective. But reading books already did not just foster national feeling in this period, but also developed humility and expressed class contradictions; the reality is often portrayed in a distorted. After the fascist coup a direct task was assigned to reading books: to educate children in a narrow nationalist and clericalist spirit. Since 1927 every textbook has been checked by the Ministry of Education Commission before its release. Clergymen's influence on the books particularly intensified. Having experienced the fascist's and clergymen's pressure, a number of authors reinforced the clerical and fascist spirit in their books. The books of Vasiliauskas-Gerutis and Murka were in particular changed in this light. The reactionary Rinkūnas reading book appeared. Fascists and clerics strongly attacked the author who insufficiently adapted to the requirements of reactionaries. However the books were not popular among progressive teachers and the reactionaries of Lithuanian society. Progressive books by Esmaitis and Jakučiūnas increasingly spread in teaching practice. Such reactionary books as Rinkūnas's "Aukuras" (Alter) and Murka's "Naujas Darbas" (New Work) did not spread in teaching practice, and Vasiliauskas-Gerutis's reading book "Rūtelė" was even derided in the educational press. In this way reactionary bourgeois public policy in schools received resistance from progressive educators and Lithuanian society. ; Buržuazinė Lietuvos valdžia nuo pirmųjų Sovietų valdžios panaikinimo (1919 m.) dienų pradėjo aktyviai kovoti su progresyviu judėjimu Lietuvoje. Pirmaisiais metais, kai buržuazinė valdžia nesijautė stipriai ir kai 1918 – 1919 metų įvykiai dar buvo gerai prisimenami, valdžia maskavo savo tikruosius siekius. Po 1926 metų perversmo fašistinė valdžia Lietuvoje ėmė veikti atvirai. Tai atsispindėjo ir švietime. Jeigu iki fašistinio periodo lietuviškoji buržuazija mokyklas paskelbė apolitiškomis, tai po fašistinio perversmo ji ėmė atvirai siekti savo reakcionistinių tikslų ugdymo srityje. Ištikima fašistų pagalbininke buvo dvasininkija. Buvo pabrėžiamas vaikų pilietiškumo ir religingumo ugdymas. Mokyklinė politika aiškiai atsispindėjo ir skaitymui skirtose knygose. Šiame straipsnyje parodoma, kaip švietimo politika atsispindėjo skaitymui skirtose knygose pradinėje mokykloje. Ikifašistiniu laikotarpiu iš knygų reikalavo nacionalinio pobūdžio. Buvo įtraukta tokių rašytojų, kaip Valančius, Šatrijos Ragana, Kudirka, Žemaitė, Biliūnas, Vincas Krėvė, kūrinių ištraukų. Eilė rekomenduojamų autorių (tokių kaip Biliūnas ir Žemaitė) kūrinių buvo vertingi tiek literatūriniu, tiek ideologiniu požiūriu. Bet jau ir šiuo laikotarpiu skaitymui skirtose knygose buvo ne tik ugdomas nacionalinis jausmas, bet ir ugdomas nuolankumas, tušuojami klasiniai prieštaravimai, realybė dažnai vaizduojama iškreiptai. Po fašistinio perversmo skaitymui skirtoms knygoms buvo keliamas tiesioginis uždavinys: ugdyti vaikus siauroje nacionalizmo ir klerikalizmo dvasioje. Nuo 1927 metų kiekvienas vadovėlis iki jo išleidimo buvo tikrinamas Švietimo ministerijos komisijos. Ypač sustiprėjo klerikalų įtaka skaitymui skirtoms knygoms. Patyrę fašistų ir klerikalų spaudimą, visa eilė autorių sustiprino klerikalinę ir fašistinę dvasią savo knygose. Ypač šiuo požiūriu pasikeitė Vasiliausko – Geručio ir Murkos knygos. Pasirodė reakcionistinė Rinkūno knyga skaitymui. Fašistai ir klerikalai stipriai puolė tuos autorius, kurie nepakankamai prisitaikė prie reakcionistinių reikalavimų. Tačiau tarp progresyvių mokytojų ir Lietuvos visuomenėje reakcionistinės knygos nebuvo populiarios. Mokyklinėje praktikoje vis labiau paplito progresyvios Esmaičio, Jakučiūno knygos. Tokios reakcingos knygos, kaip Rinkūno "Aukuras", Murkos "Naujas darbas" nepaplito mokymo praktikoje, o Vasiliausko – Geručio knyga skaitymui "Rūtelė" netgi buvo išjuokti pedagoginėje spaudoje. Tokiu būdu reakcionistinė buržuazinės valdžios politika mokyklose sulaukė pasipriešinimo iš progresyvių pedagogų ir Lietuvos visuomenės.
In: SSHO-D-24-00048
In: Prentice-Hall readings in modern sociology series
In: Research on children and social interaction: RCSI, Band 4, Heft 2
ISSN: 2057-5815
In dialogic reading during inquiry learning settings in primary school, pupils read, think and talk together about text fragments for answering their research questions. In this process, pupils may encounter reading problems, regarding word identification or meaning. Conversation analysis is used to demonstrate how these reading problems are collaboratively addressed. Word identification problems are mostly signalled implicitly during the genuine reading activity and are in most cases immediately corrected by the co-participant, to continue the reading activity as smooth as possible. Meaning problems are displayed more explicitly, by use of requests for information, that are explicit about the purpose, but not always explicitly addressed to the other participant. Therefore all participants, including the text in a principal role, can assist.
In: Current history: a journal of contemporary world affairs, Band 63, S. 26 : bibl
ISSN: 0011-3530