Tanzania's emerging rural development policy
In: Africa today, Band 21, S. 9-14
ISSN: 0001-9887
1925067 Ergebnisse
In: Africa today, Band 21, S. 9-14
ISSN: 0001-9887
In: Society and economy: journal of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 145-159
ISSN: 1588-970X
In: Society and economy in Central and Eastern Europe: journal of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 145-159
ISSN: 1218-9391
World Affairs Online
In: Community development journal, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 114-119
ISSN: 1468-2656
The article is devoted to the problem of gender inequality on rural areas and argued the necessity of forming gender sensitive rural development policy. Based on existing theories of institutionalism, the authors characterized gender as a social institute, forming the structure of rural society. The importance of gender equality for progressive rural growth of rural areas, effective use of women's human capital in development of rural communities is underlined. Methodological frameworks of research are formed on the basis of rural development, gender economy and institutional theories. Adopted methodological approach of United Nations Development Program to gender inequality index calculation is used for integrated evaluation the gender inequality in reproductive health, political empowerment, and economic activity on labor market in rural areas. Research results indicate permanent character of the gender inequality problem in rural society and it dependence from situation in rural economy system. Gender asymmetries in economic activity and educational attainment of rural population, it participation in political initiatives and decision-making, demographic processes caused the regional differentiation of gender inequality problem. Indicated gender problems are characterized as the challenges for growth of rural areas and should be taken into account in the process of forming rural development policy, transforming it from gender neutral to gender sensitive. Key points of such a policy are implementation of the gender mainstreaming concept in rural development policy; forming an inclusive model of rural economy development and social cohesion; diversification of rural labor market; stimulating transfer of knowledge and innovation.
In: Rural Areas and Development, Band 3, Heft 2657-4403
In: Publius: the journal of federalism, Band 17, S. 15-31
ISSN: 0048-5950
Under the Carter and Reagan administrations. Rural/urban disparities, demographic decline, and Federal Rural Development Programs.
In: Publius: the journal of federalism, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 15-31
ISSN: 0048-5950
Ru US communities have fared poorly in economic terms compared to metropolitan areas, & have argued for special help from the national government. Such help can be justified to facilitate balanced economic growth, create more equitable standards of living, & benefit small farmers. There are counterarguments, however, that special help to Ru areas merely postpones their adjustment to an increasingly Ur world, & that federal Ru programs subsidize a favored lifestyle. Several federal development programs now serve Ru areas. In 1980 the Congress enacted legislation requiring future administrations to address Ru concerns systematically. The Reagan administration has sent Congress the Ru development strategy required by the law, but if having a policy means having a systematic approach to reaching defined objectives, the US, in fact, has no Ru policy. 2 Tables. Modified HA
In: Publius: the journal of federalism
ISSN: 1747-7107
In: Publius: the journal of federalism, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 15-15
ISSN: 0048-5950
In: Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie: TESG = Journal of economic and social geography
ISSN: 0040-747X
World Affairs Online
The decentralization process of national administrative systems, the continuous evolution of structural policies in the EU and the increasing reinforcement of the second Pillar of the Common Agricultural Policy, create an entirely new setting in the field of rural policy making and implementation. A significant decentralization process of agricultural and rural development policies is taking place in Greece, by means of the establishment of a novel institutional framework and reallocation of administrative competencies. Drawing upon a case study of the farm modernization scheme, a pivotal rural development policy measure, this study aims at critically assessing the decentralization process of rural policy making and delivery in Greece within the new institutional and administrative setting. Research findings indicate that despite remarkable decentralization efforts, rural development in Greece seems to maintain its primarily state-emanated design and implementation, in a centralized logic. Long standing top-down and sectoral orientation in the formulation of this policy still holds, permeating the attitude of a number of actors, whose traditional role is challenged in the new setting. The redistribution of responsibilities and the mere multiplication of competent authorities do not necessarily advance the policy outcomes. What is needed as well is a genuine delegation of competencies and resources, coupled with a renewed awareness of integrated policies from the actors involved at all administrative levels.
In: Development Southern Africa: quarterly journal, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 495-509
ISSN: 0376-835X
World Affairs Online
In: Development and change, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 285-295
ISSN: 1467-7660