Rooting in: why give time to sacred trees? -- A brief history of tree-thinking: the enduring power of animism -- How arboreal matter matters: rethinking sacrality through trees -- Arboriculture and arboreal deaths: rethinking sacrality again -- Confronting arboreal agency: reading the divine in arboreal behaviour -- Imagining the gods: how trees flesh out the identity of the divine -- Branching out: what sacred trees mean for Roman religion
In: Revista moldoveneascǎ de drept internaţional şi relaţii internaţionale: publicatie periodicǎ ştiinţifico-teoreticǎ şi informaţional-practicǎ fondatǎ de Institutul de Istorie, Stat şi Drept al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi Asociaţia de Drept Internaţional din Republica Moldova = Moldavian journal of international law and international relations = Moldavskij žurnal meždunarodnogo prava i meždunarodni̕ch otnošenij, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 25-30
This article traces the influence of traditional Roman religion on Christianity. The establishment of the most important dogmas and the formation of the church hierarchy are analyzed. The classical era is the Christian period of history that initiated the most important dogmas and formed the church hierarchy. The practice of Ecumenical Councils, which became the main governing bodies of the church, was introduced. The first Ecumenical Council was held in Nicaea. It approved the Creed, which was an exposition of the main dogmas that were obligatory for Christians. The Council of Nicaea was held for two months from June 19, 325. Taking into account historical sources, about three hundred and fifty bishops participated in it. It featured a speech by Emperor Constantine, in which he emphasized the importance of unity and harmony. The emperor needed a single and strong religion that would strengthen his rule.
The I century B. C. has been one of the most studied periods of the Roman History. It is due to the abundance of literary sources and the actual historical interest aroused by being one of the periods that brings more political and social transformations, with a highly signi?cance in shaping the Principate and the Roman imperial structure. In this paper, we shall focus on a speci?c area, the public religion. We will brie?y comment the different historiographical theories in order to understand the use made of concepts such as crisis and decline. We also include the analysis of two Sibylline oracles issued at the end of the Republic as possible evidences of that crisis of late Republican religion. ; Dentro de la historia de Roma, el siglo I a. C. es uno de los que más ha centrado la atención de los historiadores, tanto por la abundancia de fuentes relativas al mismo como por el interés propiamente histórico que suscita al ser un uno de los períodos que reúne más transformaciones políticas y sociales, con una gran trascendencia en la conformación del Principado y toda la estructura imperial romana. Por nuestra parte, queremos centrarnos en un ámbito concreto dentro de este período de cambios, el de la religión. Para ello, expondremos brevemente las diferentes líneas historiográ?cas con el objetivo de ver el uso que se ha hecho de los conceptos de crisis y decadencia en este ámbito. Igualmente, estudiaremos dos oráculos sibilinos emitidos a ?nales de la República como posible evidencia de esa crisis de la religión tardorrepublicana.