Migrants: community-based research contributions
In: Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 97-111
ISSN: 1759-8281
52642 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 97-111
ISSN: 1759-8281
In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 141-162
Die empirische Glücksforschung hat in jüngster Zeit an Anerkennung gewonnen. Sie bietet einen viel versprechenden neuen Zugang zu der Frage, wie Wahl und Glück zusammenhängen. Da diese Frage sowohl für die Ethik als auch für die Wirtschaftswissenschaft zentral ist, scheint es lohnend zu untersuchen, welchen Beitrag diese Perspektive zur Wirtschaftsethik leisten kann. (ICEÜbers)
Today all countries are adopting development strategies based on the knowledge economy. Cities become promoters of innovations by offering an innovative ecosystem following the connections that arise between all actors, thus adopting the concept of Smart City. This article argues the importance of the research component generated by universities and research institutes for the community development. The cluster approach is an effective tool to take into account the interests of the scientific and educational environment and the business community needs, creating conditions for knowledge and innovations transfer into the real economy. Particular attention was paid to the role of government policies to stimulate clusters development and to stimulate the participation of science component within partnerships of universities and research centers with business sector.
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 43-47
ISSN: 1552-3381
Doctors Pelz and Andrews of the Survey Research Center, University of Michi gan, relate organizational and personality factors to scientific accomplishment. Their research serves as an example of how the perspectives of sociology and psychology can be brought to bear on the complexity of activities called "research".
In: Key Challenges in Geography Series
Intro -- Series Editor's Foreword -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- The scale issue in Geospatial Analysis. A Review from the Land Use Cover Change Modelling Perspective -- Introduction -- Defining Scale: Dimensions, Kinds and Components -- Scale and Related Concepts -- Understanding Natural and Socioeconomic Processes from a Scalar Perspective -- Scale and Data from a Quantitative Perspective -- The Scale in the Land Use Cover Change Modelling Practice -- System Conceptualization -- Input Data -- Model Validation -- Visualization and Communication of the Results -- Concluding Remarks -- References -- West-East Differences in LEADER Program Results-The Expression of Wider Political and Governance Systems -- Introduction -- National Governance Systems-Obstacles or Catalysts in Engaging Bottom-Up Rural Development in Europe? -- LEADER Program Results at European Level-territorial Disparities -- Eastern European Countries Behavior in Terms of LEADER Funds Absorption-Case Study on the Romanian Rural Space -- Romania's Profile Regarding the Types of Projects Funded Through the LEADER Program -- Spatial Patterns Regarding LEADER Funding in Romania -- The Impact of LEADER Funding -- Discussions and Conclusions -- References -- A Methodology to Define Urban Areas in Intermediate Cities. A Case Study on Inland Spanish Cities (Castilla-La Mancha) -- Introduction -- Methodology -- Sources Used -- Methods of Analysis -- Results -- Delimitation of Urban Areas -- Classification of Municipalities Integrated into the Urban Areas -- Example of Cartographic Data Sheet -- Conclusions -- References -- Post-pandemic Urban Reality: COVID-19 as an Accelerator or a Hindrance to the Development of Grassroots Urban Activism? The Example of Poland -- Introduction -- Post-pandemic Urban Reality -- The Polish Background.
In: Journal of Asian Pacific communication, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 90-100
ISSN: 1569-9838
This paper summarizes several studies conducted over the past fifteen years investigating Thai communication behavior. Thai cultural values emphasize social harmony, a trait strongly influencing intercultural communication effectiveness (ICE). Various studies are reported identifying those communication behaviors associated with ICE. The paper presents critical commentary about the methods and means of the research program and suggests ways in which Thai communication behavior contribute to ICE. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research.
In: Mickelsson, J., Helkulla, A. (Eds.), Innovative Service Perspectives, Hanken School of Economics, p.71, 2012
Awarded every year since 1996, the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research (GAER) recognizes outstanding contributions in quality and importance to scientific research in entrepreneurship. This book examines the work of GAER award winners (1996-2020), discusses major contributions to the field, identifies critiques of their work, and highlights directions for future research. Students and faculty will find this book to be a rich resource for understanding the impact of leading entrepreneurship scholars.
In: Studia historiae oeconomicae: the journal of Adam Mickiewicz University, Band 39, Heft 1, S. 216-249
ISSN: 2353-7515
In the history of Poland after 1945, the functioning of the railway was one of the most important elements of everyday life – great migrations, modernity, commuting to work or holidays, military or employment. The largest transport in history was recorded by the state carrier at the end of the seventies. In reality, however, the activity of PKP was paid for by numerous compromises – outdated rolling stock, organizational structure and network in fact reflecting the beginning of the 20th century, the pursuit of electrification of almost all sections with a limited degree of motorization, mass transport and the abandonment of many potential customers. The aim of the article is to summarize the state of research and indicate questions that will allow to answer the question posed in the title. The inspiration came from the thesis of M. Jarząbek, expressed a few years ago, that the railway in this epoch from a symbol of modernity became an unwanted choice out of necessity.
In the history of Poland after 1945, the functioning of the railway was one of the most important elements of everyday life – great migrations, modernity, commuting to work or holidays, military or employment. The largest transport in history was recorded by the state carrier at the end of the seventies. In reality, however, the activity of PKP was paid for by numerous compromises – outdated rolling stock, organizational structure and network in fact reflecting the beginning of the 20th century, the pursuit of electrification of almost all sections with a limited degree of motorization, mass transport and the abandonment of many potential customers. The aim of the article is to summarize the state of research and indicate questions that will allow to answer the question posed in the title. The inspiration came from the thesis of M. Jarząbek, expressed a few years ago, that the railway in this epoch from a symbol of modernity became an unwanted choice out of necessity.
In: International journal of cross cultural management, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 267-274
ISSN: 1741-2838
In: Marketing theory, Band 24, Heft 3, S. 417-447
ISSN: 1741-301X
Calls for research contribution and demands for original theories have become visibly and audibly louder in review processes over the last two decades. In interpretivist marketing and consumer research, such calls have been accompanied by an emphasis on the importance of theory and on drawing on context when crafting impactful research contributions. By investigating the rhetorical claims made by authors in 45 highly cited articles, published between 2005 and 2019 in three representative marketing journals, this paper provides a kaleidoscopic, three-dimensional framework that maps out and explores the rhetorical devices employed in interpretivist scholarship. Based on the framework, the paper suggests different pathways that researchers can follow to navigate through the complex process of shaping and developing relevant and impactful research contributions.
In: Systems research and behavioral science: the official journal of the International Federation for Systems Research, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 439-445
ISSN: 1099-1743
In: Media, Culture & Society, Band 38, Heft 7, S. 1090-1108
ISSN: 1460-3675
Based on the interdisciplinary experience of a Swedish research committee, this article discusses critical conceptual issues raised by the current debate on mediatization – a concept that holds great potential to constitute a space for synthesized understandings of media-related social transformations. In contrast to other, more metaphorical constructions, mediatization can be studied empirically in systematic ways through various sub-processes that together provide a complex picture of how culture and everyday life evolve in times of media saturation. The first part of this article argues that mediatization researchers have sometimes formulated too grand claims as to mediatization's status as a unitary approach, a meta-theory or a paradigm. Such claims have led to problematic confusions around the concept and should be abandoned in favour of a more open agenda. In line with such a call for openness, the second part of the article introduces historicity, specificity and measurability as three transdisciplinary and transparadigmatic tasks for the contemporary mediatization research agenda.