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Action research - applied research, intervention research, collaborative research, practitioner research, or praxis research?
In: International journal of action research: IJAR, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 9-44
ISSN: 1861-9916
"This article relates common ways of conceptualising action research as 'intervention', 'collaboration', 'interactive research', 'applied research', and 'practitioner research' to a number of different ways of knowing, extracted from the works of Aristotle. The purpose is not to disavow any of these practices but to expand the philosophical, methodological, and theoretical horizon to contain the Aristotelian concept of praxis. It is claimed that praxis knowing needs to be comprehended in order to realize the full, radical potential in action research providing real 'added value' in relation to more conventional social research approaches. Praxis knowing radically challenges the divisions of labour between knower-researchers and the known-researched. Thereby it also challenges both the epistemologies and institutionalisations dominating both conventional research and conventional ways of conceptualising action research." (author's abstract)
The Lithuanian Metrica: History and Research
In: Lithuanian Studies without Borders
Vignette Research: Research Methods
In: Bloomsbury Research Methods
This open access book introduces vignette research to new and experienced researchers by guiding them through its history, theory and underlying principles before delving into step-by-step practical guidance on how to do vignette research. Vignette research is an innovative qualitative, narrative and phenomenological research methodology that has gained international recognition, sparking interest from a wide range of individuals and institutions in global contexts. Vignettes are concise narratives, which capture human experiences in real life settings. They reveal surprising or intriguing facets and intangible moments. The experiential narratives resonate with readers and reduce the distance between the researcher and the researched. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC-BY 4.0 licence on Open access was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Research into Research
In: Government & opposition: an international journal of comparative politics, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 108
ISSN: 0017-257X
Qualitative longitudinal research: research methods
In: Bloosbury Research Methods
"First published as What is Qualitative Longitudinal Research?, this title is now available as part of the Bloomsbury Research Methods series. This book offers a definitive introduction to Qualitative Longitudinal Research (QLR) by Bren Neale, one of the world's foremost authorities in the field. QLR is defined broadly as qualitative enquiry that is conducted through or in relation to time. The chapters follow a logical development, from conceptual and methodological foundations, to research practice and ethics, to the generation and analysis of data. Each chapter offers practical examples drawn from the research field to illustrate key themes and the rich possibilities for new applications"--
World Affairs Online
Army Research Institute program in basic research
Latest issue consulted: FY 2004. ; Description based on: 2000/2001. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Research Relevance and Research Productivity
In: Moon, J., and D. A. Wood. 2020. Research initiatives in accounting education: Research relevance and research productivity. Issues in Accounting Education, Forthcoming.
Women, Biomedical Research and Art: A Relationality in Tension
In: promotion, 11
Researcher interjecting in qualitative race research
In: Forum qualitative Sozialforschung: FQS = Forum: qualitative social research, Band 12, Heft 2
ISSN: 1438-5627
In qualitativen Interviews können Situationen, in denen die Forschenden von ihrem üblichen "Skript" abweichen, Hinweise auf Interaktionen liefern, die durch die Hautfarbe der am Gespräch Beteiligten und damit einhergehende Erfahrungen konstituiert sind. In der hier vorgestellten Studie wurden 40 Interviews zwischen Forschenden/Beforschten durchgeführt, die sich selbst als "schwarz" oder "weiß" identifizierten. Im Folgenden werden Auszüge aus diesen Interviews präsentiert, die zeigen, in welcher Weise die (gleiche oder unterschiedliche) Hautfarbe thematisch und wirksam wird. Implikationen und Vorschläge für künftige Forschungen in diesem Feld und für Studien zu Ethnizität und Kultur werden abgeleitet.
Research in progress
"Report exempt from reports control under AR 335-15, paragraph 7-2V."--P. [i] ; Title from cover. ; Report for end June 30. ; Mode of access: Internet. ; Formed by the union of: Research in progress. Chemistry, biological sciences, engineering sciences, metallurgy and materials science, European research program; and: Research in progress. Physics, electronics, mathematics, geosciences, European research program.
Research in progress
Description based on: 1980; title from cover. ; "Report exempt from reports control under AR 335-15, paragraph 7-2V"--P. [i] ; Mode of access: Internet. ; Merged with: Research in progress. Physics, electronics, mathematics, geosciences, European research program, to form: Research in progress. Physics, chemistry, biological sciences, mathematics, engineering sciences, metallurgy and materials science, geosciences, electronics, European research program.