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Religious Studies
In: Problemos: filosofijos leidinys, Band 22, S. 27-29
ISSN: 2424-6158
Religijotyros sekcijoje perskaityta 11 pranešimų: "Krikščionybės kritikos pirmtakai Lietuvoje" (J. Barzdaitis), "Marksistinis ateizmas Lietuvoje 1917–1940 m." (P. Mikuckas), "Marksistinės JAV lietuvių ateizmo srovės susidarymo klausimas" (J. Sakalauskas). J. Mačiulis kalbėjo apie katalikybės evoliucijos specifiką socializmo sąlygomis, religiją scholastikos kontekste nagrinėjo J. Minkevičius, techninį pasaulėvaizdį ir jo religinį interpretavimą – M. Šubas, nemirtingumo problemą – I. Zaksas. G. Jatkonio pranešimas buvo skirtas metodologinėms ateizmo istorijos problemoms. Diskusijose daugiausiai buvo liečiama nemirtingumo problema, taip pat pabrėžiama, kad sekcijos darbas davė naudos tolesnei mokslinei ateizmo raidai respublikoje.
Worldview religious studies
In: Routledge focus on religion
"Worldview Religious Studies brings the study of religion, spirituality, secularism, and other mixed attitudes of life under the overarching scheme of worldview studies. This book introduces and defines worldviews more generally before establishing a framework specific to religious studies. The drive for meaning-making is explored through ritual-symbolic activities, ideas of 'play', and the power of emotions to transform simple ideas into values and beliefs that frame identity and signpost destiny. Identity and its sacralisation are discussed alongside gift/reciprocity theory in their relation to ideas of merit, karma, and salvation in Eastern and Western traditions. This theoretical background is used to introduce a new classification of worldviews - natural, scientific, ancestral, karmic, prophetic-sectarian, mystical, and ideological. Organised thematically by chapter, this book brings together familiar and unfamiliar authors, theories, and sources to challenge students and teachers of Religious Studies, Theology, and Ethics. It introduces worldview religious studies as a framework through which to re-think human endeavours to identify, cope and even transcend life's flaws and perils"--
Religious Studies in Latin America
In: Annual review of sociology, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 473-492
ISSN: 1545-2115
This article critically reviews recent contributions to religious research in Latin America. Social scientists have long considered religion to be a structuring feature of culture and local society. Owing to the centrality of Catholicism in Latin America, early studies privileged the political influences of the Catholic Church with respect to the state and society at large. The "otherness" of native folk religions received less attention, with scholars undervaluing the presence of indigenous and African religiosities. In Latin America, religions are currently experiencing a diversification and reconfiguration, owing in part to the growing influence of different Christian denominations, particularly Evangelical and Pentecostal churches. Religious change is also occurring at the margins of institutional churches through New Age, neo-pagan, neo-Indian, neo-esoteric, and self-styled religiosities, as well as through popular religious syncretisms, indicating new experiments with what is considered sacred. This dynamism poses theoretical and conceptual challenges to scholars analyzing religious diversity and the renewed role that religions play in contemporary societies with respect to secularization, syncretism, and hybridization as well as the emergence of alternative identities (gender, sexual, ideological and political).
Women and Religious Studies
In: Medieval Feminist Newsletter, Band 15, S. 7-9
ISSN: 2154-4042
Russia's Image in Religious Studies
In: Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: The bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Serija Politologija, religiovedenie = Series Political science and religion studies, Band 46, S. 89-99
The aim of this article is to conceptualize the processes of constitution and institutionalization of Russia's image by the Russian academic community at the beginning of the 21st century. I focus on the role of religious studies in the production of the concept of Russia as a nation with successful practices of religious pluralism, with a developing model of a post-secular society where religious communities are seen as part of civic society that can serve as one of the foundations for Russia's civilization state's stability as a commonwealth of peoples with different religious identities. Knowledge produced by religious studies will, in our opinion, only become more significant for the task of determining Russia's civilizational strategy in the 21st century, including both theory and methodology, and practice.
Religious Studies in Latin America
In: Annual Review of Sociology, Band 42, S. 473-492
Sinicizing Religions, Sinicizing Religious Studies
In: Religions ; Volume 10 ; Issue 2
From 2015 onwards, &ldquo ; sinicizing religions&rdquo ; has become the mantra of China&rsquo ; s religious policy, inspiring new regulations and constraining the functioning of religious organizations. After summarizing the &ldquo ; sinicization&rdquo ; doctrine and policy, this paper examines how Chinese scholars in religious studies position themselves in such a context. It reviews the developments of the field after 1979 ; it appraises the complex interplay between the scholarly community and policy makers ; it examines how scholars in religious studies now respond to the official policy, as they strive to balance descriptive and prescriptive assessments. It shows how the search for ideal-types as well as for &lsquo ; sinicized&rsquo ; typologies and methodologies partly function as an adaptative tactic. The need to answer political imperatives revives older debates on religious forms and functions, and, to some extent, stirs theoretical imagination. However, political constraints make it difficult for scholars to focus on current religious trends, as they find it safer to debate on a somewhat atemporal model of &ldquo ; Chinese religion&rdquo ; .
OCR a Level Religious Studies
Engage students with the 'Religion and Ethics' content for OCR A Level Religious Studies; build their knowledge, deepen their understanding and develop their skills using this accessible textbook, brought to you by subject specialists with examining experience and the leading A Level Religious Studies publisher and OCR's Publishing Partner. - Confidently cover the content your students need to know in an appropriate level of depth with this component textbook that has been written in light of what has been learned from from the first assessment - Enable students to develop and hone the AO2 skills they need, with Analyse and Evaluate tables in every topic outlining the key evaluation points - Help students of all ability levels to build their subject knowledge with key content explained clearly throughout using accessible language - Engage students with the content; each topic begins with a real-life example which puts the content into context and has discussion points throughout to get students actively thinking about key concepts - Encourage students to critically engage with challenging issues and ideas; core, stretch and challenge activities at the end of every topic help students to develop a comprehensive and nuanced understanding - Provide students with the opportunity to check their knowledge and p.
OCR a Level Religious Studies
Exam board: OCR Level: A-level Subject: Religious Studies First teaching: September 2016 First exams: Summer 2018 Strengthen and refine the understanding and skills that your students require to excel in OCR A Level Religious Studies. Written by subject specialists with examining experience, this time-saving Workbook can be used flexibly for classwork or homework, throughout the course or for revision and exam practice. - Review knowledge with content summaries that will provide a concise overview of what students need to know for the exam - Develop exam skills with practice questions that check understanding and highlight common pitfalls - Build exam confidence as students work through the exam-style questions provided, giving them the chance to practise and perfect their technique - Save marking time and help students understand how to improve their responses by consulting the online answers supplied for all questions.
Methodological Strategies for Religious Studies
In: The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, Band 38, S. 92-98
The scientific novelty of this article is based on the application of the methods of socio-historical epistemology to the processes of institutionalization of religious studies as a scientific object. Religious studies has reached a high, mature level of institutional, theoretical, methodological, sociocultural, and existential development which is expressed in the competition of different methodological strategies or a variety of methodological means which allow us to form a scientific approach towards religious phenomena. In particular, this article covers several aspects which testify to the "maturity" of religious studies as a socio-humanitarian science, namely: a) competition among three research strategies – objectivist, interpretative, and preformistic ones; b) competition between the naturalistic and the anti-naturalistic programs; c) a dispute among faculties and communities (scientific disciplines as leaders and outsiders); d)a struggle for legitimacy among the paradigms of secularization, desecularization, and postsecularization. The author has come to the conclusion that religious studies, being a part of a general project for the development of the social / social sciences, enters a post-secular stage which opens new theoretical and methodological possibilities for researching the sphere of the religious, the sacred, the numinous. One of the important steps for further methodological progress is the deconstruction of the paradigms of secularism and "de-secularism", the process of building a more flexible and systematic methodological strategy for studying the field of religious phenomena.
Religious Studies and Popular Culture
In: The journal of popular culture: the official publication of the Popular Culture Association, Band IX, Heft 2, S. 491-492
ISSN: 1540-5931
Revisiting the Narrative in Religious Studies
In: The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Political Science and Religion Studies, Band 32, S. 107-116