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817 Ergebnisse
Following events such as the 2008 credit crunch and financial crisis, many sectors of the economy suffered; nevertheless, reinsurance managed to maintain its strong position in the market industry and the global economic arena. Arbitration has traditionally been used in reinsurance, due in no small part to its effective, time- and cost-efficient nature. Hence, reinsurance contracts often include arbitration clauses requiring that any and all disputes arising under the contract be resolved by arbitration. The current work provides an in-depth treatment of reinsurance arbitrations and the variou.
In: Münchener Reihe - Band 067
In: Münchener Reihe v.67
Reinsurance cover can either be purchased directly or via an intermediating reinsurance broker. The importance of reinsurance brokers has increased steadily since the early nineties. The thesis thus aims to analyze the impact of the reinsurance broker on reinsurance market efficiency and to identify the reasons why primary insurers to an increasing extent contract via an intermediating reinsurance broker. As the reinsurance broker's intermediation services are costly for the primary, intermediation needs to increase the primary insurer's payoff or utility compared to the direct purchase of reinsurance cover. Otherwise, no primary would be willing to hire a broker firm for assistance in the reinsurance acquisition process. Chapter II clarifies the framework for reinsurance broker activity. Chapter III first gives an overview of the reinsurance broker market (III.2) with a special focus on the market concentration and the geographical importance of reinsurance brokers. In addition, the reinsurance broker's tasks before, during, and after the reinsurance contract conclusion (III.3) are introduced and the types of reinsurance broker remuneration frequently used (III.4) are outlined. Finally, the most prominent reinsurance broker regulatory frameworks (III.5) are introduced along with rationales for reinsurance broker regulation. Chapter IV is composed of five sections discussing the different aspects of the market function of the reinsurance broker. Chapter V gives a short summary of the main findings and concludes the thesis. By combining economic theory and market observations, this thesis addresses both scholars and reinsurance market specialists. Rückversicherung kann entweder direkt oder über einen vermittelnden Rückversicherungsmakler erworben werden. Die Bedeutung der Rückversicherungsmakler hat seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre international zugenommen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Entwicklung untersucht die Autorin die Effizienz des Rückversicherungsmarktes und die Gründe, warum Erstversicherer in zunehmendem Maße Rückversicherung über einen vermittelnden Rückversicherungsmakler abschließen. Kapitel II klärt die Rahmenbedingungen für das Tätigwerden der Rückversicherungsmakler. Kapitel III gibt zunächst einen Überblick über den Rückversicherungsmakler-Markt (III.2) mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die Marktkonzentration und die geographische Verteilung der Rückversicherungsmakler. Darüber hinaus werden die Aufgaben der Rückversicherungsmakler vor, während und nach dem Vertragsabschluss (III.3) vorgestellt und die häufigsten Arten der Vergütung (III.4) behandelt. Schließlich werden die wichtigsten Regelwerke für Rückversicherungsmakler (III.5) erläutert. Kapitel IV befasst sich detailliert mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Rückversicherungsmarktes und der Funktion der Broker. Kapitel V fasst die Ergebnisse kurz zusammen. Die Autorin verbindet ökonomische Theorie mit Marktbeobachtungen und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einem wenig erforschten Themengebiet. Die Arbeit richtet sich sowohl an Wissenschaftler als auch an die im Rückversicherungsmarkt tätigen Spezialisten.
Many measures to reform health insurance markets include various types of government-sponsored reinsurance. This article explains the purposes and types of private and public reinsurance, and reviews available evidence about their performance. The author concludes that government-sponsored reinsurance inherently cannot reduce total costs, but it can shift costs from the private to the public sector. Also, reinsurance can help transition to a new government program or market structure that creates uncertain risks. Whether reinsurance is the best way to accomplish these goals depends greatly on the details.