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Real options analysis
In: Business issues, competition and entrepreneurship
In: Financial institutions and services
Real options in real estate development
In: Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 73-78
The interpretation and valuation of real options by means of options pricing theory can be regarded as a relatively new paradigm of investment theory. Option pricing theory based investment valuation represents a sound theoretical basis and offers principally a simple decision base. The approach recognises entrepreneurial flexibility and risk explicitly. It implies a positive correlation between flexibility respectively uncertainty and the value of options. Traditional deterministic‐dynamic standard methods of valuation are not able to value flexibility or risk effectively so that option values are adequately reflected. As property investors gradually embrace modern financial concepts it is clear that real estate valuation theory will have to change. One of the most promising areas that could have an important implication on the further development of valuation is the application of the real options paradigm. The author investigates the transfer of general real options theory through an examination of academic results in the field of real estate development. He comes to the conclusion that current research generates highly academic‐abstract results with limited practical value. So far a limited number of quantitative studies regarding the valuation real estate projects with the real options method have been conducted. Practical valuations have yet to be comprehensively carried out. For doing so, further research concerning the basic prerequisites of real options theory has to be undertaken.
Real options and real strategies
In: Strategic change, Band 16, Heft 7, S. 315-325
ISSN: 1099-1697
The formulation of strategic plans within the real options framework promotes flexibility and provides an answer to critics of conventional strategic planning who argue that the deterministic and inflexible nature of that process might leave managers ill‐prepared to cope with uncertainty.
Although the merits of adopting real options as a way of thinking on a theoretical level are well documented, little, if any, guidance is given on how the proposed theoretical framework can actually be put into action by management to produce more flexible strategic plans.
This paper attempts to incorporate the real options framework into existing strategic tools that are widely used by managers such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
VaR in real options analysis
In: Review of financial economics: RFE, Band 14, Heft 3-4, S. 189-208
ISSN: 1873-5924
AbstractCash Flow from operations can be controlled using real options. In this normative paper, we quantify Trigeorgis's intuition[Trigeorgis, L., 1996. Real options: Managerial flexibility and strategy in resource allocation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press](p 123), about the risk management properties of real options with respect to downside risk. This result is reached modeling the whole distribution in expanded NPV using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method, computing forward the same expected expanded NPV previously obtained in a backward induction process. A number of original results are derived for an all equity financed firm which exercises optimally the options to wait, to mothball, and to abandon. Cash Flow distribution and CFaR are derived for each epoch in the life of the project. A VaR for the expanded NPV at time 0 is derived. A numerical example studies value and risk in shipping finance.
Capabilities as Real Options
In: Organization science, Band 12, Heft 6, S. 744-758
ISSN: 1526-5455
Strategy research consists of a balance between positive and normative theory. Normative theories suggest particular heuristics, or cognitive representations, to find appropriate solutions. Heuristics permit faster solutions to real-time problems; they also suffer from the potential of negative transfer to inappropriate applications.The theory of real options provides the appropriate heuristic framing of competencies and exploratory search. A real options approach marries the theory of financial options to foundational ideas in strategy, organizational theory, and complex systems. We join these approaches to identify three pairs of concepts: scarce factor and the underlying asset in option theory, inertia and irreversibility, and the ruggedness of landscape and option values. Strategic theories of resources largely define a core competence as unique and nonimmutable. In doing so, this definition has wrongly forgotten Barney's initial insight into scarce factor markets as determining the valuation of a competitive asset. Financial theory of real options derives its heuristics of investing in exploratory search by inferring future value of today's investments from market prices.We apply the three conceptual pairs to the evaluation of capabilities as real options through a formal descriptive model. The valuation of core capabilities is derived from observing the price dynamics of correlated strategic factors in the market. Because of inertia, managers cannot easily adjust the wrong set of organizational capabilities to the emergence of market opportunities. However, firms that have made investments in capabilities appropriate to these opportunities are able to respond. From this description, we define core competence as the choice of capabilities that permits the firm to make the best response to market opportunities. The heuristic framing of capabilities as real options guides the normative evaluation of the balance between exploitation and exploration.
Misperceptions Regarding Real Options
In: Chapman & Hall/CRC Finance Series; Decision Options, S. 281-286
Group-Managed Real Options
In: Proceedings of Paris December 2020 Finance Meeting EUROFIDAI - ESSEC
Working paper