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168 Ergebnisse
In: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, Band 115, Heft 1, S. 580-584
ISSN: 2304-4934
Narcotics crime in society (especially in Indonesia) shows an increasing trend both quantitatively and qualitatively with widespread victims, especially among children, adolescents, and the younger generation in general. Based on this, the government must increase efforts to prevent and eradicate narcotics crimes by any means, whether reforming the Narcotics Law, imposing strict sanctions and so on. The purpose of this research is to find out how the legal ratio of the Special Minimum Limit Regulation in the Law on Narcotics. This research is normative legal research with a conceptual approach and a philosophical approach. The legal materials used are primary and secondary with the technique of analyzing legal materials using the interpretation method. The results of the study indicate that the Ratio legis regulation specific minimum criminal provisions in the three laws studied, namely: the Narcotics Law and the Supreme Court Circular Number 03 of 2015, is intended to prevent disparities in the sentencing of crimes by judges. The regulation of types of criminal sanctions in legislation is one of the functions of the State to protect legal interests, in the form of life, property and dignity. The regulation of criminal sanctions is one of the criminal policy systems that can be seen from several aspects, namely the criminal system, namely: types of sanctions, alternative and cumulative forms of sanctions and their duration, namely the maximum-minimum of the punishment threatened.
In: Analisi e diritto
In: Serie teorica 22
This legal research aims to examine the legal aspect ratio of legal instruments relating to pharmaceutical precursors as they relate to rejuvenation efforts; while at the same time reviewing based on the perspective of legal effectiveness on the regulation of pharmaceutical precursors. The results of this study state that the ratio of precursors to legislative regulation can be seen from three approaches, namely philosophical, juridical, and sociological. On the philosophical aspect, the 1945 Constitution provides an obligation to the government to provide welfare for matters related to health, the use of pharmaceutical precursors by the public. Then, from a juridical aspect, there are various legal products related to the management and utilization of pharmaceutical precursors; as the legal instruments are interrelated with each other. Sociologically, the illegal production and use of psychotropic substances through precursors will disrupt the economy, security and public health. However, the regulation on precursors has not been implemented in terms of structure, substance, effectiveness or culture; Thus, there are still many deviations in the management of precursors in the community. KEYWORDS: Rejuvenation, Pharmaceutical Precursors, Law Effectiveness
In: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science: IJRBS, Band 10, Heft 7, S. 423-431
ISSN: 2147-4478
Narcotics crime in society (especially in Indonesia) shows an increasing trend both quantitatively and qualitatively with widespread victims, especially among children, adolescents, and the younger generation in general. Based on this, the government must increase efforts to prevent and eradicate narcotics crimes by any means, whether reforming the Narcotics Law, imposing strict sanctions and so on. The purpose of this research is to find out how the legal ratio of the Special Minimum Limit Regulation in the Law on Narcotics. This research is normative legal research with a conceptual approach and a philosophical approach. The legal materials used are primary and secondary with the technique of analyzing legal materials using the interpretation method. The results of the study indicate that the Ratio legis regulation specific minimum criminal provisions in the three laws studied, namely: the Narcotics Law and the Supreme Court Circular Number 03 of 2015, is intended to prevent disparities in the sentencing of crimes by judges. The regulation of types of criminal sanctions in legislation is one of the functions of the State to protect legal interests, in the form of life, property and dignity. The regulation of criminal sanctions is one of the criminal policy systems that can be seen from several aspects, namely the criminal system, namely: types of sanctions, alternative and cumulative forms of sanctions and their duration, namely the maximum-minimum of the punishment threatened.
In: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft
In: Bibliotheca Iuridica
In: Libri Amicorum 39
In: Pro Publico Bono
In: Xenia
This study aims to determine and analyze the ratio legis to determine the minimum percentage of 10% minority shareholding in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Company. The methodology used in this research is normative legal research with a statute approach and a conceptual approach. The results showed that the ratio legis for determining the minimum percentage of minority share ownership of 10% in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Company consists of four things, namely the condition of the Indonesian economy when Law Number 40 of 2007 was made, also influenced the determination the minimum percentage number for minority shareholding, so that in Indonesia the number 10% is determined, the 10% percentage number is not the majority number, the 10% number is a reasonable percentage number for shareholders who have paid up capital to be considered as minority shareholders, and the 10% number is determined. carried out by considering the value of the rupiah that has been deposited by the shareholders as paid up capital. ; Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar y analizar el ratio legis para determinar el porcentaje mínimo de participación minoritaria del 10% en la Ley Número 40 de 2007 de Sociedad Anónima. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación es la investigación jurídica normativa con enfoque de estatuto y enfoque conceptual. Los resultados mostraron que el ratio legis para determinar el porcentaje mínimo de participación minoritaria del 10% en la Ley Número 40 de 2007 sobre Sociedades Anónimas consta de cuatro cosas, a saber, la condición de la economía indonesia cuando se promulgó la Ley Número 40 de 2007, también influyó en la determinación del número de porcentaje mínimo para la participación minoritaria, de modo que en Indonesia se determina el número del 10%, el número de porcentaje del 10% no es el número mayoritario, el número del 10% es un número de porcentaje razonable para los accionistas que han desembolsado capital a ser considerados accionistas minoritarios y se determina el 10%. realizado considerando el valor de la rupia que ha sido depositada por los accionistas como capital desembolsado. ; O presente estudo tem como objetivo determinar e analisar a ratio legis para determinar o percentual mínimo de 10% de participação minoritária na Lei nº 40 de 2007 relativa à Sociedade Limitada. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa é a pesquisa jurídica normativa com uma abordagem de estatuto e uma abordagem conceitual. Os resultados mostraram que o rácio legis para determinar a percentagem mínima de participação minoritária de 10% na Lei n.º 40 de 2007 relativa às sociedades anónimas consiste em quatro coisas, nomeadamente a condição da economia indonésia quando a Lei n.º 40 de 2007 foi feita, também influenciou a determinação do número percentual mínimo de participação minoritária, de modo que na Indonésia o número 10% é determinado, o número percentual de 10% não é o número da maioria, o número de 10% é um número percentual razoável para acionistas que integralizaram capital para ser considerados acionistas minoritários, sendo fixada porcentagem de 10%. realizado considerando o valor da rúpia que foi depositado pelos acionistas como capital integralizado.
In: Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego: Protection of cultural heritage, Heft 1, S. 41-49
ISSN: 2543-6422
This article focuses on the Latin legal maxim read as "ratio legis est anima legis." It needs to be emphasised that, unless they are well-considered, no approval will be granted to acts which are invalid from legal and formal perspective or under which legally incorrect substantive solutions are to come into force.The author of this article claims that Polish central government may prove useful in the field of protecting historic monuments and sites. Furthermore, the article also explores experiences through which the German government went in the areas pertaining to constitutional law and organisation of German (federal and lance) historic preservation administration.In the conclusion, the author summarizes his deliberations on the Polish model of administrative bodies responsible for conservation and protection of historic monuments and sites.
East Timor obtained its independence through a referendum conducted by the United Nations (UN). The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (RDTL) was officially enacted on 20 May 2002. The language clause in Article 13 of the Constitution states that the official languages of East Timor are Tetun and Portuguese. Based on this, the government of East Timor put a policy in place, obligating all levels of the educational system to use only Portuguese in their activities. This policy, however, has faced fierce rejection, especially from private educational institutions, because of its inconsistency with the new reality According to data from the UN, less than 5 per cent of the Timorese population speak Portuguese. In this research, two legal issues emerged. The first is about language as a constitutional right of citizens. The second relates to the use of the Portuguese language in the education system in East Timor and its relation to human rights. To analyse the legal problems, this research utilises qualitative and legal methods. It can be successfully proven that, in the implementation of the language clause in East Timor, the government policy does not consider the legal principle of proportional justice and discriminates against Timorese people who use Tetun and other national languages, which should be encouraged by the nation. The conclusion is that the use of the Portuguese language violates constitutional rights and impedes the quality of education.
UU No. 62/1958 dan UU No. 12/ 2006 pada prinsipnya tidak mengenal adanya kewarganegaraan ganda. UU No. 12/ 2006 memperbolehkan kewarganegaraan ganda terbatas pada anak-anak dalam kaitannya perlindungan terhadap hak anak. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan dalam dunia modern, tuntutan diaspora Indonesia terhadap Pemerintah RI untuk juga memberikan status kewarganegaraan ganda bagi orang dewasa terus bergulir. Penelitian ini mengangkat dua isu hukum. Isu hukum pertama mengenai ratio legis tidak diperbolehkannya kewarganegaraan ganda dalam UU No. 62/1958 dan UU No. 12/2006. Isu hukum kedua adalah dampaknya terutama dalam bidang hukum apabila kewarganegaraan ganda diberlakukan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konsep serta pendekatan sejarah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis terhadap isu hukum yang telah diajukan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, kedua undang-undang tersebut tidak terlepas dari filosofi kewarganegaraan yang didasarkan pada doktrin "kesetiaan abadi" (perpetual allegiance). Kedua undang-undang tersebut mengatur bahwa bentuk kesetiaan WNI kepada negara nya adalah dengan tidak mempunyai kewarganegaraan ganda. Sedangkan dampaknya dalam bidang hukum apabila kewarganegaraan ganda diberlakukan di Indonesia diantaranya adalah perubahan ketentuan- ketentuan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan terutama yang berkaitan dengan kepemilikan properti, hak politik, kewarganegaraan dan Imigrasi. Penelitian ini memberikan saran bahwa tuntutan kewarganegaraan ganda dari komunitas diaspora Indonesia perlu direspon oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dengan dicermat dengan melakukan pengkajian dan penyusunan pertimbangan yang melibatkan berbagai instansi terkait.