In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 164, S. 629-640
This book shows that the medical consequences of low-dose, low-rate exposures to ionizing radiation have been overestimated by certain scientists, which apparently occurred in accordance with unofficial policies and directives. It analyses and exposes the biases and hidden conflicts of interest in numerous scientific publications overestimating the medico-biological consequences of low-dose radiation. After the Chernobyl accident, many publications exaggerated its medical consequences. Among the motives for this were financing, publication pressure, and career prospects. The accident has been exploited to strangle nuclear energy, thus boosting fossil fuel prices. In more developed countries, anti-nuclear sentiments have been supported by green activists, in agreement with the interests of fossil fuel producers, certain companies and governments. Today, however, there are no alternatives to nuclear energy; in the long run, non-renewable fossil fuels will become more expensive, contributing to the excessive population growth in oil-producing regions and to poverty elsewhere.
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This book shows that the medical consequences of low-dose, low-rate exposures to ionizing radiation have been overestimated by certain scientists, which apparently occurred in accordance with unofficial policies and directives. It analyses and exposes the biases and hidden conflicts of interest in numerous scientific publications overestimating the medico-biological consequences of low-dose radiation. After the Chernobyl accident, many publications exaggerated its medical consequences. Among the motives for this were financing, publication pressure, and career prospects. The accident has been exploited to strangle nuclear energy, thus boosting fossil fuel prices. In more developed countries, anti-nuclear sentiments have been supported by green activists, in agreement with the interests of fossil fuel producers, certain companies and governments. Today, however, there are no alternatives to nuclear energy; in the long run, non-renewable fossil fuels will become more expensive, contributing to the excessive population growth in oil-producing regions and to poverty elsewhere
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open ; 14 ; Funding text The support received by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014–2020), the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), and the New Zealand Ministry of Health is gratefully acknowledged. ; In this statement, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) presents its principles for protection against adverse health effects from exposure to non-ionizing radiation. These are based upon the principles for protection against ionizing radiation of the International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP) in order to come to a comprehensive and consistent system of protection throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The statement further contains information about ICNIRP and the processes it uses in setting exposure guidelines. ; open ; Ziegelberger G.; van Rongen E.; Croft R.; Feychting M.; Green A.C.; Hirata A.; d'Inzeo G.; Marino C.; Miller S.; Oftedal G.; Okuno T.; Roosli M.; Sienkiewicz Z.; Watanabe S. ; Ziegelberger, G.; van Rongen, E.; Croft, R.; Feychting, M.; Green, A. C.; Hirata, A.; D'Inzeo, G.; Marino, C.; Miller, S.; Oftedal, G.; Okuno, T.; Roosli, M.; Sienkiewicz, Z.; Watanabe, S.
open ; 18 ; Funding text The support received by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU), the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014–2020), the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), and the New Zealand Ministry of Health is gratefully acknowledged. ; Cosmetic devices using non-ionizing radiation (NIR) are increasingly available for people who wish to modify their appearance for aesthetic purposes. There are a wide range of NIR modalities used for cosmetic procedures, including devices that use optical radiation (laser, intense pulsed light, and light-emitting diode), electromagnetic fields, and ultrasound. Common procedures involving the application of NIR include epilation, skin rejuvenation, body sculpting and contouring, treatment of vascular and skin lesions, tattoo removal, and scar reduction. The majority of research on the use of NIR cosmetic devices has focused on the efficacy of the treatment rather than adverse effects or complications. Studies that assessed safety consisted mostly of case reports and small case series. Common adverse effects on the skin reported include mild and transient pain, erythema, swelling, and changes in pigmentation. Less common, more severe side effects include burns, blisters, scarring, persisting erythema, altered pigmentation, and eye damage. Some of the latter may have resulted from treatment errors. Particular groups of people that may be at greater risk from optical radiation include people with dark skin, with high sun exposure, and taking photosensitizing medications or supplements. There is lack of evidence for the safety profile of cosmetic NIR procedures during pregnancy. Reports of injuries to workers administering treatments with cosmetic NIR devices are rare, but inadvertent damage to the eye from optical devices may occur. Randomized controlled trials are required to fully assess potential adverse effects from the use of ...
Le soldat est une création artificielle obtenue par la transformation d'un individu naturellement réticent devant la mort reçue et donnée en un être capable d'évoluer dans une ambiance de peur intense et d'y exercer la violence sur des semblables. Chacun d'eux est un Icare que l'on croit capable d'atteindre les hauteurs de l'invincibilité, par le biais d'une alchimie à la fois ancienne et toujours changeante. Il s'agit en fait là d'une réalité toujours renouvelée. Dans la réalité certains tombent avant même de s'envoler, la plupart reviennent sur la terre du monde normal pleins d'émotions et de frustrations, quant à ceux qui croient approcher le soleil de la victoire éternelle, ils s'aperçoivent que c'est une course vaine car ce soleil change constamment de place. On peut augmenter sans cesse le soldat, il finit toujours par décroître.
In a wide range of medical fields, technological advancements have led to an increase in the average collective dose in national populations worldwide. Periodic estimations of the average collective population dose due to medical exposure is, therefore of utmost importance, and is now mandatory in countries within the European Union (article 12 of EURATOM directive 97/43). Presented in this work is a report on the estimation of the collective dose in the Portuguese population due to nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures and the Top 20 diagnostic radiology examinations, which represent the 20 exams that contribute the most to the total collective dose in diagnostic radiology and interventional procedures in Europe. This work involved the collaboration of a multidisciplinary taskforce comprising representatives of all major Portuguese stakeholders (universities, research institutions, public and private healthcare providers, administrative services of the National Healthcare System, scientific and professional associations and private service providers). This allowed us to gather a comprehensive amount of data necessary for a robust estimation of the collective effective dose to the Portuguese population. The methodology used for data collection and dose estimation was based on European Commission recommendations, as this work was performed in the framework of the European wide Dose Datamed II project. This is the first study estimating the collective dose for the population in Portugal, considering such a wide national coverage and range of procedures and consisting of important baseline reference data. The taskforce intends to continue developing periodic collective dose estimations in the future. The estimated annual average effective dose for the Portuguese population was of 0.080±0.017 mSv caput(-1) for nuclear medicine exams and of 0.96±0.68 mSv caput(-1) for the Top 20 diagnostic radiology exams. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Résumé. — Des bactéries alginolytiques isolées de thalles de Fucus spp. ont été cultivées en milieu liquide où elles libèrent des exo-alginases. Les filtrats de ces cultures ont été utilisés pour mettre au point une méthode viscosimétrique permettant le dosage quantitatif et spécifique des alginases. Nous avons défini une unité alginoly tique proportionnelle à la valeur du coëfficiënt angulaire de la droite représentant les variations de fluidité spécifique du milieu réactionnel en fonction de la durée de l'incubation.