The document is divided into two parts. The first part contains the Standards, whereas the second part contains background explanations or reasons for the choice of each standard. This will enable the standards to be more easily understood, and reviewed with full background knowledge at a later date, as circumstances on the rural road network or in Cambodian economy change.
In: Mimi Zou, "Labour Standards Along "One Belt One Road", in Lutz-Christian Wolff and Chao Xi (eds), Legal Dimensions of China's Belt and Road Initiative (Wolters Kluwer, 2016) pp. 357-392.
This report examines existing regulatory approaches and then explores how performance standards might be used to improve regulatory outcomes. Under a performance-based approach to regulation, standards would specify the performance required from vehicle operations rather than mandating how this level of performance is to be achieved. More flexible performance-based regulations provide for increased innovation and more rapid adoption of new technologies. The report explores the regulatory reform processes in some countries that have led to more direct, outcome-oriented approaches to regulating road transport vehicles.
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Governmental agencies, companies and other organisations benefit from sharing data effectively using a harmonised data specification. In asset management, data standards exist from the construction phase through to the operation of the building. A gap exists within transport agencies in Australia and New Zealand for the road asset information exchange. The expectation is that by transferring road asset data from one system to another using a commonly accepted data standard, annual cost savings are predicted to be achieved within these countries of between $65 and $130 million. Current developments are investigating standardising road asset data. This research provides a critical review of data standards for vertical and horizontal infrastructure, namely buildings and roads, and reviews current approaches that deal with the challenge of information exchange for the road network.
Governmental agencies, companies and other organisations benefit from sharing data effectively using a harmonised data specification. In asset management, data standards exist from the construction phase through to the operation of the building. A gap exists within transport agencies in Australia and New Zealand for the road asset information exchange. The expectation is that by transferring road asset data from one system to another using a commonly accepted data standard, annual cost savings are predicted to be achieved within these countries of between $65 and $130 million. Current developments are investigating standardising road asset data. This research provides a critical review of data standards for vertical and horizontal infrastructure, namely buildings and roads, and reviews current approaches that deal with the challenge of information exchange for the road network.
This report provides reasonable address database and road centerline attribute data content standards for the state of South Carolina. It is intended as a guide for information technology professionals implementing address based relational database and geographic information systems to facilitate the effective use, understanding, automation, and integration of such data. The standards are meant to be useable by all levels of government and by the private sector. These standards are designed to facilitate database and data consistency among the address information systems.
Front Matter -- Copyright -- Contents -- Figures -- Tables -- Preface and acknowledgements -- Abbreviations -- 1. Introduction to China's Digital Silk Road -- 2. The new Silk Road: land, sea, digital -- 3. Theorising the Belt and Road: geodevelopmentalism revisited -- 4. The digital Silk Road: driving the fourth Industrial Revolution? -- 5. The mobile Silk Road: digital economy and the e-yuan -- 6. The cable Silk Road: over the land and under the sea -- 7. The space Silk Road: reaching for the stars? -- 8. Digital diplomacy and internet governance -- 9. Conclusion -- Appendix A: a chronology of developments of the Belt and Road Initiative, 2013-2021 -- Appendix B -- Select bibliography -- Index.
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"In recent decades, China has become a world leader in e-commerce, e-currency, 5G, and artificial intelligence, cementing itself as a major competitor to established powers. Gerald Chan poses the question: How has China pulled this off? Arguing that the answer lies in the country's digital silk road, a multi-faceted programme to connect the world via digital means, the book explores how China has shaped the development of the digital order, secured a critical role in internet governance, and upset the status-quo powers. Integrating empirical research with innovative theory, this forward-looking book is the first of its kind to unravel the complex web spun through China's digital silk road. Chapters offer a unique Chinese perspective on the evolution of the global digital economy and digital currencies, highlighting China's growing influence in driving technological development and setting global industrial standards. Following on from Chan's previous publications on the country's high-speed rail networks and maritime infrastructure, China's Digital Silk Road offers a timely look at China's predominant role in shaping the global digital order. Advancing a geo-developmental framework to analyse China's Belt and Road Initiative, the book will be of unique interest to students and scholars of Chinese politics and global development"--
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Abstract The government is striving for planned toll roads to be realized so as to increase connectivity, competitiveness and lower logistics costs. In turn, the toll road can be the backbone that supports the growth of the national economy as well as the equitable distribution of development. Based on the review of Indonesia Toll Road Authority of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in 2017, it is projected that Indonesia will have an additional 1,851 km of new toll roads by the end of 2019. The additional projection of the new toll road exceeds the targets set in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing 2015-2019 as long as 1,060 km. The additional projection of new toll roads is possible besides the acceleration of land acquisition process through bailout fund by Toll Road Business Entity also introduced system delivery innovation by implementing Integrated Design and Build Constructions. Therefore, it needs to be equipped with Standard Operating Procedures for the Integrated Construction Design and Build on Toll Road Project in Indonesia. Keywords: toll road, standard operating procedures, toll road authority, toll road business entity Abstrak Pemerintah sedang mengupayakan ruas-ruas jalan tol yang direncanakan untuk direalisasikan sehingga dapat meningkatkan konektivitas, daya saing, dan menurunkan biaya logistik. Pada gilirannya, jalan tol dapat menjadi tulang punggung yang mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional serta pemerataan pembangunan. Berdasarkan kajian Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, pada 2017, diproyeksikan bahwa Indonesia akan memiliki tambahan 1.851 km jalan tol baru pada akhir 2019. Proyeksi tambahan jalan tol baru ini melebihi target yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat 2015-2019, yaitu sepanjang 1.060 km. Proyeksi tambahan jalan tol baru dimungkinkan karena selain percepatan proses pembebasan tanah melalui dana talangan oleh Badan Usaha Jalan Tol juga diterapkannya sistem Design and Build Integrated Constructions. Karena itu diperlukan adanya Prosedur Operasi Standar untuk Integrated Design and Build Constructions untuk proyek-proyek jalan tol di Indonesia. Kata-kata kunci: jalan tol, prosedur operasi standar, badan pengatur jalan tol, badan usaha jalan tol
Much has been researched and written about road pricing, and especially how it affects traffic flow, congestion, the environment, and social welfare in general. This doctoral thesis analyses the implementation of road user charges rather than its effects. The dissertation consists of five separate papers, each addressing a subset of the topic. The first paper sheds light on the costs to introduce congestion taxes in Stockholm, and describes how public opinion and political risk lead to a system design that in all likelihood was more expensive than necessary. In the second paper the European regulation on interoperability between road charging system is evaluated from a benefit/cost perspective, which is found to be overly ambitious. Paper three builds upon the second, and suggests a general model for how costs and benefits interact in the case of road charging interoperability. Inpaper four a potential solution is presented for how the practical problems related to enforcement of road charging in an international context or in countries with weak institutions. The fifth and final paper analyses the public opinion of road charges, and especially urban congestion charges, using a survey conducted simultaneously in three European cities. ; Mycket har forskats och skrivits kring vägavgifter, och framför allt hur de påverkar trafikströmmar, trängsel, miljö och samhällsnytta. Denna sammanläggningsavhandling analyserar införande av vägavgifter snarare än dess effekter. Avhandlingen består av fem uppsatser som var och en tar sig an en delmängd av området. Den första uppsatsen belyser kostnaderna för införande av trängselskatter i Stockholm, och beskriver hur opinion och politisk risk ledde till en systemdesign som troligen var mer kostsam än nödvändigt. I den andra uppsatsen utvärderas den europeiska lagstiftningen för interoperabilitet mellan vägavgiftssystem ifrån ett nytto/kostnads-perspektiv, och finner den alltför ambitiös. Uppsats tre bygger vidare på den andra och föreslår en generell modell för hur kostnader och ...
During recent years the infrastructure sector has grown tremendously, particularly toll roads. Toll road sections spread across several provinces in Indonesia are managed by various Toll Road Operators with different management styles. In providing their services to the public, Government requires the operators to meet a certain Toll Road Minimum Service Standard. Unfortunately, some of the performance indicators do not meet this standard any longer. The purpose of this research was to obtain performance indicators. The basic performance indicators were obtained from literature review of previous Indonesian research, several benchmarked foreign countries, and from the government's minimum service standard. Next to that a survey was conducted by collecting data through questionnaires to toll road users, operators, regulators, and experts. The result provides an overview of stakeholders' interests in determining KPIs and SPIs. 20 KPIs and 11 SPIs were obtained. Based on the evaluation and trial test that was carried out, the performance indicators obtained from this research can be applied to develop toll road MSS performance indicators in Indonesia.