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253491 Ergebnisse
Special report: Significant regional developments, October‐December 1984
In: Terrorism, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 165-183
Risk-risk analysis
In: Journal of risk and uncertainty, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 5-17
ISSN: 1573-0476
Risk and risk-bearing
In: Risk classical library
Summarizing Risk Using Risk Measures and Risk Indices
In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Band 34, Heft 12, S. 2143-2162
ISSN: 1539-6924
Our society is fascinated with risk in many different areas and disciplines. One of the main ways to describe and communicate the level of risk is through risk indices, which summarize risk using numbers or categories such as words, letters, or colors. These indices are used to communicate risks to the public, understand how risk is changing over time, compare among different risks, and support decision making. Given the different methods to construct risk indices, including flawed methods such as risk matrices, this article develops specific steps that analysts can follow to create a risk index. This article emphasizes the importance of describing risk with a probability distribution, developing a numerical risk measure that summarizes the probability distribution, and finally translating the risk measure to an index. Measuring the risk is the most difficult part and requires the analyst to summarize a probability distribution into one or possibly a few numbers. The risk measure can then be transformed to a numerical or categorical index. I apply the method outlined in this article to construct a risk index that compares the risk of fatalities in aviation and highway transportation.
Risk vs. risk
In: Governing: the states and localities, Band 10, S. 32-36
ISSN: 0894-3842
Political Risk, Economic Risk and Financial Risk
In: Fuqua School of Business Working Paper No. 9606
Working paper
Risk Measuring Under Liquidity Risk
In: Allaj, E. (2017). Risk measuring under liquidity risk. Applied Mathematical Finance, 24(3), 246-279.
Risk? What Risk?
In: The annals of occupational hygiene: an international journal published for the British Occupational Hygiene Society
ISSN: 1475-3162
Categorizing Risks for Risk Ranking
In: Risk analysis, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 49-58
ISSN: 0272-4332
Risk? what risk?
In: The annals of occupational hygiene: an international journal published for the British Occupational Hygiene Society, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 223-224
ISSN: 1475-3162
Model Risk in Credit Risk
Working paper
Categorizing Risks for Risk Ranking
In: Risk analysis: an international journal, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 49-58
ISSN: 1539-6924
Any practical process of risk ranking must group hazards into a manageable number of categories. Defining such categories requires value choices that can have important implications for the rankings that result. Most risk‐management organizations will find it useful to begin defining categories in terms of environmental loadings or initiating events. However, the resulting categories typically need to be modified in light of other considerations. Risk‐ranking projects can benefit from considering several alternative categorization strategies and drawing upon elements of each in developing their final categorization of risks. In principle, conducting multiple ranking exercises by using different categorizations could be interesting and useful. In practice, agencies are unlikely to have either the resources or patience to do this, but other groups in society might. Done well, such additional independent rankings could add valuable inputs to democratic risk‐management decision making.