Fifth District Banks' Return on Assets: Highest in Decade
In: FRB Richmond Economic Review, Vol. 75, No. 3, May/June 1989, pp. 16-22
61937 Ergebnisse
In: FRB Richmond Economic Review, Vol. 75, No. 3, May/June 1989, pp. 16-22
In: Empirical Economics Letters, 2024 (
The value of the company is oriented towards the future of the company, so it is expected that every decision making must consider the value of the company. This study formulates several problems, namely the analysis of the values of return on assets and the ratio of debt to equity partially in increasing the Company Value of 11 business entities whose capital is all or partly owned by the government that has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Year 2017-2019. The author's purpose in conducting this research is to find out the values of return on assets and the ratio of debt to Equity to the company value. The quantitative approach used in this research is descriptive and verificative data analysis using classical assumptions including normality, autocorrelation, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and hypothesis testing with multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study found that Return on Assets has a significant effect on Company Value. The results of this study can be used as input and information about the implementation of Return on Assets and Debt to Equity Ratio which can be used as a basis for knowing the value of BUMN companies that have registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
This study offers a statistical analysis of the persistence of annual profits across a sample of firms from different European Union (EU) countries. To this end, a Bayesian dynamic model has been used which enables the annual behaviour of those profits to be broken down into a permanent structural component on the one hand and a transitory component on the other, while also distinguishing between general effects affecting the industry as a whole to which each firm belongs and specific effects affecting each firm in particular. This break down enables the relative importance of those fundamental components to be evaluated. The data analysed come from a sample of 23,293 firms in EU countries selected from the AMADEUS data-base. The period analysed ran from 1999 to 2007 and 21 sectors were analysed, chosen in such a way that there was a sufficiently large number of firms in each country*sector combination for the industry effects to be estimated accurately enough for meaningful comparisons to be made by sector and country. The analysis has been conducted by sector and by country from a Bayesian perspective, thus making the study more flexible and realistic since the estimates obtained do not depend on asymptotic results. In general terms, the study finds that, although the industry effects are significant, more important are the specific effects. That importance varies depending on the sector or the country in which the firm carries out its activity. The influence of firm effects accounts for more than 90% of total variation and display a significantly lower degree of persistence, with adjustment speeds oscillating around 51.1%. However, this pattern is not homogeneous but depends on the sector and country analysed. Industry effects have a more marginal importance, being significantly more persistent, with adjustment speeds oscillating around 10% with this degree of persistence being more homogeneous at both country and sector levels.
In: Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.3 No.1 (2020)
In: The International journal of humanities & social studies: IJHSS
ISSN: 2321-9203
The research aims to delve into the financial performance of manufacturing firms, with a specific focus on key financial indicators such as Return on Equity (ROE), Return on Assets (ROA), and Return on Sales (ROS). These indicators are commonly used to assess a company's profitability, efficiency, and overall financial health. The study involved the analysis of the financial statements of selected manufacturing firms to compare and evaluate their performance based on these metrics. Return on Equity (ROE) measures a company's profitability relative to the equity of its shareholders. Return on Assets (ROA) indicates how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate earnings. Return on Sales (ROS) measures a company's ability to generate profits from its revenue. The research aims to provide valuable insights into the financial health and efficiency of manufacturing companies. The findings may have implications for various stakeholders, including investors, industry practitioners, and the companies themselves. Investors can use the insights to make informed decisions about their investment choices, while industry practitioners can gain valuable knowledge about improving financial performance. Additionally, Rwandan companies themselves can use the findings to identify areas for potential improvement in their financial management and operations.
In: Corporate governance and organizational behavior review, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 94-103
ISSN: 2521-1889
Differences in interests lead to conflict between managers with owners of capital because managers do not always align interests with the interests of company owners (Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Corporate governance has a very important role in increasing various growths, one of which is the growth of the company's finances. In the application of corporate governance, it takes several parties who can bridge corporate governance to be applied in the company. The board of commissioners is the core of governance that is tasked with ensuring the implementation of the company's strategy, supervising management, and requiring accountability. The purpose of this study was to find out what important parties in the company had a significant impact on the company's finances as measured through the return on assets (ROA) of mining companies. This study uses secondary data collected from financial statements and annual reports from mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that can be accessed regularly. In this study, data analysis to test hypotheses was multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis of multiple linear regression data measures the interval or ratio data to know whether the free variables studied have a good correlation. The results of the study show that all parties who have an important role in bridging corporate governance such as the board of commissioners, independent commissioners, board of directors, and audit committee, have no significant influence on the growth of ROA in the company.
In: Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, Band 28, Heft 1, S. 107-123
ISSN: 1758-4248
– The purpose of this paper is to explore how market orientation is related to relationship building outcomes in the downstream distribution process. The authors examine the role of distributor satisfaction in mediating the association between market orientation in distribution and return on assets.
– Market orientation in distribution was measured by distributor orientation, competitor orientation, and interfunctional coordination.
– Results showed that the positive relationship between market orientation in distribution and distributor satisfaction was strongly supported. While distributor orientation and competitor orientation were both positively related to distributor satisfaction and return on assets, interfunctional coordination was not related to either distributor satisfaction or return on assets. However, interfunctional coordination lessened the positive relationship between distributor orientation and distributor satisfaction.
– This study fills research void in downstream relationship building in the distribution process in a business-to-business context.
In: The journal of hospitality financial management: publ. on behalf of the Association of Hospitality Financial Management Education, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 13-23
ISSN: 2152-2790
In: Panigrahi A K, Band K
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan berfokus untuk menguji ada atau tidaknya pengaruh return on asset, kompensasi rugi fiskal, dan transfer pricing terhadap keputusan perusahaan dalam melakukan praktik penghindaran pajak (tax avoidance). Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Pengolahan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat uji berupa regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 25. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan dari sektor industri dasar dan kimia yang terdaftar di BEI dari tahun 2016-2019. Dari populasi tersebut dihasilkan sebanyak 64 sampel yang dapat diolah setelah dilakukan metode purposive sampling .Data penelitian menggunakan data sekunder berupa annual report perusahaan sektor industri dasar dan kimia yang terdaftar di BEI. Dari 3 hipotesis yang diajukan, penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa hanya satu hipotesis yang dapat diterima, yaitu variabel independen return on asset yang memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap tax avoidance. Sedangkan untuk Hasil penelitian variabel kompensasi rugi fiskal dan transfer pricing tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tax avoidance. Irawan, Hendra Putra dan Aria Farahmita. 2012. "Pengaruh Kompensasi Manajeman dan Corporate Governance Terhadap Manajeman Pajak Perusahaan". Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 15 Banjarmasin Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Kurniasih, Tommy dan Maria M. Ratna Sari, 2013. "Pengaruh Return On Assets, Leverage, Corporate Governance, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal Pada Tax Avoidance". ISSN 1410- 4628BULETIN STUDI EKONOMI, Volume 18, No. 1, Februari 2013 Marfu'ah, Laila. 2015."Pengaruh Return On Asset, Leverage, Ukuran Perusahaan, Kompensasi Rugi Fiskal Dan Koneksi Politik Terhadap Tax Avoidance". 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Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi, Keuangan Dan Perbankan, 5(1), 65–81.Undang-Undang No.36 tahun 2008 pasal 6 ayat 2 tentang pajak penghasilan.Website dan-pasifik?page=3 masa-ke-masa/ Perusahaan-perusahaan-di-Indonesia 1rP4QYRVFg7file:///C:/Users/WAYCOM/Downloads/15916-33576-2-PB.pdfPT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia - ArchiveDownload ( Bursa Efek Indonesia (
AbstrakPada ekonomi di sebuah negara, perbankan punya andil besar. Perbankan berperan penting didalam peminjaman di wilayah publik dan swasta. Fungsi perbankan sebagai perantara, yang mana bank bermanfaat sebagai perantara diantara pihak-pihak yang berkecukupan ke mereka yang membutuhkan. Riset ini bertitik berat di bidang yang berpengaruh pada risiko likuiditas di bank. Maksud dari riset ini tidak lain buat analisis efek NPL, ROA serta ROE kepada resiko likuiditas perbankan listing di BEI rentang 2016-2019.Sampel yang dipergunakan didalam riset semua perbankan, baik itu milik pemerintah (BUMN) ataupun Bank Swasta Nasional di Indonesia yang diakui di BI sejak 2016 sampai 2019. Dari kriteria tersebut didapat 40 bank, metode yang dipakai adalah purposive sampling. Metode analisis riset ini adalah regresi linier, untuk diuji buat melewati asumsi klasik dengan normalitas, multicollinearity, autocorrelation dan heteroscedasticity.Hasil riset memperlihatkan kalau variabel ROA dan ROE memiliki efek bagus dan signifikan kepada risiko likuiditas. Sedang variabel NPL memiliki efek buruk dan tidak signifikan kepada risiko likuiditas. Kata Kunci: NPL, ROA, ROE, Risiko Likuiditas. ABSTRACT In the economy in a country, banking has a great contribution. Banks have contributed to the distribution of credit in the public and private sector. Banking function as a liaison, where the bank is useful as a liaison to the parties who are excessive for those in need. This research focuses on areas that affect liquidity risk in banks. The benefit of this research is to analyze the effect of NPL, ROA and ROE on liquidity risk in banks listed on the IDX for the 2016-2019 period.The sample used in the research is all banks, both owned by the government (BUMN) and National Private Banks in Indonesia which have been recognized at BI from 2016 to 2019. From these criteria found 40 banks, the method used is purposive sampling. The analytical method used in this study is linear regression, which is tested using classical assumptions using ...
ABSTRACT: This study aimed "to determine the influence of the BI Rate to Return On Assets (ROA) at Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk". This research uses descriptive method with quantitative approach. The data used in this research is secondary data by source and by the dimension of time using time series data (time series). In this study, the time series of data used is the data on a monthly basis in the period January 2013 s / d December 2015. The data collected were then analyzed by applying descriptive statistical analysis techniques and simple regression analysis and correlation of product moment.The results of the study were presented as follows: (1) that in the study period, the variable BI rate positive and significant impact on Return On Asset (ROA). (2) that the increase in ROA of 12.4% co-determined or influenced by the BI rate, while the remaining 87.6% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states "It is believed that the BI Rate effect on Return On Assets (ROA) PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk "validity can be tested empirically, as well as justify terori-the underlying theory.To optimize the reception ROA at PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, required government policies, especially Bank Indonesia to control the value of BI-Rate effective and competitive so as to stimulate the real sector thus encouraging the proper functioning of banks as financial services, which in turn will increase the ROA of the bank itself.Keywords: BI-Rate, Return on Assets, Bank Mandiri.
In: CEPS Working Document, No. 61
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