Let Te Reo Speak: Granting Legal Personality to Te Reo Māori
In: 46(4) VUWLR 1081-1110, 2015
386 Ergebnisse
In: 46(4) VUWLR 1081-1110, 2015
In: Journal für Strafrecht: JSt ; Zeitschrift für Kriminalrecht, Polizeirecht und soziale Arbeit, Band 5, Heft 6, S. 509-509
ISSN: 2312-1920
"Te Ahu o te reo Māori: Reflecting on Research to Understand the Well-being of te reo Māori is an edited collection of bi-lingual writings that brings together Māori researchers, writers and community language advocates who were involved in the Te Taura Whiri-funded study, Te Ahu o Te Reo. Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori draws on this national research project completed in 2016, and brings together some of the different voices of the project in a way that will appeal to a wider audience. The aim of the book is to provide a space, beyond the funded research project, to reflect on the role of kaupapa Māori research and the researcher in Māori language research. Writers explore the concept of well-being in relation to te reo Māori and share evidence-based information about what supports and hinders the revitalisation of te reo Māori in communities, homes, kura and schools in Aotearoa in the 21st century"--Back cover
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 44, Heft 4, S. 710-710
ISSN: 1548-1433
In: Economic commentary, S. 1-6
ISSN: 0428-1276
Swelling REO inventories are the latest fallout of the housing crisis, costing lenders money and contributing to neighborhood blight. Yet lenders could avoid taking on so much REO if they could more accurately estimate the value of the homes they foreclose on, especially in weak housing markets. Correcting this apparent misunderstanding of the market could speed the clearing of REO inventories, save lenders money, and help stabilize housing markets.
In: American anthropologist: AA, Band 105, Heft 3, S. 581-591
ISSN: 1548-1433
In Sex and Temperament, Margaret Mead depicted the Mountain Arapesh of New Guinea as a gentle, nurturant people among whom warfare was "practically unknown." A few years later, however, Reo Fortune, her husband and cofieldworker, was to claim that warfare was "good Arapesh custom." This article reexamines this disagreement, addressing two issues: Did the Arapesh have a tradition of warfare?, and How do we reconcile the differences in Mead and Fortune's descriptions? I conclude that, prior to pacification, the Mountain Arapesh resorted to significant levels of violence and waged war on a regular basis. Mead was drawn to a contrary conclusion because of the comparative nature of her analysis and because of covert licenses in the theoretical gestalt she had acquired from Ruth Benedict, which rendered her analysis immune to contradictory data. I suggest that Freeman overlooked the effects of this gestalt in assessing Mead's work in Samoa. [Keywords: Margaret Mead, Reo Fortune, Mountain Arapesh warfare, Derek Freeman, Samoa]
Der Zweifelsgrundsatz "in dubio pro reo" (lat. "Im Zweifel für den Angeklagten") ist vielen Menschen, die sich mit dem Thema Gerechtigkeit beschäftigen, geläufig. Obwohl das Prinzip der Unschuldsvermutung schon Bestandteil der auf Aristoteles zurückgehenden griechischen Rechtsauffassung war, kommt dieses nicht immer zur Anwendung und wird auch in vielen Teilen der Welt unterschiedlich interpretiert. In dieser Diplomarbeit werden Urteile des EGMR, VfGH und EuGH im Hinblick auf die Unschuldsvermutung analysiert. Im Fokus stehen vor allem die Bedeutung des Zweifelgrundsatzes, deren Anwendungsbereich und Folgen, bei Verletzung derselben. Aufgezeigt werden einerseits die Gemeinsamkeiten und andererseits die Unterschiede der Auslegungen der Gerichtshöfe. Abschließend werden internationale Organisationen beschrieben, welche sich für unschuldig Verurteilte einsetzen, sowie Ursachen für rechtswidrige Verurteilungen erforschen und beseitigen. Detailliert wird auf das Innocence Project eingegangen, welches bereits 329 Fälle, darunter 17, die mit Todesstrafe endeten, aufklärte. ; eingereicht von Dijana Ramic ; Universität Linz, Diplomarbeit, 2020 ; (VLID)5696290
In: Europa ethnica: Zeitschrift für Minderheitenfragen ; mit offiziellen Mitteilungen d. Föderalistischen Union Europäischer Volksgruppen, Band 47, Heft 3, S. 126-134
ISSN: 0014-2492
In: Smithsonian series in ethnographic inquiry
The increased use of te reo Māori by the government and the corporate sector in Aotearoa has created numerous opportunities for te reo translators who are engaged to translate voluminous te reo Māori documents, websites and apps, digital and social media messages and public signage which have been proliferated in recent times. These translation works represent significant economic activity as te reo Māori translators are awarded contracts valued at thousands of dollars. The economic eco-system created by the increased opportunities in the use of te reo Māori translation is a dynamic one that requires detailed study and attention from te reo scholars given the need for quality assurance and maintenance of the standards of the language. To set the backdrop for the paper a literature review on the history and development of te reo Māori translation will be presented. The historical antecedents of the te reo Māori translation economy will be traced and highlighted as the springboard for the current state of the te reo Māori translation economy which will then be discussed. An in-depth analysis of the licensing process for te reo Māori translators will be presented and arguments for an expanded role of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori in providing oversight of translation contracts will be made. We will present a theoretical framework for the economic considerations surrounding the te reo Māori translation ecosystem and provide a narrative and schematic description of a te reo Māori translator's work as a paid economic activity. In doing this we shed light on the growing economic importance of te reo Māori.
"In 1800, te reo Māori was the only language spoken in New Zealand. By 1899, it was on the verge of disappearing altogether. In "Ka ngaro te reo", Paul Moon traces the spiralling decline of the language during an era of prolonged colonisation that saw political, economic, cultural and linguistic power shifting steadily into the hands of the European core. In this revelatory and hard-hitting account, Moon draws on a vast range of published and archival material, as well as oral histories and contemporary Māori accounts, to chart the tortuous journey of a language under seige in a relentless European campaign to "save the Māori Race". He also chronicles the growing committment among many Māori towards the end of the nineteenth century to ensure that the language would survive"--Back cover