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27339 Ergebnisse
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 28, Heft 264, S. 237-244
ISSN: 1607-5889
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the most outstanding expression of development. It was created 125 years ago and now covers the whole world. It has increased its membership many times over, substantially enlarged its functions and developed new methods and forms of action. By continually adapting to the changing world and to new requirements, the Movement has not only preserved the place that it had at the beginning of its existence, but has also acquired the high reputation and position it holds today. The Movement has thus shown its capacity for far-reaching development, and this must be taken into account in defining the Movement's concept of development today.
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 2, Heft 11, S. 98-99
ISSN: 1607-5889
Following on statements suggesting that "observers" of the International Committee of the Red Cross be placed on the frontier between Northern Rhodesia and Katanga, press correspondents have asked the International Committee of the Red Cross if it would be in a position to undertake tasks of this nature. The International Committee of the Red Cross wishes at once to stress that it has received no official requests on this subject.
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 12, Heft 130, S. 3-16
ISSN: 1607-5889
It comes natural these days to associate the concept of solidarity with the universality of the work of the Red Cross. Serving the same ideal, respecting the same principles, carrying out similar activities, Red Cross Societies are linked to each other and belong, as it were, to a single body, the International Red Cross.The solidarity, born of the very structure of the Red Cross movement, is also a powerful incentive, for it manifests itself in the active co-operation of all Red Cross members for the benefit of the whole. The urge which Red Cross men and Societies have to help each other beyond national boundaries has become so strong over the years that it is not too presumptuous to adopt it as a Red Cross principle. By giving the concept of charity a universal dimension for the benefit of suffering mankind, solidarity is akin to the principles of humanity and universality of which it is both the emanation and the moving force.
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 35, Heft 308, S. 491-519
ISSN: 1607-5889
The International Committee is a Red Cross institution. It takes part in the deliberations of the International Conferences and other statutory bodies of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement of which it is the founder; but it may also be subject to rules laid down by those statutory bodies.
"Our First Birthday. American Red Cross, Rainbow Corner." Back: "American Red Cross, Rainbow Corner celebrates its first anniversary on December 5th, 1943. Five million of the U.S.A. Amerned Forces and their guests have been served at Rainbow Corner in its first year. It is the popular meeting place of G.I.'s in the E.T.O. Open 24 hours a day. Meals-snacks-hospitality-information adn recreation are always available." Handwritten on back: "Selfredges, 6-60 bus." ; https://digital.kenyon.edu/arthistorystudycollection/1437/thumbnail.jpg
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 15, Heft 169, S. 196-196
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 8, Heft 89, S. 418-421
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 8, Heft 86, S. 267-267
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 7, Heft 80, S. 612-613
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 7, Heft 80, S. 603-605
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 7, Heft 75, S. 323-324
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 4, Heft 43, S. 509-514
ISSN: 1607-5889
Some one hundred and thirty collections, belonging to official bodies or National Red Cross Societies, but mostly to private collectors, figured in the philatelic section, organized as part of the International Exhibition of the Red Cross.This was the first occasion on which has been seen such an important display of Red Cross stamps. Apart from many collections from nearly all the European countries, from East and West, others had been sent from America, Iceland, New Zealand and Australia. Nearly eleven hundred frames were necessary to exhibit the large numbers of album sheets and their valuable contents: some two hundred thousand stamps and philatelic items connected with the Red Cross in one way or another.
The beginning of the Malta Red Cross occurred in response to a refugee crisis that hit the Maltese shores in 1991, when two ships entered our seas with Albanian refugees. The Malta Red Cross was established on the 24th October 1991. By Act of Parliament it was recognised as an autonomous voluntary Relief Society auxiliary to the Public Authorities and allowed to carry out its activities in the Maltese islands in accordance with the rules and principles of the International Red Cross movement. ; peer-reviewed