Postal que reproduce una pintura del año 1778 de Jean Baptiste Greuze. Representa el regreso del hijo tras el servicio militar por la muerte de su padre. A la izquierda el padre encamado, rodeado por sus otros hijos que lloran su pérdida. A la derecha la llegada del hijo, la madre le muestra donde descansa su padre. A los pies del hijo se acerca un perro, símbolo de fidelidad y unión. ; En la postal aparece el siguiente texto: Musée du Louvre
<p class="resume">Dans la suite de notre Épigraphie musulmane d'Aceh n° 9 est traité cette fois-ci le cimetière de Puni. On y trouve principalement les tombes, pendant un siècle, des membres de la famille de « 'Abd allâh le roi évident » ou plutôt de son fils 'Inâyat shâh.</p><p class="resume">Following in our Acehnese Islamic epigraphy series, no. 9 deals with the cemetery of Puni. Over a period of a century for the most part one finds there the tombs of the members of the family of "'Abd allâh, the evident king" or rather of his son 'Inâyat shah.</p>
De Belle-Ile-en-Mer, colonie pénitentiaire publique dont la situation géographique renforce l'impression d'isolat, deux visions coexistent sous la Troisième République : la première, qui prend parfois l'aspect d'une mise en scène destinée au grand public, la montre sous un angle favorable ; la seconde, véhiculée par la presse, en brosse en revanche un tableau particulièrement négatif. D'où l'intérêt de confronter des sources internes (notamment administratives) et externes (presse, cartes postales...) pour mettre en relief l'écart pouvant exister entre la réalité de la colonie et l'image qu'en donnent les médiateurs sociaux, et de cerner les interactions entre ces deux séries de faits.
In: Izvestija Ural'skogo federalʹnogo universiteta: Ural Federal University journal. Serija 2, Gumanitarnye nauki = *Series 2*Humanities and arts, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 268-281
This study examines the artistic and critical activity of I. A. Puni, a Russian avant-garde master and organiser of futurist exhibitions in the framework of his first creative period, preceding emigration. The opportunity to look from a historical distance at the time of the emergence of Russian avant-garde from the inside makes the study relevant. The researchers focus on valuable information about the time, the worldview of a curator/artist/critic (I. A. Puni being all of them) and the "pain" points of art. The conclusions are based on the multidimensional textual material (critical articles, letters, lecture materials), which helps immerse in the context of artistic life in Petrograd and Vitebsk at the beginning of the century. Using structural and semiotic analysis, the authors draw parallels with I. A. Puni's painting and curatorial experience. Puni's focus is on the theoretical aspects of the new art that concerned him as an artist. His texts raise polemical questions about the importance of "material culture", the role of the artist, futurism, and curatorship. In an era dominated by production art and the principles of utilitarianism, Puni emphasises the value of the artist's individuality, their understanding of aesthetic tasks, and the intellectual content of the visual narrative. For Puni, the beauty of art lies in its uselessness for life: it is utilitarian production that influences art, not the other way around. Through coloured materiality, peculiarities of composition and form, the artist emphasises the essence and the inner construction of the depicted object. The study notes the special stylistics of Puni's texts, based on the neutrality of tone, reasoned judgments, which was not typical of theorists in the era of "poster language". The artist's curatorial activity, manifested by the landmark exhibitions "Tram B" and "0.10", gives an example of a "critic in action". The materials analysed show the complexity of the choice of objects capable of driving the narrative and the importance of one's own position in the aspect of the rivalry between K. S. Malevich and V. E. Tatlin.
PurposeThis study aims to examine the link between power distance culture and whistleblowing intention or propensity in the African context.Design/methodology/approachThe study achieves its aim by reviewing literature on power distance culture and whistleblowing, and it draws on the outcomes of relevant previous studies. It then reflects on some cultural practices in Africa in relation to the topic and uses examples from Ghana to exemplify the discussions.FindingsIt is considered unacceptable and disrespectful for subordinates to challenge or question their superior's actions and decisions in high power distance societies. High power distance culture increases the perception of the negative consequences of whistleblowing, as whistle-blowers are regarded as traitors instead of civic heroes. These issues consequently provide major disincentives to subordinates engaging in whistleblowing, leading to low whistleblowing propensity in high power distance societies and implications for the increasing rate of corruption in Africa.Practical/implicationsThe study findings imply that high power distance culture creates a "culture of silence", which in turn provides fertile grounds for corporate crimes and unethical conducts. Authorities in high power distance societies should therefore institute adequate incentive schemes and shields to encourage and safeguard the safety of whistle-blowers.Originality/valueIn this era, where corporate scandals have become the order of the day and indeed a global canker, this study brings to the fore the destructive and limiting roles of culture, specifically power distance culture on the global war against unethical corporate practices and scandals.
This book provides an overview of a key concept in media and technology studies: domestication. Theories around domestication shed light upon the process in which a technology changes its status from outrageous novelty to an aspect of everyday life which is taken for granted. The contributors collect past, current and future applications of the concept of domestication, critically reflect on its theoretical legacy, and offer comments about further development. The first part of Domestication of Media and Technology provides an overview of the conceptual development and theory of domestication
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Botswana is one of the sub-Saharan countries where actual fertility has declined. This study examines the fertility preferences of both men and women and shows that fertility intentions have a significant influence on future fertility behaviour. Fertility preferences are relatively low and there is no significant difference between those of men and women. Men's preference for sons influences desired family size and eventual fertility. For women as well as men, child survival is an important factor. Women's income is also influential.