Comparative Study Regarding the Resilience of the Bachelors First Year and Masters Students From the Psychology Specialization
In: Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, Band 6, Heft issue1, S. 2018
169 Ergebnisse
In: Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies, Band 6, Heft issue1, S. 2018
In: Environment and behavior: eb ; publ. in coop. with the Environmental Design Research Association, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 131-149
ISSN: 1552-390X
The potential value of increased specialization within ecological psychology is described, based on the model employed in the natural sciences. The basic unit of the field is the behavior setting, and the most likely unit for specialization is the genotype, which is comprised of functionally similar settings. In particular, mundane and ubiquitous settings, whose influence has been neglected by psychologists, deserve study. Specialists must develop subject-matter knowledge of their chosen genotype, including its history, technology, nomenclature, economics, and environmental context. Specialization does not preclude acquiring basic disciplinary knowledge nor the ability to teach and do research in traditional areas of psychology.
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 85, Heft 2, S. 285-292
ISSN: 1940-1183
In: European journal of work and organizational psychology: the official journal of The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, S. 1-16
ISSN: 1464-0643
In: European psychologist, Band 4, Heft 4, S. 240-247
ISSN: 1878-531X
Over the past 100 years psychology has become increasingly professionalized. Emerging from a scientific discipline at the beginning of the century, it has rapidly became a professional field with psychologists working in health, education, and organizational settings as practitioners. A number of measures of this increased professionalization are discussed: increased length of education and training, greater specialization and specialist training, pressures for regulation and laws for psychologists, the development of ethical codes, and a greater institutionalization of psychology. Professional organizations for psychologists play a key role in the professionalization of the discipline. However, the path followed is the traditional path of the traditional professions, and questions are raised about the appropriateness of this for the next century.
In: Izvestija Saratovskogo universiteta: Izvestiya of Saratov University. Serija filosofija, psichologija, pedagogika = Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 28-33
ISSN: 2542-1948
The city provides a human capital reproduction, but the village does the population reproduction. We have applied a system-cybernetic approach to analyze the city-village interaction by means of the homeostatic type model. We present the proposals to optimize the system balance confirming with the reforms in Russian society as a whole.
In: European addiction research, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 127-137
ISSN: 1421-9891
<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Training in addiction medicine and addiction psychology is essential to ensure the quality of treatment for patients with substance use disorders. Some earlier research has shown varying training between countries, but no comprehensive study of addiction training across Europe has been performed. The present study by the European Federation for Addiction Societies (EUFAS) aimed to fill this gap. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A Delphi process was used to develop a questionnaire on specialist training in addiction treatment in 24 European countries. The final questionnaire consisted of 14 questions on either addiction medicine or addiction psychology, covering the nature and content of the training and institutional approval, the number of academic professorial positions, and the estimated number of specialists in each country. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Information was not received from all countries, but six (Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and Romania) reported no specialized addiction medicine training, while 17 countries did. Seven countries (Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands) reported no specialized addiction psychology training, while 14 countries did. Training content and evaluation methods varied. Approval was given either by governments, universities, or professional societies. Eighteen countries reported having professorships in addiction medicine and 12 in addiction psychology. The number of specialists in addiction medicine or psychology varied considerably across the countries. <b><i>Discussion:</i></b> The survey revealed a large heterogeneity in training in addiction medicine and addiction psychology across Europe. Several countries lacked formal training, and where formal training was present, there was a large variation in the length of the training. Harmonization of training, as is currently the case for other medical and psychology specializations, is warranted to ensure optimal treatment for this under-served patient group.
In: Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Psychologia, paedagogia, Band 64, Heft 2, S. 81-93
ISSN: 2065-9431
Передумовою соціально-економічного і політичного становлення країн, розвитку ринків товарів і послуг, успіху підприємств і окремої людини є процеси управління. Незалежно від рівня розвитку суспільства реалізація окреслених планів неможлива без ефективної організації людей, координації їх дій з використанням різних важелів управління. На різних історичних етапах розвитку суспільства існувало багато керівників і рівнів управління, наприклад, фараони, королі, жерці, губернатори територій, хранителі житниць, наглядачі, магістрати, судді тощо. Усі ці посадові особи певною мірою виконували функції та обов'язки сучасних менеджерів. Вивчення історії менеджменту може привнести першоджерела ідей і підходів, простежити їх розвиток, виявити перспективу розвитку в умовах культурного середовища. Вивчення минулого робить картину справжнього більш логічною і конкретною. Без вивчення історії індивідуум має тільки свій обмежений досвід як основу для ідей та дій. Простежуючи походження і розвиток сучасних концепцій менеджменту, студент може краще зрозуміти аналітичні та концептуальні інструменти своєї майбутньої професії. Вивчення історії менеджменту не тільки забезпечує розуміння його національної специфіки, але також створює уявлення про те, як досвід і знання теорії менеджменту можуть застосовуватися в різних організаціях і культурах. Вона поєднує в собі елементи історії економіки, соціології, психології, історії суспільства з метою визначення місця менеджменту в культурно-історичній перспективі. Історію менеджменту варто розглядати в контексті його культурного середовища і, таким чином, розуміти не тільки яким був менеджмент, а й пояснити, чому його розвиток відбувався саме таким чином. The prerequisites for socio-economic and political formation of countries, the development of markets for goods and services, the success of businesses and individuals are governance processes. Regardless of the level of development of society, implementation of the outlined plans is impossible without effective organization of people, coordination of their actions with the use of different levers of management. There were many leaders and levels of government at different stages of society, such as Pharaohs, kings, priests, governors of territories, breadwinners, overseers, magistrates, judges, and so on. All these officials have to a certain extent fulfilled the functions and responsibilities of modern managers. Studying the history of management can bring primary sources of ideas and approaches, trace their development, identify the prospect of development in a cultural environment. Studying the past makes the picture of the present more logical and concrete. Without studying history, an individual has only limited experience as a basis for ideas and actions. By tracing the origin and development of modern management concepts, a student can better understand the analytical and conceptual tools of his or her future profession. Not only does the study of management history provide an understanding of its national specificity, but it also gives an idea of how experience and knowledge of management theory can be applied to different organizations and cultures. It combines elements of the history of economics, sociology, psychology, history of society in order to determine the place of management in the cultural and historical perspective. The history of management should be viewed in the context of its cultural environment, and thus not only understand what management was, but also explain why its development occurred in this way
In: International social science journal: ISSJ, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 461-474
ISSN: 0020-8701
An attempt is made to argue that psychology as a would-be science aiming at general laws stands to gain considerably by suitable studies in developing countries. As the field stands today, it is almost entirely a Euro-American product with the largest volume of research being conducted in US. The objections made that the existing science of HB puts excessive reliance on student S's, & those more widely representative of Ur industrial populations, point to the need to examine wider possible range of man-environment variations in search of universal generalizations. The role of psychology as a facilitator in the solution & identification of a variety of problems in the developing countries is hampered by the difficulties attendant to their rapid social change & psychology's lack of principles which hold across widely divergent cultures. Since the developing countries are interested in the solution to real-life problems, the psychologists should take the initiative in demonstrating the practical implications of their past research, wherever possible, & undertake to identify new spheres of research as well. There is need for a recognized field of specialization within psychology concerned with the problems of developing countries, applied cross-culturally. Research done within such a specialization could then lead to a dialogue with administrators & planners in developing countries with a view to the utilization of such research. 1 Table. E. Loomis.
In: Advances in Child Development and Behavior v.36
Volume 36 of the Advances in Child Development and Behaviorseries includes ten chapters that highlight some of the most recent research in developmental and educational psychology. A wide array of topics are discussed in detail, including King Solomon's Take on Word Learning, Orthographic Learning, Attachment and Affect Regulation, Function, Family Dynamics, Rational Thought, Childhood Aggression, Social Cognitive Neuroscience of Infancy, Children's Thinking, and Remote Transfer in Children, and much more. Each chapter provides in depth discussions of various developmental psychology specializations. This volume serves as an invaluable resource for psychology researchers and advanced psychology students. *Goes in depth to address eight different developmental and educational psychology topics *A necessary resource for both psychology researchers and students
The article presents the theme which is connected with programme and syllabus of the department of teacher education and create a question what place the anthropology of child and childhood may take in Polish studies of the 21st century. After many years of laborious research on children's culture, children's folklore, ethnography of childhood, sociology of childhood, and children's pedagogy and psychology, after the discussions about "childhood reinvented" and many "breakthroughs" in studies about the interdisciplinary nature of such research (from Ellen Key's work, to Janusz Korczak, to Philippe Ariés and Paul Hazard), knowledge of children and youth's literature and of children's culture, eventually became a part of Polish studies' programmes at the university level. In modern times, an additional source of materials are journals and memoirs, which help understand both traumatic and ludic experiences of the child better. Traumatic experiences often appear to be taboo. A special place is reserved for children's reports of the Holocaust. Our times, which bring many threats to the young (crisis of family, drugs, sexual abuse, child prostitution, homelessness, religious sects, exploitation at work, excessive consumerism, Internet addiction, etc.), are a domain for sociology of childhood and adolescence. Therefore, it seems that a new field of knowledge about childhood is needed, a field that takes into consideration the following, previously neglected aspects: historical, sociological, political-scientific, and ethnographic with the context of children's folklore, also indeterminacy of child's social role. ; Artykuł ma na celu pokazanie, jakie miejsce w akademickiej dydaktyce polonistycznej (w ramach programu specjalizacji nauczycielskiej) może zająć w XXI wieku przedmiot antropologia dziecka i dzieciństwa. Po wielu latach żmudnych eksploracji kultury dziecka, dziecięcego folkloru, etnografii dzieciństwa, socjologii dzieciństwa, pedagogiki i psychologii dziecka, dyskusji nad związanych z eksponowaniem interdyscyplinarności w tychże badaniach (od pracy Ellen Key, przez Janusza Korczaka, po Philipa Ariésa czy Paula Hazarda) wiedza o literaturze dla dzieci i młodzieży, a z czasem także i wiedza o kulturze dziecka znalazły się wreszcie w programach kształcenia polonistycznego na studiach uniwersyteckich. W czasach nowożytnych dodatkowy materiał źródłowy w obrębie tego przedmiotu stanowiłyby również pamiętniki i wspomnienia, pozwalające wnikać w świat przeżyć dziecka, zarówno ludycznych, jak i traumatycznych, nierzadko obarczonych stygmatem tabu. Osobne miejsce zajmowałaby tu nie tylko literatura, której tematem jest kultura pamięci i przeszłości, ale także świadectwa dzieci z okresu holocaustu (zagadnienie to – jak wiemy – weszło już na stałe do repertuaru szkolnej edukacji polonistycznej). Nasza współczesność, niosąca młodym pokoleniom wielorakie zagrożenia (kryzys rodziny, narkotyki, molestowanie seksualne, prostytucja dziecięca, bezdomność, sekty religijne, wyzysk poprzez pracę, rozpasanie konsumpcyjne, uzależnienie od Internetu itp.), to już domena socjologii dzieciństwa i dorastania, ale także związana mocno z antropologią dzieciństwa. W obszarze polityki dzieciństwa natomiast należałoby usytuować takie zagadnienia, jak ochrona praw dziecka, ingerencja rządów w jego wychowanie i edukację czy też wykorzystywanie nieletnich żołnierzy w konfliktach zbrojnych. Wszystkie wymienione powyżej aspekty wskazują na fakt, iż narodziła się wielka potrzeba wyłonienia nowej dziedziny wiedzy o dzieciństwie – przedmiotu o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym (child studies, children studies), uwzględniającego niedoceniane do tej pory aspekty: historyczny, socjologiczny, politologiczny i etnograficzny, połączonego wyraźnie – szerzej – z antropologią pedagogiki i edukacji.
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 50, Heft 6, S. 808-819
ISSN: 1552-3381
This study reviews the continued debate concerning the scientist-practitioner model as a best practice/best approach to training future professionals. However, to begin such an investigation of the fundamental questions regarding the model, researchers must have a starting point. The current study serves as a catalyst for future research, investigating the reported level of use of the model by surveying Web-based program materials from more than 300 doctorate-level programs in school psychology, counseling psychology, and clinical psychology. Results show more than one half of all programs surveyed make specific mention of the model of training. Nearly all have some reference to scholarly research expectations and to training of practitioners. Emphasis of scholarly research is further supported by nearly two thirds of the programs mentioning a requirement of a dissertation. Emphasis of practitioner training is shown by an overwhelming majority of the programs' indicating practica, internship, or fieldwork as a requirement.
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 50, Heft 6
ISSN: 0002-7642
In: Routledge studies in criminal behaviour 4
1. Can we identify sexual murderers early in life? -- 2. Fantasy, paraphilia, and personality : excitation or inhibition? -- 3. Criminal career of the sexual murderer : versatility or specialization? -- 4. Is there a specific context leading to sexual homicide? -- 5. How far do sexual murderers travel to commit their crime? -- 6. Modus operandi and crime scene characteristics : typical or unnusual acts? -- 7. Sex trade workers : choice of victim or victim of choice? -- 8. Can sexual murderers avoid police detection? -- 9. Can body disposal pathways help the investigation of sexual homicide.