AbstractThis paper examines for the first time the existence of psychological barriers in a variety of daily and intra‐day gold price series. This paper uses a number of statistical procedures and presents evidence of psychological barriers in gold prices. We document that prices in round numbers act as barriers with important effects on the conditional mean and variance of the gold price series around psychological barriers.
Since 2013 in the Russian Federation, the concept of "inclusive education" has been enshrined for the first time at the legislativelevel as ensuring equal access to education for all pupils, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities. The implementation of this right provides for the creation of a barrier-free inclusive educational environment, which is characterised by architectural and information accessibility, the presence of special equipment for children with disabilities (objective-semantic environmental component); the presence of software and methodological support corresponding to the special educational needs of children (content-methodical component); psychological readiness of all subjects to positive interaction (communication and organisational component). The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation of psychological barriers and mechanisms causing their occurrence in the subjects of an inclusive educational environment. The theoretical analysis and the method of expert assessments made it possible to identify three groups of psychological barriers that arise among the subjects of an inclusive educational environment: psychological and cognitive, emotional, communication barriers.
Speech delivereed by Dr. Helmut Schoeck, head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Emory University, at the 1964 Pepperdine College Freedom Forum. ; x1964
This article examines the psychological barriers of the personality that prevent the development of professionalism of the future physical culture teacher. An analysis of scientific views on the phenomenon of "psychological barrier" is presented, a working definition of this concept is formulated, the results of an empirical study conducted on a sample of students of Kostroma State University (n = 120) are presented, representing the main barriers to professionalisation and the resources to overcome them. It has been established that for future physical education teachers at the initial courses of study, the dominant external psychological barriers to professionalisation include lack of time, misunderstanding from peers, criticism from others. Senior students, more immersed in their future profession, also noted the abundance of documentation, tough competition in professional activities, and low salaries as external barriers. The dominant internal barriers to professional development for future physical education teachers are laziness, lack of experience, destructive emotions, frivolous attitude to the profession, fear of their own psychological and pedagogical incompetency, and shyness. The students named readiness for self-development, willpower, perseverance, social activity, sense of humour as the main mental resources for overcoming psychological barriers. Social resources are the effective work of university pedagogues, communication with friends, the help of a coach, family support, advice from experienced people, sports, and special literature.