Cambios arquitectónicos en la Frontera Sur de España: impermeabilizar, retardar y contener
In: Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, Heft 122, S. 61-84
ISSN: 2013-035X
238 Ergebnisse
In: Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, Heft 122, S. 61-84
ISSN: 2013-035X
El sector construcción, área de mucho impacto en el crecimiento económico del país, comprende factores internos y externos que influye en la dinámica de la inversión privada hacia la actividad inmobiliaria, lo que se refleja en oferta y demanda de proyectos arquitectónicos, asimismo la tendencia a la informalidad de las edificaciones. Actualmente los agentes que están inmersos en la actividad inmobiliaria -edificatoria, siendo la construcción de edificaciones significativa, deben conocer y cumplir con requisitos, procedimientos y parámetros normativos que demanda la municipalidad para contar con la licencia respectiva; en muchos casos estos trámites son extensos y complicados generando a los usuarios e inversionistas desanimo, descontento por resultados administrativos deficientes y pérdida económica al no tener en corto plazo los documentos solicitados. La Planeación de los Proyectos Arquitectónicos está regulada por un marco normativo legalmente jurídico diferenciado, aplicado al diseño de la edificación y a la gestión de la licencia ante la Municipalidad distrital respectiva; los actores que intervienen en su elaboración y trámite deben conocer, interpretar y aplicar adecuadamente las siguientes normas: Ley 29090 (2007),norma que regula los procedimientos para las licencias de habilitaciones urbanas y de edificaciones; Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones y modificatorias (2007), establece las condiciones generales de diseño arquitectónico; Ley 27444 (2001), regula los procedimientos administrativos para las instituciones pública; Ordenanzas municipales emitidas por los Gobiernos Locales, asimismo Normas Técnicas internacionales como la NFPA, según sea el caso de su aplicación. En este sentido el propietario o promotor inmobiliario, busca que su proyecto arquitectónico sea viable física y económicamente, siguiendo los requisitos establecidos en el documento de gestión de las municipalidades denominado Texto Único de Procedimientos Administrativos. Las municipalidades deben cumplir con otorgar la licencia de edificación en los plazos es-tablecidos legalmente, plazos contados en días hábiles no siendo el tiempo real en la práctica (días calendarios); así mismo, pueden oscilar entre 28 hasta 154 días hábiles si es aprobado en la 1ra o 4ta revisión respectivamente; estas variantes están relacionadas con los plazos que las comisiones técnicas toman para la revisión y aprobación de los proyectos ,como también de-pendente del proyectista en presentar un diseño arquitectónico que cumpla con las normas respectivas. En este proceso de aprobación por Comisión Técnica Calificadora, conformadas por repre-sentantes del Colegio de Arquitectos, Colegio de Ingenieros, Ministerio de Cultura, Indeci y funcionarios de la municipalidad respectiva, tienen la función principal de emitir documentos vinculantes para el otorgamiento de la licencia de edificación. Para el caso del proceso de aprobación con Revisores Urbanos la licencia de edificación se otorga con solo el ingreso del informe técnico favorable, adjunto a los requisitos municipales respectivos. La Población estudiada está delimitada por los Proyectos arquitectónicos con tramite de licencia de edificación en municipios de Lima Metropolitana y como muestra proyectos arquitectónicos ingresados a la Municipalidad de Lima, modalidad de aprobación C, durante el año 2017. La presente Investigación recomienda la simplificación en los procedimientos administrativo en materia al servicio de licencia de edificación; la reformulación y concordancia de las normas técnicas de edificación, difusión del servicio de los Revisores Urbanos, además de impulsar un Modelo de Revisión y Calificación de los proyectos arquitectónicos por parte de las comisiones técnicas calificadoras. ; The construction sector, an area of great impact on the economic growth of the country, comprises internal and external factors that influence the dynamics of private investment to-wards real estate activity, which is reflected in the supply and demand of architectural projects, as well as the tendency to the informality of buildings. Currently the agents who are immersed in the real estate-building activity, being the construction of buildings significant, must know and comply with the requirements, procedures and regulatory parameters that the municipality demands to have the respective license; in many cases these procedures are extensive and com-plicated, generating discouragement for users and investors, dissatisfaction with poor adminis-trative results, and economic loss due to not having the requested documents in the short term. The Planning of the Architectural Projects is regulated by a differentiated legal and regulatory framework, applied to the design of the building and to the management of the license before the respective District Municipality; The actors involved in its preparation and processing must know, interpret and apply the following regulations appropriately: Law 29090 (2007), a regu-lation that regulates the procedures for licenses for urban and building licenses; National Build-ing and Modification Regulations (2007), establishes the general conditions of architectural design; Law 27444 (2001), regulates administrative procedures for public institutions; Munic-ipal ordinances issued by Local Governments, as well as international Technical Standards such as the NFPA, as applicable. In this sense, the owner or real estate developer seeks to make her architectural project physically and economically viable, following the requirements estab-lished in the management document of the municipalities called the Single Text of Adminis-trative Procedures. The municipalities must comply with granting the building license within the legally established terms, terms counted in working days, not the actual time in practice (calendar days); likewise, they can range from 28 to 154 business days if approved in the 1st or 4th revision respectively; These variants are related to the deadlines that the technical com-missions take for the review and approval of the projects, as well as depending on the designer in presenting an architectural design that complies with the respective standards. In this process of approval by the Technical Qualifying Commission, Conformed by representatives of the College of Architects, College of Engineers, Ministry of Culture, Indeci and officials of the respective municipality, they have the main function of issuing binding documents for the granting of the building license. In the case of the approval process with Urban Reviewers, the building license is granted with only the entry of the favorable technical report, attached to the respective municipal requirements. The population studied is delimited by the architectural projects with the process of building license in municipalities of Metropolitan Lima and as an example of architectural projects entered into the Municipality of Lima, approval modality C, during the year 2017. This Research recommends the simplification of administrative proce-dures regarding the building license service; the reformulation and agreement of the technical building regulations, dissemination of the Urban Reviewers service, in addition to promoting a Review and Qualification Model of architectural projects by the qualifying technical com-missions. ; Trabajo de investigación ; Escuela de Postgrado
Since the decade of 1990, looking for presenting positive impacts in communities where they serve, some Latin American governments have implemented urban-architectonic projects. These projects have been framed under the notion of social urbanism, coming from Medellín, Colombia. The theoretical scheme of this work focus on urban-architectonic strategies designed for solving social problems in Latinamerican conflicting neighborhoods, using the Social Integration and Citizen Participation operative concepts. Our methodology includes the analysis of strategies that in a certain moment had a social improvement intention, for determining if they really have been successful or if during the time they present tendencies to fail. In other words, we are interested for knowing if with the time passage the projects become important part of the inhabitants' daily life. The main objective of this research is to show the effects of the Biblioteca Parque España in Medellín, Colombia, and the Centro Comunitario Bicentenario Independencia in Monterrey, Mexico in the population. Both projects are important for understanding the social benefit intentions in Latin America, since the architecture and urbanism interventions. In this sense, we analyze the political context that allowed the existence of these projects, the perception of the users of these facilities, as well as the property feeling that these equipments have generated in those who live in surrounding areas. Between the findings we emphasize that, although the project is located in an area that traditionally is classified as conflicting, its influence can transfer the proximity barriers, or even become an attraction center. Also, we remark that if the strategy is not accompanied by social programs and from the real estate control, it can derive in the phenomenon known like gentrification. ; Desde los años de 1990, algunos gobiernos latinoamericanos han implementado proyectos urbano-arquitectónicos que han buscado presentar impactos positivos en la localidad en la que dan servicio. Estos proyectos han sido enmarcados bajo la noción de urbanismo social, proveniente de Medellín, Colombia.El esquema teórico de este trabajo aborda estrategias urbano-arquitectónicas diseñadas para resolver problemas sociales en barrios conflictivos de Latinoamérica, a partir de los conceptos operativos de Integración Social y Participación Ciudadana. Nuestra metodología incluye el análisis de estrategias que en un momento tuvieron el propósito de mejora social, para determinar si realmente han sido exitosas o si con el tiempo presentan tendencias al fracaso. Es decir, nos interesamos en conocer si con el paso del tiempo los proyectos se convierten en parte importante de la vida cotidiana de los habitantes.El objetivo de esta investigación es mostrar los efectos que han tenido en la población la Biblioteca Parque España en Medellín, Colombia y el Centro Comunitario Bicentenario Independencia en Monterrey, México. Ambos proyectos son paradigmáticos en el entendimiento de la arquitectura y el urbanismo con propósitos de beneficio social en América Latina. En este sentido, se analiza el contexto político que permitió la existencia de estos proyectos, la percepción de los usuarios de dichas instalaciones, así como el sentimiento de pertenencia que estos equipamientos han generado a quienes habitan en el entorno.Entre los hallazgos destaca que, si bien el proyecto está localizado en un área que tradicionalmente se clasifica como conflictiva, la influencia del mismo puede traspasar las barreras de cercanía, incluso convertirse en un foco de atracción. También cabe enfatizar que si la estrategia no es acompañada de programas sociales y del control inmobiliario, la misma puede derivar en el fenómeno conocido como gentrificación.
From the very conception of humanity, architecture has always been the result of the permanent relationship between human beings and their natural environment. As society and its culture have evolved, its influence has been greater on nature, by the very action of man. Today, with advances in technology, population growth, accelerated industrialization, among others, economic, political and socio-cultural imbalances have been generated, which has a detrimental impact on the environment and therefore on the welfare of the same society. ; Desde la concepcion misma de la humanidad, la arquitectura siempre ha sido el resultado de la permanente relacion del ser humano con su entorno natural. A medida que ha evolucionado la sociedad y su cultura, la influencia de esta ha sido mayor sobre la naturaleza, por la accion misma del hombre. Hoy, con los avances de la tecnologia, el incremento de la poblacion, la acelerada industrializacion, entre otros, se han generado desequilibrios economicos, politicos y socio-culturales, lo que impacta de manera perjudicial sobre el medioambiente y por ende sobre el bienestar de la misma sociedad.
In: Revista la Propiedad Inmaterial, No. 15, p. 143, November 2011
Este trabajo aborda de manera crítica el impacto en el ambiente de grandes obras de arquitectura en un contexto de cambio climático, a partir del concepto de expoliación urbana y del territorio como lugar de resistencia. Se revisan los enfoques sobre la necesidad de preservar estos ambientes y se muestra la debilidad de la estructura económica e institucional, que se traduce en una legislación ambiental laxa y en la fragilidad de los procedimientos. Se presenta el caso de un emprendimiento náutico sobre humedales en el río Gualeguaychú con una metodología predominantemente cualitativa, destacando la fuerte presión del núcleo especulativo y las dificultades que tienen los actores de la resistencia, en un contexto de agravamiento del problema de inundaciones. ; The article carries out a critical assessment of the environmental impact of large-scale architectural projects in the context of climate change, based on the concept of urban spoliation and the territory as a site of resistance. It reviews the approaches regarding the need to preserve these environments and shows the weakness of the economic and institutional structure, which translates into lax environmental legislation and precarious procedures. Using a predominantly qualitative methodology, the article presents the case of a nautical entrepreneurial project in the wetlands of the Gualeguaychú River, highlighting the strong pressure of speculators and the difficulties faced by the actors of the resistance, in a context characterized by the worsening flooding. ; Este trabalho aborda criticamente o impacto no ambiente de grandes obras arquitetônicas em um contexto de mudanças climáticas, a partir do conceito de espoliação urbana e do território como um lugar de resistência. Revisam-se as abordagens sobre a necessidade de preservar esses ambientes e evidencia-se a fragilidade da estrutura econômica e institucional, o que se traduz em uma legislação ambiental frouxa e na fragilidade dos procedimentos. Apresenta-se o caso de um empreendimento náutico em terras alagadas no Rio Gualeguaychú a partir de uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, destacando a forte pressão do núcleo especulativo e as dificuldades que os atores da resistência têm, em um contexto de agravamento do problema de inundações.
Representation is a broad umbrella that covers different disciplines such as design, the arts, architecture, cinema, literature, politics, economics, semiotics, etc… We may even say that representation is in every act of human beings whenever they think about something. This fundamental role of representation makes it very critical in the design process, thus the design process is based on the dialogue between the inner and outer representations. In this third issue of UOU Scientific Journal, we would like to focus on the nature of representation, its own ontological aspects, materiality, immateriality, and its crucial role in the design process rather than its metaphorical side related with politics and semiotics. Hans-Georg Gadamer points out that "representation does not imply that something merely stands in for something else as if it were a replacement or substitute that enjoys a less authentic, more indirect kind of existence. On the contrary, what is represented is itself present in the only way available to it.1" In this respect, representation can be the subject of research. Here two conceptions may occur: representation of the world and the world of representation. The former proposes the origins of representation for the agenda, such as the ways of representing the world during the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Modern or contemporary periods. The latter highlights the ontology of representation and its emancipatory, participatory, imaginative, speculative, predictive, and interpretive characters. The tension between the productive and the creative reality of architecture may be better understood if we examine more closely the nature and role of representation. In a conventional understanding, representation appears to be a secondary and derivative issue, associated closely with the role of the representational arts. However, a more careful consideration reveals, very often to our surprise, how critical and universal the problem of representation really is. What we normally refer to as reality, ...
[EN] In the work addressed for the incorporation of the gender perspective in Castelló (Valencian Community, Spain), the circumstance of an exceptional municipal technical team, led by Consuelo Leal, and a political government team that respects the decisions and technical recommendations have coincided. The advisory team on gender issues ¿redactor of this text¿ has contributed, fundamentally, to the implementation of collective intelligence mechanisms, establishing a working mechanism that allows listening and speaking, expanding the usual framework of work and investigating new possibilities and issues. During this work process, some objectives were established, a working method was defined and a series of actions were proposed. This set of activities has been developed over time, documented and evaluated in a way that allowed redefining and adjusting what was initially thought. The intention has been to produce a specific and individualized result for Castelló, coming from the knowledge of the environment and strengthened by academic and professional knowledge. In addition, it is expected to function as a mechanism to eradicate violence against women. ; [ES] El trabajo abordado para la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en Castellón, no ha podido ser más gratificante e ilusionante. Entendemos que ha coincidido la circunstancia de un equipo técnico municipal excepcional, liderado por Consuelo Leal, y un equipo de gobierno político respetuoso con las decisiones y recomendaciones técnicas. El equipo asesor en cuestiones de género ¿redactor de este texto- ha contribuido, fundamentalmente, a que se pongan en marcha los mecanismos de inteligencia colectiva, estableciendo mecanismo de trabajo que permitieran escuchar y hablar, ampliar el marco de trabajo habitualmente empleado e indagar en nuevas posibilidades y cuestiones. Durante este proceso de trabajo, se establecieron unos objetivos, se definió un método de trabajo y se propusieron una serie de acciones. Este conjunto de actividades ha sido desarrollado ...
Un recurso cooperante o cooperativo es aquel gracias al cual los colectivos involucrados aseguran que un producto final se ajusta al contexto donde se implanta así como a los objetivos iniciales. Para cooperar, las personas se coordinan en la consecución de objetivos comunes, compartiendo métodos, recursos, tecnologías. El término se usa en diferentes campos de diseño de software, diseño urbano, arquitectura, paisajismo, diseño de producto, diseño gráfico, planeamiento, etc. no solo es una buena garantía de amplitud cultural, emocional y práctica sino también trabaja para amplificar la capacitación y democratización de la ciudadanía. Esta comunicación explica unas propiedades compartidas por un grupo de Proyectos Final de Carrera de Arquitectura en la Universidad de Alicante. Se trata de PFCs que hablan de grupos humanos, a veces proyectos de cooperación, donde lo más valioso no es su resultado sino el modo cómo producen la interacción con ayuda de tecnologías que hibridan patrimonio, soporte local participado, saberes ancestrales y nuevas industrias, aportando recursos comunicativos (catálogos, gráficos, dioramas, tablas, juegos, mapeados) abiertos a múltiples enfoques programáticos. Por otro lado, esta colección de trabajos responde a situaciones locales precisas vividas de aprendizajes directos en primera persona derivados de experiencias Erasmus, colaboraciones con ONGs, etc. Hay listas, fichas, juegos, mapas que informan sobre prácticas para organizar la sociedad desde planteamientos arquitectónicos. La parte de análisis incluye un trabajo de determinación de categorías que evoluciona desde unas provenientes de etiquetas académicas (patrimonio cultural, ecología de comunidades) hacia otras que hablan de cuestiones concretas (quién diseña, cuánto se comparte, qué recurso sirve como instrumento de mediación…) que tienen que ver con patrimonio y bienes comunes. La parte de resultados incluye un sistema de valoración de trabajos donde cada usuario-visitante de la muestra deja su opinión mediante la colocación de una cuerda tensada, replicando el modelo creado por Domestic Data Streamers llamado "Spoon versus Fork" para el Swab Art Fair de Barcelona en 2013 (Martínez, 2014); y también incluye un sistema de autoencuesta mediante respuestas a comentarios anotados en la red social Facebook. En conjunto, de los trabajos emerge la posibilidad de ser explicados como recursos de intermediación social; como dispositivos de arquitectura contingente, aquella provocada por la excepcionalidad de los pactos en cada momento (Till y Schneider 2005, 294) y como muestra de aprendizaje situado (Anderson, 1996). Se concluye también que hay un entorno de diseño de visualización de la producción académica colectiva que tiene que ver con las habilidades aprendidas en años de formación en Arquitectura. Finalmente, cabe citar que esta investigación se contextualiza en una muestra llamada "Expo de PFCs 2002-2015" iniciada por el Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Universidad de Alicante en 2015.
At the end of year 2011, a series of collective demonstrations had succeeded around the world. These demonstrations had unbalanced some strong political and social structures and challenged the unalterable attributes of the urban context where they took place. The Arabian countries demonstrations, the London and Santiago de Chile students protests, the Greeks and Spanish indignados demonstrations and he UK riots in august, are social collective acts with a common link: the shake of the unalterable and peaceful metropolitan scenario. The six days riots case succeeded in the United Kingdom in summer 2011 (UK riots 2011) can help to understand the political issue of some tools of graphic semiology and geography linked to research journalism and the increasing claim to the open public data demand.
Desde que se fundara la ciudad de Cartagena, el paso del tiempo ha exigido una adaptación continua a las necesidades sociales, políticas y económicas de cada momento. En el segundo tercio del siglo XX, desde la guerra Civil y hasta 1975, con el final del régimen del general Franco, la actividad de la ciudad estuvo centrada en funciones militares, industriales y portuarias, con el consiguiente desarrollo económico, mientras que la vida rural y el trabajo en el campo comenzaron a decaer.
El proyecto del Palacio Legislativo surge en un momento histórico especial para el desarrollo de la arquitectura en el Ecuador, ya que es en la década de los cincuenta, previo a la realización de la undécima conferencia latinoamericana de Cancilleres, que el estado impulsó la construcción de importantes edificios ; Magíster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos ; Cuenca
Sustainability, understood in its beginnings as a common horizon for multiple practices and fields of study, has gradually given way to the development of increasingly sophisticated tools, with distinct dominant meanings established for each discipline. Within the field of material technologies for architectural production, sustainability seems to have found its most fertile ground in topics such as recycling, the use of "bio" materials, or energetic efficiency. However, to improve the understanding of the impact of technology on our ways of living, it appears increasingly necessary to move from the deterministic logic of sustainability into the relational domain of ecology, where the use and deployment of technologies can be observed through the multiplicity of its effects and the diversity of actors involved. In this paper we will address the case of the rehabilitation of several traditional houses located in the Murcian town of Blanca to host the "Espacio Doméstico" VideoArt Center (EDOM). In this action the selection and implementation of technologies have been aimed at impacting on diverse aspects including local communities, digital manufacturing, recycling, and policies regarding the rehabilitation of heritage buildings. While the initial approach was to address housing recovery as a heterogeneous accumulation of stories, technologies or material deployments of the domestic, our intervention strategies ascribed to the different technologies the role of mediating with existing elements through the incorporation of the very different visions of sustainability. Thus, we displayed artifacts produced by digitally manufactured methacrylate assembled on IKEA structures, fluorescent power lines supported by insulators on the wall, fluorescent tattoos on walls and ceilings that guide and extend the configuration of existing flooring, esparto furniture and fabrics produced by the esparto women workers' and village women's associations, re-appropriations of old furniture through the implementation of new media technologies, etc. If we can see seduction as the process of converting affinities and disagreements into affirmative communication, then the EDOM proposal can be seen as an active seduction process between technologies and users who approach this kind of cultural artifacts. Through these permanently active processes, art technologies will refer the viewer to complex sensory experiences, where a combination of parody, memory and sound pushes the user to the limit of mere comprehension of works of art. This more relational approach to the issue of heritage rehabilitation, technology or art institutions is offered as an area of controversy and debate on the scope of political ecology and its potential impact on the architect's professional practice.
[EN] Mies van der Rohe started teaching architecture in 1930, the year he was appointed head of the Dessau Bauhaus. Political upheavals in Germany at that time obliged him to move to new premises and even to a new country: in 1938 he emigrated to the USA as head of the architecture department at the Armour Institute of Technology. In the twenty-eight years from his early days at the Bauhaus to his retirement from the school in Chicago, teaching was one of his main activities: classrooms were an ideal laboratory for experimenting with and thinking about architecture, and as a working architect he invariably brought his experience into the classroom. The aim of this paper is to examine the links between Mies' teaching, thinking and architecture more closely in order to determine the connection between his teaching of architectural design and his work as an architect. However, within such a wide field, this paper focuses on a specific typology: the school of architecture. The hypothesis to be answered is: did Mies' experience as a professor, and the professional and academic homologous projects in which he was involved, play a decisive role in the design of the only venue he built from scratch for teaching architecture: the open-plan Crown Hall? The research methodology employed consisted of revising, analysing and redrawing the different venues where Mies taught architectural design and comparing them with research projects about this typology. The ideas presented in dissertations directed by Mies about designing schools of architecture were of particular interest for this paper ; Lizondo Sevilla, L.; Santatecla Fayos, J.; Garcia-Requejo, Z. (2021). Mies and his Teaching Venues. The Triumph of Architecture over Function. ACE Arquitectura, ciudad y entorno. Architecture City and Environment (Online). 15(45):1-26. ; S ; 1 ; 26 ; 15 ; 45
An interdisciplinary research of architecture is something that society demands from our profession. Furthermore, in many countries that are currently immersed in a recessive economic process, it is the only possible solution. In that context, it is urgent to clarify the scope of our projects: Those whose ultimate goal consists of going beyond the limits of other disciplines through the application of architecture. Starting with Architecture's capacity to learn from other disciplines and to follow their guidelines and techniques, we will build and offer new specific tools. With these new tools, our research will provide the opportunity to challenge and expand the boundaries of those original disciplines. Traditionally, architecture supported itself by various branches of knowledge to advance its proposals: Economic Changes Social organizations Environmental Crisis and Natural Catastrophes Structural Knowledge Artistic Trends New Materials Technological Advances Political positions and Conflicts. While the resulting architectures are excellent examples of applying these areas of knowledge, our interest lies in the reverse process: how the discipline of architecture can cause changes in others. It is an applied research that extends its scope to a prior discourse that originated in the past. That is to say, becomes a Retroactive Research. In the end, the architectural project is an effective document that not only establishes a program but also defines the author as an entrepreneur, understanding this quality as a position that opens the door to different types of practices that architects can exercise: from running a professional architecture office, to teach, to do interior and furniture design, to write, to design digital scenarios, to work in social associations, to collaborate with research centres.