Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
In: Current history: a journal of contemporary world affairs, Band 54, Heft 318, S. 107-109
ISSN: 1944-785X
6764355 Ergebnisse
In: Current history: a journal of contemporary world affairs, Band 54, Heft 318, S. 107-109
ISSN: 1944-785X
In: Strategic survey, Band 82, Heft 1, S. 19-23
ISSN: 1476-4997
In: The Adelphi Papers, Band 17, Heft 133, S. 24-32
In: The Department of State bulletin: the official weekly record of United States Foreign Policy, Band 84, S. 17-21
ISSN: 0041-7610
In: International affairs
ISSN: 1468-2346
Proliferation of nuclear weapons : theoretical perspectives -- Iran -- Iraq -- Saudi Arabia -- Israel -- Egypt -- Libya -- Conclusion : the future of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East -- Appendix: the Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons
World Affairs Online
In: The Western political quarterly, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 379
ISSN: 1938-274X
World Affairs Online
In: International affairs, Band 73, Heft 1, S. 166-167
ISSN: 1468-2346
In: The European Atomic Energy Community in the European Union Context, S. 233-308
In: Orbis: FPRI's journal of world affairs, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 130
ISSN: 0030-4387
In: International affairs: a Russian journal of world politics, diplomacy and international relations, Heft 2, S. 46-52
ISSN: 0130-9641
Aus sowjetischer Sicht
World Affairs Online
In: Cooperation and conflict: journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, Band 8, Heft 3-4, S. 189-208
ISSN: 1460-3691
Superpower development of tactical nuclear weapons appeared to alter the nature of land combat in the early 1950's. By 1954, the military and the Conservative party advocated acquisition of such weapons for Sweden's defense. The other political parties and the Government were ambivalent. In particular, conflicting opinions within the ruling Social Democratic party threatened party unity at a point when the party could least afford the cleavages an atomic weapons decision would create. Seizing on the dual issues of nuclear disarmament and inadequate technical capabilities, the Government successfully pursued a policy of postponing a decision for nearly fifteen years. By the late 1960's, the vast arsenals of the superpowers and progress in disarmament efforts made it possible for the Government to officially decide not to acquire nuclear weapons.
In: Cooperation and conflict: journal of the Nordic International Studies Association, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 189-208
ISSN: 1460-3691
Superpower development of tactical nuclear weapons appeared to alter the nature of land combat in the early 1950's. By 1954, the military and the Conservative party ad vocated acquisition of such weapons for Sweden's defense. The other political parties and the Government were ambivalent. In particular, conflicting opinions within the ruling Social Democratic party threatened party unity at a point when the party could least afford the cleavages an atomic weapons decision would create. Seizing on the dual issues of nuclear disarmament and inadequate technical capabilities, the Government successfully pursued a policy of postponing a decision for nearly fif teen years. By the late 1960's, the vast arsenals of the superpowers and progress in disarmament efforts made it possible for the Government to officially decide not to acquire nuclear weapons.