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16382 Ergebnisse
In: Reclams Universal-Bibliothek Nr. 14358
In: (Was bedeutet das alles?)
Weiße Menschen genießen im Alltag häufig eine Vielzahl an Privilegien - und bemerken sie zumeist nicht. In ihren "Privilege Papers", erschienen zwischen 1988 und 2009, identifiziert die US-amerikanische Sozialwissenschaftlerin Peggy McIntosh solche Situationen, in denen ihre schwarzen Mitbürger:innen eine Zurücksetzung, Benachteiligung oder Ausgrenzung erfahren. Und sie erkennt, dass Rassismus auch dort aufgespürt werden muss, wo es besonders schmerzhaft ist: in der eigenen Praxis und im eigenen Denken. Die zu Klassikern avancierten "Privilege Papers" liegen hier erstmals in deutschsprachiger Übersetzung vor. Ein eindrucksvoller Aufruf, die systemischen Mechanismen von Diskriminierung selbst im vermeintlich Kleinen zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen
In: Sociological perspectives, Band 54, Heft 1, S. 3-13
ISSN: 1533-8673
A scholarly literature on the intersectional realities of race, class, gender, and sexual privilege exists, but professors often struggle with how to teach it, especially given our own (often) privileged positions. Here, the author describes how he uses self-reflexive story-telling as a point of entre to encourage students to think about their own lives within a matrix of privilege and subordination. He shows how stories can illuminate the central role played by ideologies of individual meritocracy in privileged peoples' narratives. The author argues that personal stories are limited unless they also are contextualized within structural analyses that illuminate collective agency. He ends by describing an undergraduate study of USC janitors that reveals how the institution constrains these low-wage workers, while putting into stark relief the relative privilege of students and faculty. He concludes that a pedagogy of privilege should always be grounded in the standpoints of subordinated groups of people.
Between 1933 and 1945 the right to asylum did not exist. The decisive factor for a successful escape from the National Socialism was finding a country offering refuge. Although Canada had a long history of immigration from German-speaking regions to look back on, it generally kept its doors closed to these refugees. This thesis focuses on the German-speaking refugees who did find refuge in Canada; some Jews, about 1000 Social Democrats from the Sudetenland and those refugees deported from Britain in 1940. Annette Puckhaber addresses the question of the circumstances under which they came and settled in Canada. Three biographical accounts illustrate the experience of the flight from a subjective viewpoint. As a contrast, the author discusses the reasons for the Canadian immigration policies which led to the admittance of the refugees: They extend from economical considerations to protection of its international reputation. In summary, for the refugees, acceptance into the country was a matter of survival. The government in Ottawa however considered immigration to Canada - regardless of its circumstances - as a privilege in itself: a privilege extended to the few.
In: Little books that make you THINK
Introduction : What "everybody knows" about white privilege -- White privilege is only about race -- Only white people have white privilege -- White people should feel guilty -- White people should figure out how to get rid of their white privilege -- White people should figure out how to help people of color.
In: Opposing viewpoints series
"The word privilege gets thrown around a lot during discussions of inequality in America, whether it be about race, gender, or wealth. But how serious an issue is privilege, really? Is it manufactured by marginalized groups? Should those with marked advantages feel threatened? America prides itself on democratic ideals and advancement through merit and hard work. Are these ideals based on a lie? And if so, what practical solutions can be undertaken to level the playing field? Presenting a wide variety of perspectives from authoritative voices, this volume unpacks a complex issue that many are uncomfortable confronting"--
In: Being female in America
Men receive certain privileges that impact the daily lives of women and keep women in lower positions in society. This book looks at the history of male privilege, the current issues surrounding this topic, and steps people can take to eliminate sexist practices --
In: Presidential studies quarterly, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 237-246
ISSN: 0360-4918
World Affairs Online
In: EBL-Schweitzer
Preliminary; Bildung als Privileg - Ursachen, Mechanismen, Prozesse und Wirkungen; Bildung als Privileg und Fluch - zum Zusammenhang zwischen lebensweltlichen und institutionalisierten Bildungsprozessen; Soziale Ungleichheit im Bildungsverlauf: zum Verhältnis von Bildungsinstitutionen und Entscheidungen; Soziale Ungleichheit und Kinderbetreuung. Eine Analyse der sozialen und ökonomischen Determinanten der Nutzung von Kindertageseinrichtungen; Vom Nutzen vorschulischer Erziehung und Elementarbildung: Bessere Bildungschancen für Arbeiterkinder?
Blog: Verfassungsblog
Last week, the Indian Supreme Court delivered its judgment in Sita Soren v. Union of India, holding that parliamentary privilege – the constitutionally recognized legal immunity of legislators – does not extend to bribe-taking for exercising their legislative vote or speech a certain way. In this blog post, I discuss the Court's formulation of the essentiality test, as well as its conclusions on the availability of privilege for bribe-taking. I argue that while the ruling can strengthen democratic institutions since it protects the integrity of legislative processes, certain risks in the essentiality test's composition – which risk depriving important legislative functions of privilege – must be addressed.
Blog: Crooked Timber
A post I wrote last week sparked a lively debate, and one strand of that debate was whether it is appropriate to use the term "privilege" ("cis privilege" in particular) to describe the phenomena I was talking about. I identified mainly two clusters of objections, but please do let me know in the comments if […]
In: Presidential studies quarterly, Band 16, S. 237-246
ISSN: 0360-4918
Differing views of Congress and the President on withholding information from the legislative and judicial branches of government. Some emphasis on the Nixon years.
In: Race in America
Everyone's daily lives are affected by race and racism in America. White Privilege examines the historical forces that have disadvantaged people of color and discusses how these forces continue to influence the media, education, politics, and other areas of life today. Features include essential facts, a glossary, references, websites, source notes, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO