
2457 Ergebnisse


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Working paper

Blogbeitrag#215. Februar 2024

Landry offers welcome change in budgeting

Blog: Between The Lines

Open Access#32017

Cognitive Processing of Consumer Credit Offers


Blogbeitrag#414. Juli 2023

BC offers wasting money to thwart popular will

Blog: Between The Lines

Blogbeitrag#513. Juli 2023

New Jones Act Ship Offers Cautionary Tale of Shipbuilding Protectionism

Blog: Cato at Liberty

Open Access#62008

Designing payments for ecosystem services: Lessons from previous experience with incentive-based mechanisms


Blogbeitrag#75. Juni 2024

'We are the world power': Biden offers defense of US primacy

Blog: Responsible Statecraft

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#9Juni 1997

The Sickle or the Rose?: Previous Regime Types and the Evolution of the Ex-Communist Parties in Post-Communist Politics

In: Comparative political studies: CPS, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 299-330

ISSN: 1552-3829

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#10März 1979

Adaptive disposal models

In: Naval research logistics: an international journal, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 33-40

ISSN: 1520-6750

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State restrictions of hostile takeovers

In: Publius: the journal of federalism, Band 18, S. 67-79

ISSN: 0048-5950

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Open Access#122013

Přednášky na téma ekologie a ochrany přírody – předchozí znalost a postoje univerzitních studentů prvních ročníků ; Lectures on ecology and environmental protection – previous knowledge and present attitudes of first year university students


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Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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World Affairs Online