Virginia Woolf & Postmodernism: Literature in Quest & Question of Itself
Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism argues not that Virginia Woolf is a postmodernist but that postmodern assumptions about art can account for her narrative innovations and feminist politics better than conventional modernist and feminist approaches to her works. In rethinking many of the prominent aesthetic and critical positions of her day, Woolf anticipated many postmodernist tenets. This book helps us to understand how and why she came to hold such views, and how we might change our reading of Woolf and narrative literature in turn. Pamela Caughie brings together pragmatism and postmodern theory to move critical inquiry, particularly feminist criticism and narrative theory, in new directions. Using all of Virginia Woolf's novels, as well as her criticism and nonfiction essay s, this volume offers a unique reading of Woolf through it unrelenting pursuit of a pragmatically reoriented feminist thinking.