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55238 Ergebnisse
The purpose of this course is to explore various aspects of political communication in the UnitedStates. Our first topic will be presidential rhetoric and the rhetorical presidency. As we explorethis topic, we will investigate the historical development of presidential communication and themajor genres which help shape and structure that communication. Our second topic will bepolitical campaigns and the evolution of the "long campaign," particularly its inescapableconnection to mass media. Our third topic will be grassroots and resistance politicalcommunication. Here, our focus will be on the nontraditional approaches taken by ordinarycitizens and citizen groups as they strive to have their voices heard and impact policy.
The term "strategic communication" traditionally has been understood as referring to external corporate communication, such as public relations, marketing communication, and advertising, with insufficient consideration beyond its role as a tool of persuasive influence. In recent years, however, the field of strategic communication has evolved to be more holistic in its approach and its role within sociocultural contexts. Articles, textbooks, and handbooks have attempted to define the scope, purpose, and nature of the concept, but as the first major comprehensive work of its kind, The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication captures the full scope of contemporary theory and practice in strategic communication. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
In: Political communication, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 258-260
ISSN: 1058-4609
In: Political communication: an international journal, Band 28, Heft 2, S. 258-260
ISSN: 1091-7675
This review seeks to introduce political communication by showing the kinds of studies currently published. Of necessity not complete, it does not list every study nor does it include every possible approach to political communication, but only those published in the sample of journals—one hopes enough to indicate the scope of this wide area of communication study
In: Politics study guides
This introduction to the study of political communication covers the following subjects:*The history of the media in the UK and the USA including the concentration of ownership and the emergence of new media technologies*The relationship between the media and political parties, especially the effect the media has had on the policies and internal power structures of parties and other organisations such as pressure groups*Media influence on the electorate and the conduct of democratic politics*The constitutional significance of the politics of the mediaThe first part of the book focuses on the s
In: Politics Study Guides
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Boxes -- Tables -- Preface -- Introduction -- CHAPTER 1. Party Political Communication in Historical Perspective -- CHAPTER 2. The Modern Communication Strategy -- CHAPTER 3. Constituency Campaigning in the Post- Modern Age -- CHAPTER 4. Political Advertising -- CHAPTER 5. News Management: the Rise of the Spin Doctor -- CHAPTER 6. Government Communications -- CHAPTER 7. Media Bias -- CHAPTER 8. Media Power and Media Effects: Theories and Realities -- CHAPTER 9. Media Policy (1): Ownership -- CHAPTER 10. Media Policy (2): Content -- References -- Index
In: Talking politics: a journal for students and teachers of politics, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 197
ISSN: 0955-8780
In: Strategic Research and Political Communications for NGOs: Initiating Policy Change: Accenture-Stiftung, Germany, School of Communication Management, International University in Germany, Bruchsal, the Banyan, India, S. 107-121
In: Swiss political science review: SPSR = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft = Revue suisse de science politique, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 135-137
ISSN: 1424-7755
In: International journal of public opinion research, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 233-236
ISSN: 0954-2892