La dette des pays en developpement
In: notes et etudes documentaires 4521-4522
35925 Ergebnisse
In: notes et etudes documentaires 4521-4522
In: Notes et études documentaires, No. 5124
World Affairs Online
In: Pouvoirs: revue française d'études constitutionelles et politiques, Heft 142, S. 93-105
The 2007-2009 crisis, followed by the debt crisis of the euro zone, has amplified the already initiated shift of the center of gravity of the world's economy toward large emerging countries. Nowadays, economic dynamism and growth seem to belong to developing countries, whose heterogeneity remains, however, significant. Each group of countries is confronted with specific problems. Rather than trying to incorporate developing countries into the existing globalization framework, industrialized countries should be ready to negotiate with them the contours of a new governance, better adapted to the ongoing shift and to the defense of essential global public goods. To do this, they have a suitable instrument, development aid, which once modernized, could provide the bases for a genuine global public policy. Adapted from the source document.
Agriculture, like any other economic activities, is subjected to the effects of the general economic policy. Among these effects, there are the variations of exchange rate, the taxation, interest rate, the price ratios, etc. In this study, I will deal with some specific issues of the agricultural policy and focus on three types of agricultural policies without which there would be no possible development in agriculture. For this reason, it is particularly necessary to review the policies suggested, and to examine under which conditions they can contribute to achieve the goals assigned in order to ensure the development of a productive and competitive agriculture respectful of the environment.
In: Rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies, Band 1986/1987, S. 246-290
World Affairs Online
Der erste Teil des Buches versucht eine Bestandsaufnahme: Situation der Verschuldung, die Entwicklung der Verschuldung der Entwicklungsländer (EL) und die Effekte der Verschuldung (Deflation der Ökonomien, Verschlechterung der sozialen Situation) werden dargestellt. Der zweite Teil widmet sich Lösungsstrategien und -konzepten: den Umschuldungen im Rahmen des Pariser und Londoner Clubs, den von den EL vorgeschlagenen Vorgehensweisen, dem Baker- und Bradley-Plan (u.a.), den Vorsclägen der UNCTAD, des IWF und der multilateralen Entwicklungsbanken. Im Anhang Beschlußfassung des Sondergipfels der OAU in Addis Abeba zur Schuldensituation vom 1.12.1987 und 9.12.1987 (in frz. Sprache) sowie des Baker-Plans (d.h. die Rede von Baker am 8.10.1985 auf der Jahrestagung von IWF und Weltbank, in engl. Sprache). (DÜI-Sbd)
World Affairs Online
In: Futuribles: l'anticipation au service de l'action ; revue bimestrielle, Heft 175, S. 31
ISSN: 0183-701X, 0337-307X
In: Mondes en développement, Band 39, Heft 1
ISSN: 1782-1444
In: Futuribles: l'anticipation au service de l'action ; revue bimestrielle, Heft 181, S. 3
ISSN: 0183-701X, 0337-307X
In: Population: revue bimestrielle de l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. French edition, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 105
ISSN: 0718-6568, 1957-7966
World Affairs Online
In: Bulletin de l'Afrique noire, Band 40, Heft 1880, S. 10-12
ISSN: 0045-3501, 0153-4157
World Affairs Online
In: Revue d'économie politique, Heft 4
ISSN: 0373-2630
The paper proposes a theoretical model of Industrial Economics to analyze the interactions between domestic and export sectors of developing countries and their role in the availability of food supply in the domestic market sectors. The analysis takes into account the scarcity of agricultural land and evaluates two public policies: a production quota reserved for domestic markets and imposed to exporters and a subsidy to producers specialized in domestic crop. We show how a minimum production quota reserved for domestic markets does not suffice, when practiced separately, to simultaneously satisfy food security and producers participation objectives. Conversely, a sub- sidy for producers specialized in domestic crop can satisfy those two objectives. A combination of these two instruments (subsidy and minimum domestic production quota) is more effective than a single intervention to increase the total available supply but less effective for improving the participation of local producers, which is better when only subsidy is used. Adapted from the source document.
In: Population: revue bimestrielle de l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques. French edition, Band 49, Heft 3, S. 798
ISSN: 0718-6568, 1957-7966