Die NATO und die Partnerschaft für den Frieden ; NATO and Partnership for Peace ; NATO i Partnerstvo za mir
The paper discusses the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; its political and defense identity since its creation in 1949 until today; the process of building its interior structure; generation of procedures during confrontations with the Soviet Union and its proxies, as well as the current political and security challenges. For this, NATO has created a multitude of security arrangements, and eventually the Partnership for Peace too, which continue even today. ; U radu se razmatra stvaranje Severnoatlantske ugovorne organizacije, njenog političko-odbrambenog identiteta od nastanka 1949. do danas, proces izgradnje njene unutrašnje strukture, nastajanja procedura tokom suočavanja sa Sovjetskim Savezom i njegovim, satelitima, kao i današnjim izazovima politike i bezbednosti. Radi toga NATO je kreirao mnoštvo bezbednosnih aranžmana, a naposletku i 'Partnerstvo za mir', koji su aktuelni i danas.