Participatory backcasting: Building pathways towards reconciliation?
In: Futures, Band 122, S. 102603
28 Ergebnisse
In: Futures, Band 122, S. 102603
In: Socio-economic planning sciences: the international journal of public sector decision-making, Band 82, S. 101248
ISSN: 0038-0121
In: Futures: the journal of policy, planning and futures studies, Band 164, S. 103463
ISSN: 1873-6378
In: Futures, Band 134, S. 102833
[Abstract] A participatory backcasting methodology has been developed for the GLAMURS project, entitled participatory backcasting for sustainable lifestyles and a green economy. It consists of two stakeholder workshops; a first workshop for problem exploration and development of visions for sustainable lifestyle and a green economy followed by a second workshop focussing on pathways and implementation.In six regions studied in the GLAMURS project vision workshops have been successfully executed. Thirteen visions have been generated. Visions have been compared on several dimensions including (1) sufficiency versus green growth, (2) individual versus community orientation, (3) governance by government or market, and (4) urban versus rural focus. ; The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement Nº 613420
In: Society and economy: journal of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Band 43, Heft 4, S. 314-330
ISSN: 1588-970X
AbstractIt is now becoming widely accepted that our economy has reached the limits both in terms of the carrying capacity of our planet and in terms of bringing real social justice to the table. Degrowth is a research area that aims to transcend mainstream approaches. While moving beyond the growth paradigm would entail serious changes in all areas of social life and Degrowth research extends into most of them, the transformation of sports is not among them. Neither is Degrowth a recognised concept among those who deal with sports. The participatory backcasting research introduced in this paper attempts to fill this void. In the backcasting project, master students of sports economics envisioned the sustainable future of sports and identified potential intervention steps that lead towards such normative states. This paper describes the results and assesses those elements that aim for strong sustainability. The results show that relocalisation and the sharing economy are the most accepted Degrowth concepts in a normative scenario on sustainable sports in this group. At the same time, the paper offers frameworks of thoughts for those who want to move beyond the slogans of sustainability either as responsible citizens or in positions related to the world of sports.
In: Environment and behavior: eb ; publ. in coop. with the Environmental Design Research Association, Band 49, Heft 9, S. 1007-1037
ISSN: 1552-390X
Pro-environmental behaviors have been analyzed in the home, with little attention to other important contexts of everyday life, such as the workplace. The research reported here explored three categories of pro-environmental behavior (consumption of materials and energy, waste generation, and work-related commuting) in a public large-scale organization in Spain, with the aim of identifying the most effective policy options for a sustainable organization. Agent-based modeling was used to design a virtual simulation of the organization. Psychologically informed profiles of employees were defined using data gathered through a questionnaire, measuring knowledge, motivations, and ability. Future scenarios were developed using a participatory backcasting scenario development methodology, and policy tracks were derived. Dynamic simulations indicated that, to be effective, organizational policy should strengthen worker participation and autonomy, be sustained over time, and should combine different measures of medium intensity for behavior change, instead of isolated policies of high intensity.
In: Pihlajamäki , M , Sarkki , S & Haapasaari , P E 2018 , ' Food security and safety in fisheries governance : A case study on Baltic herring ' , Marine Policy , vol. 97 , pp. 211-219 .
One of the objectives of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is to increase the contribution of fisheries to fish food availability and self-sufficiency. Still, the use of catch is often a secondary concern in fisheries governance and management – or not a concern at all – while the focus is on harvesting. This paper examines how the use of forage fish for human consumption can be increased within the limits of sustainability, using Baltic herring as a case study. Baltic herringcontains high levels ofdioxins and the humanconsumption is very low: the catches are mostly used for industrial purposes. The paper uses a participatory backcasting exercise to define a desirable future vision for the use of Baltic herring catch and to develop pathways of actor-specific governance actions to increase the use of the fish as a safe-to-eat food. The results reveal that increasing the contribution of forage fish, such as Baltic herring, to food security entails a paradigm shift in fisheries governance that involves 1) inclusion of well-defined objectives for catch use in the EU CFP and the related regional multiannual plans, 2) broadening thescope of theMSY-driven governance and management to one that addresses catch use, and 3) proactivecatch use governance.
Abstract One of the objectives of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is to increase the contribution of fisheries to fish food availability and self-sufficiency. Still, the use of catch is often a secondary concern in fisheries governance and management — or not a concern at all — while the focus is on harvesting. This paper examines how the use of forage fish for human consumption can be increased within the limits of sustainability, using Baltic herring as a case study. Baltic herring contains high levels of dioxins and the human consumption is very low: the catches are mostly used for industrial purposes. The paper uses a participatory backcasting exercise to define a desirable future vision for the use of Baltic herring catch and to develop pathways of actor-specific governance actions to increase the use of the fish as a safe-to-eat food. The results reveal that increasing the contribution of forage fish, such as Baltic herring, to food security entails a paradigm shift in fisheries governance that involves 1) inclusion of well-defined objectives for catch use in the EU CFP and the related regional multiannual plans, 2) broadening the scope of the MSY-driven governance and management to one that addresses catch use, and 3) proactive catch use governance.
Working paper
One of the objectives of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is to increase the contribution of fisheries to fish food availability and self-sufficiency. Still, the use of catch is often a secondary concern in fisheries governance and management – or not a concern at all – while the focus is on harvesting. This paper examines how the use of forage fish for human consumption can be increased within the limits of sustainability, using Baltic herring as a case study. Baltic herring contains high levels of dioxins and the human consumption is very low: the catches are mostly used for industrial purposes. The paper uses a participatory backcasting exercise to define a desirable future vision for the use of Baltic herring catch and to develop pathways of actor-specific governance actions to increase the use of the fish as a safe-to-eat food. The results reveal that increasing the contribution of forage fish, such as Baltic herring, to food security entails a paradigm shift in fisheries governance that involves 1) inclusion of well-defined objectives for catch use in the EU CFP and the related regional multiannual plans, 2) broadening the scope of the MSY-driven governance and management to one that addresses catch use, and 3) proactive catch use governance. ; Peer reviewed
Slum rehabilitation policies in India is observed to have a rebound effect on the occupants, where rehabilitated occupants move back to the horizontal slums. In this study, we investigate the cause behind this rebound phenomenon based on a theory of homeostasis, where the loss of homeostasis refers to occupants' heightened discomfort and distress in their built environment. A novel methodological framework was developed to investigate it based on the principles of participatory backcasting approach and the theory of homeostasis. Thirty households in Mumbai's slum rehabilitation housing were interviewed to determine the social, economic and environmental cause of distress and discomfort. Granular information was obtained by further investigating the factors that influence occupants' attitude, emotions, health, control and habits in their built environment that regulates their holistic comfort and lack of stress. The causal linkages among these factors were established using a qualitative fault tree. Results show two primary cause of distress and discomfort in the study area owing to economic distress and built environment related discomfort. Economic distress was from low-income and high electricity bills due to higher household appliance ownership, and built environment discomfort was due to lack of social spaces and poor design of the slum rehabilitation housing. This study showed that mitigating such non-income drivers of distress and discomfort can prevent rebound phenomenon and improve the sustainability of the slum rehabilitation process. ; RD would like to thank the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and the Cambridge Trust for support through the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship 2017-18 (INSS-2017-339) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for support through the Gates-Cambridge Scholarship 2018-21 (OPP1144). RB would like to thank Charles Wallace India Trust for supporting her as a CWIT Fellow- 2018 at CRASSH, University of Cambridge. Part of this study is supported by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India project 'FAST' (Grant No. 14MHRD005) and IRCC-IIT Bombay Fund (Grant No. 16IRCC561015) and the British Academy Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects titled 'Gender and household energy: female participation in designing domestic energy in India's slum rehabilitation housing' (Grant No. KF1\100033). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding bodies and supporting organisations.
Scenario analysis is particularly useful when major changes are required to reach climate change goals over a longer time period. Backcasting provides one approach to develop policy packages that together will help achieve these objectives, but one missing element has been the role that stakeholder engagement can play in the identification of suitable policy measures, in the packaging process, and in determining the suitability, the feasibility and the timescale involved. This paper develops a novel dynamic participatory process to address the policy-implementation gap through the engagement of practitioners, policy makers and researchers in a series of workshops that allow these issues to be discussed in an open deliberative process. The spatial context taken is the Andalusia region (Spain), where there is a clear policy desire to implement a sustainable transport strategy for 2050. The paper outlines the methodological process, the development of the policy pathways, the dialogue process, the refinement of the policy pathways, the final strategy, and it then reflects on the usefulness of stakeholder engagement in the policy formulation process.
In: World futures review: a journal of strategic foresight, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 270-278
ISSN: 2169-2793
Backcasting is a Futures method that starts with a preferred future and works back to the present, identifying actions over time needed to achieve the preferred future. But there are few specifics in the Backcasting literature on how to develop the pathway that connects a preferred future to the present. This article describes a participatory process for Backcasting that uses a structure similar to the Futures Wheel to develop the pathway from the preferred future back to the present. A case study of U.S. Forest Service organizational planning is used to illustrate the method.
В условиях новой индустриализации возрастает роль энергоэффективности и энергосбережения как необходимых условий, обеспечивающих эффективное функционирование промышленности при увеличении производственных мощностей и энергопотребления. В статье анализируются факторы, влияющие на энергоэффективность российских компаний. В качестве метода исследования выбран метод обратного прогнозирования с привлечением заинтересованных сторон с целью выявления основных барьеров, препятствующих повышению энергоэффективности, и факторов, способствующих развитию корпоративной социально-экологической ответственности (КСЭО) российского бизнеса: экономических, социальных, политических (управленческих), технологических (научных) и экологических. ; In the new industrialization the role of energy efficiency and energy conservation is rising as essential requirement to ensuring the effective functioning of the industry with production capacity and energy consumption increasing. The paper analyzes the factors affecting the energy efficiency of Russian companies. As a research method, the participatory backcasting approach was applied in order to identify the main barriers to energy efficiency, and the factors contributing to the development of corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) of Russian business: economic, social, political (managerial), technological (scientific) and environmental.