Afghanistan: Parallels And Anti-Parallels
In: Perceptions: journal of international affairs, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 5-20
ISSN: 1300-8641
29467 Ergebnisse
In: Perceptions: journal of international affairs, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 5-20
ISSN: 1300-8641
In: Außeruniversitäre Aktion: Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft im Gespräch, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 49-56
ISSN: 2750-1949
In: The current digest of the post-Soviet press, Band 74, Heft 20, S. 14-14
In: Topoi
"Parallele Raumkonzepte" -- Einführung in das Thema der Tagung; Parallel Spatial Concepts" -- Introduction to the Theme of the Conference; An English Settlement in Tsenacomoco; Der, Urwald' als Lebens- und Projektionsraum: Das innere Zentralafrika; Geschlechtsbezogene Kommunikationsräume -- Zeichen paralleler Welten?; Zentralorte in parallelen Raumstrukturen; Bandkeramik und Mesolithikum: Abfolge oder Koexistenz; Vom Muschelhaufen zum Langhügel: Ertebølle und Trichterbecher -- Landschaften als divergierende Raumkonzepte; Parallele Raumkonzepte: Bronzezeitliche Rituallandschaften.
In: Topoi 16
In: Topoi – Berlin Studies of the Ancient World/Topoi – Berliner Studien der Alten Welt 16
Unterschiedliche soziale Gruppen (Identitäten) nutzten den Raum nicht nur in spezifischer Weise, sondern entwickelten auch sehr eigene Raumkonzepte, die häufig parallel bestehen. Unter Betrachtung dieser parallelen, vielschichtigen Raumnutzung lässt sich die Dynamik der Prozesse im Raum besser abbilden. Die Beiträge des Bandes untersuchen diese Fragestellung aus mannigfaltiger Perspektive.
In: DS Thoroughgood Series v.1
PARALLEL LINES is the story of a deadly rivalry on both sides of the law. With criminal rival and would be underworld kingpin Declan Meehan on the verge of controlling Glasgow's lucrative illegal drug trade, Detective Sergeant Angus Thoroughgood vows to bring him down.An edgy and fast-paced crime thriller set in the seedy criminal underworld of Glasgow, Scotland, Parallel Lines is the first book in the critically-acclaimed DS Thoroughgood series. With Meechan bludgeoning his competition into submission, seizing the city piece by piece, his conflict with Thoroughgood gets all too personal when Celine Lynott, the woman who broke Angus' heart ten-years earlier, falls for his nemesis.Parallel Lines sees author RJ Mitchell drawing from his twelve years of experience as a Glasgow police officer to drag readers into the city's sleazy underbelly to encounter the violent and lawless stories that can be found there.
In: Revista Kavilando, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 73-80
ISSN: 2027-2391, 2344-7125
This essay seeks to make a historic approximation of the life and work of Antonio Maria Valencia Zamorano, conducting a parallel with the life and work of Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, who have similarities in their private lives. It is those similarities that will allow us to discover the value, both intellectual and artistic Colombian author who without a shadow of a doubt we can
match the distances while keeping temporary contextual and magnitude of the works of both artists. This approach should take place in the points that resemble and describes as a parallel and juxtaposition
of facts that mark for life.
In: Portal: journal of multidisciplinary international studies, Band 14, Heft 1
ISSN: 1449-2490
James Worner is an Australian-based writer and scholar currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Technology Sydney. His research seeks to expose masculinities lost in the shadow of Australia's Anzac hegemony while exploring new opportunities for contemporary historiography. He is the recipient of the Doctoral Scholarship in Historical Consciousness at the university's Australian Centre of Public History and will be hosted by the University of Bologna during 2017 on a doctoral research writing scholarship. 'Parallel Lines' is one of a collection of stories, The Shapes of Us, exploring liminal spaces of modern life: class, gender, sexuality, race, religion and education. It looks at lives, like lines, that do not meet but which travel in proximity, simultaneously attracted and repelled. James' short stories have been published in various journals and anthologies.
In: Ecocene: Cappadocia journal of environmental humanities
ISSN: 2717-8943
In: French politics, culture and society, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 95-107
ISSN: 1558-5271
Philippe Herzog and Jean-Louis Moynot were members of the top leaderships of the Parti Communiste Français (PCF) and the Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT), respectively. Each participated in and lived through the dramatic years from the 1960s through the 1980s when both organizations first supported Union de la Gauche and then turned away from it, eventually precipitating both into decline in ways that would transform eventually the French political and trade union left. The strategic shifts underlying these deep and significant changes were traumatic for those who lived through them. Herzog and Moynot have recently published memoirs detailing their experiences of this period and their political lives thereafter. Both books, in different ways, give us new and important understandings of what happened during a critical moment of change in French politics.
Schooling is generally a culture, a context, where there are particular behaviors that are allowable and those that are not. What we allow, recommend, and encourage for both our students and teachers says a great deal about what our society believes about freedom, empowerment, politics, and controversy. This article shares a theoretical view of the authoritarian school structure and its impact on both students and teachers. While this is a primarily theoretical piece, the author also shares examples from current research that paint a picture of the unfortunate teacher-society and teacher-student interactions, but also the potential for meaningful human engagement.